How to Develop Target Audiences for Your Brand

Identifying a target audience is important for your business because it will help you refocus your efforts and resources on reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Understanding who your target audience is allows you to tailor your marketing messages, develop products and services that meet their specific needs, and create a brand image that resonates with them.

Knowing who your target audience is can help you save time and money by focusing your efforts on marketing channels that are most effective for reaching that group of people. You will only have to reach out to people who would be interested in your business. They will be able to give you feedback about how they feel your products can improve. When you understand your target audience’s needs and preferences, you can create products and services that meet their specific requirements, which can improve their overall experience and satisfaction.

Using their feedback will be helpful when you upgrade products. Once they realize that the products are exactly what they want they will continue to buy from your brand. By catering to your target audience’s needs and preferences, you can build a loyal customer base that is more likely to continue to purchase from you and recommend your products or services to others. By tailoring your messaging to your target audience, you can create more effective marketing campaigns that resonate with them and increase the likelihood of conversion. Identifying your target audience is crucial for any business or organization that wants to be successful. It allows you to focus your efforts and resources on the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer, which can lead to increased customer loyalty, improved customer experience, and better marketing messaging.

Finding your target audience involves understanding who your ideal customer is and what their needs, wants, and preferences are. Conducting market research can provide valuable insights into your potential customers’ demographics, psychographics, behavior, and preferences. You can gather this information through surveys, focus groups, customer feedback, social media monitoring, and other research methods. This can be a longer process, so it is best to start right away.

Surveys and research will help you understand the psychographic and demographic information of your target audience. Analyze your existing customer base to identify common characteristics such as age, gender, income, location, interests, and behavior. This information can help you create buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. These people will be more likely to buy from you, so being able to identify what they prefer in products is crucial for success. Next it is important to look at your competitors and analyze their target audience. Identify what makes your product or service different from theirs and who is most likely to benefit from those differences.

Social media marketing agencies are helpful when discovering your brand’s target audience. Marketing agencies have the skills and resources to figure out what your target audience is. They will use data analytics tools to track and analyze your website traffic, social media engagement, and other metrics. This data can help you identify patterns and trends in your audience’s behavior and preferences.

Once you have identified your target audience, refine it by focusing on the most profitable segments. This may involve developing specific marketing messages and strategies to appeal to different customer segments. You can gain a better understanding of your target audience and create marketing messages and strategies that resonate with them. It is also important to remember to continually monitor and adjust your approach as your audience’s needs and preferences may change over time.

How Social Media Can Benefit HR

Social media allows for people to connect with people they did not meet in real life. People who are far away geographically can be connected via social media. Social media is a great tool for the human resources field; people become more connected through social media. It is a valuable tool for people in this profession, it helps businesses attract job candidates. Social media can also be a great place to engage with employees that are already a part of the company. Using social media as a tool is one way to promote inclusion in a company as well. It is a way to find employees that are from diverse backgrounds. Seeing what people are up to on social media can help people stay connected as well.

Recruitment can be done on social media, which is a large part of human relations. Social media can be a wonderful tool for sourcing job candidates. Human resources departments can use different forms of social media to recruit new employees to their company. One form of social media that is good for recruitment is LinkedIn. On LinkedIn you can recruit individuals to your company. LinkedIn is a great example of social media that is good for the human resources field. LinkedIn is built for people to connect in the business world, which is perfect for human resources. People use this to promote themselves or their company. Jobs are posted on LinkedIn all the time, and it is a common way most people will find their job. People look on social media to find jobs among other things. Social media makes the candidate pool wider than it would be without. Since you can reach people across the world on social media, there is a more divorce candidate pool for a lot of jobs. People will come from many different backgrounds; this leads to having a more diverse workplace. More ideas will come from a diverse group of employees, which will better your company. Being able to connect with people through social media is important even in a professional way. 

Relationships with employees can be preserved through social media. Your reputation as a brand is defined by the employee’s experience working there. They might showcase this on their social media. Human resources can utilize this to understand why employees might have a low success rate. On social media, employees can find a sense of community within a brand. Company news and employee recognition can be shared on social media. This will facilitate communication and collaboration within the company. Through social media, you can see how your experience differs from competitors. Learning about your competitors and how successful they are is important for being successful within your own company. Social media will help businesses understand their competitors better, it gives them access to the inside of their brand. 

On social media, you can showcase your brand and what you stand for. The human relationships part of your company can use social media to highlight the values of your brand. When people are searching for a place to work this is something they want to know about a company. Having it be easily accessible to anyone is a helpful aid in that process; this will help to attract talent and community easier. Highlighting employees and company events can be one way to do this. People searching for the company will be able to get a good feel for the company by browsing your social media profiles.

This all being said, having guidelines in place for using social media in human relations is important as well. Making sure that social media is used ethically and in a responsible manor is important. Furthermore, social media is still a very effective way to improve human relations within a company. It is beneficial for recruiting new individuals to a company. It can also be important so that your brand can understand competitors. Competitors can be closely compared on social media; it is easier than any other type of engagement with competitors. Individuals who are looking for a job will be able to understand what your company stands for by looking through your social media pages. Overall using social media in the human relations field is beneficial and your human relations team can use social media to enhance your company. 

How To Host a Social Media Giveaway Contest

Anyone running a business today should know that social media is one of the most integral and powerful tools around. Companies and influencers are able to use social media to connect with consumers, market products, and even promote their own brands. In order to maximize the benefits of this platform and generate quality engagement, businesses and brands often host social media giveaways or contests. Essentially, a social media giveaway is a raffle that grants followers a chance to win a prize while boosting engagement for the company. In this article, we will share the best tips and tricks for running a seamless social media giveaway from start to finish. 

1. Define your goal and platform 

Before planning your giveaway, you must define the goal you aim to achieve. Goals for giveaways can range from brand awareness to gaining followers to product promotion. When working with a digital creative agency like Bright Age, we will help you hone in on the most efficacious goal for your company. 

Once your goal is determined, you will need to decide which social media platform to promote your giveaway on. The type of target audience you aim to reach with this giveaway is dependent on what platform you use. It is common for a brand to promote a giveaway contest on several platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. 

Person writing the word audience on a white board with an Expo marker. There are arrows targeting towards the word audience.

2. Set Rules 

To ensure that the giveaway is fair and easy to execute, the company must set rules.For example, in order to enter the giveaway the rules may state that a user must follow the brand, like the post, and comment.In this case, less is more. Easier rules yield a more successful giveaway! Oftentimes, you will see the brand asking the followers to tag a friend so they can bring more engagement to their page. For example, in order to enter the giveaway the rules may state that a user must follow the brand, like the post, and comment.Many brands will develop a campaign hashtag to continue driving people to the giveaway. This hashtag will represent the band and will ensure that contestants remember that they are entering a giveaway associated with the company. 

3. Decide on a Prize & Hashtag

There are endless opportunities when deciding on a prize. Sometimes prizes can be smaller scale, such as sweaters or posters, but can also range from items like extravagant trips or electronics. The prize you decide on should be in line with your budget and also with your goals. The type of prize you set typically dictates what type of participants will enter your giveaway.

4. Pick a Winner

Here comes the fun part! There are many ways to pick a winner for a social media giveaway, including randomly selecting a winner or choosing a winner based on prior engagement or demonstrated interest. It is worth mentioning, however, that if you will be choosing the winner (or multiple winners) at random, you should let your audience know. Sometimes at the bottom of a giveaway post, brands will write, “the winner will be chosen randomly on 2.23.2023,” just so the contestants know how the giveaway will operate. As always, transparency is key. 

5. Foster a Connection

Once you decide on a winner, feel free to contact them privately or post the announcement on your brand’s socials. It is important that as a brand, you reward all of your loyal followers and giveaway participants. This could be done with a follow up message or by letting the participants know that there are more exciting giveaways around the corner. By following up, individuals will feel as though the brand actually cares about them.

When working with a digital marketing agency like Bright Age, you will receive guidance on your social media giveaway from start to finish. We will be there every step of the way, from ideation to facilitation to ultimately ensuring you are generating the best engagement possible. We can’t wait to work with you! 

The Benefits of a Consistent Social Media Strategy

Having a consistent social media strategy is beneficial to any brand that wants to have a strong

social media presence. When brands post frequently on social media it creates a sense of

consistency throughout the brand. A brand’s content will be consumed more if they have a

consistent social media strategy. Having a plan when creating a consistent social media strategy

is essential, and digital marketing agencies like Bright Age can help with this. The brand’s

identity is formed through consistency; to have a strong identity the brand needs to be consistent.

Knowing your intended audience for your business is important. Figuring this out before you

create a social media strategy can help it work better. Posts will perform better if they are

targeted toward a certain group of people. Marketing toward a certain audience will help your

business gain more traction. It is also essential to know your primary focus when creating a

consistent social media strategy. Digital marketing agencies like Bright Age are there to help

brands create consistent social media strategies. Bright Age can make finding your target

audience and intended focus easy.

Social media marketing agencies can help brands with posting consistently since it can be hard

for brands to gather enough content to post constantly. Coming up with a successful strategy is

the best way to be consistent. A social media specialist would be able to analyze analytics to

understand what is performing best on a page. Analyzing the highest and lowest videos is

important to understand what content to create moving forward. Putting money behind your

best-received videos will reach viewers for the best price.

Posting on multiple channels on the same day of the week is a good way to reach your target

audience. Content can be reused on different channels are long as it is efficient. This can be a

good way to stay efficient and concise because it means you must produce less content. This will

save the company time and money. Consistently posting on the same days each week will also

bring a strong brand presence. Posting every other day would be over half the days of the week,

making for a good, consistent posting schedule. Companies that do this are more likely to be

successful because they are getting more exposure.

Creating content and uploading it can be hard to follow through on when working in other areas

of a business. Therefore, hiring a digital media agency to do this work for you may be very

helpful. Your social media presence can be enhanced by working with digital creative agencies to

help push out your content. Brands will benefit brands by giving them more of a following and a

bigger audience; they will be able to focus on other things besides content. Social media, over

the past decade, became the most popular way to advertise for brands. If a brand is not able to

upload on social media consistently then it will have a hard time gaining popularity and views.

Even for well-known brands it is important to have a strong social media presence. Businesses

will be able to reach more people when they have a consistent social media strategy.

What Is a Social Media Trend?

As social media continues to take the world and marketing strategies by storm, brands and companies must keep up with the ever-changing trends and themes that social media perpetuates. If we can understand trends and how they work, we can implement them to fit our goals to impact our audiences and our brand’s image positively.  

What Is a Trend? 

When considering what a trend is, think of a topic or idea that has increasing popularity at a specific point in time. The key here is time! Trends are temporary, and they change based on what is happening in the world and what is popular on social media at that exact moment. This transient nature is exactly why jumping on trends while they are hot is so crucial to the success of a brand’s social media engagements.  

Types of Trends 

Trends can come in many different forms and, specifically, often depend on the social media platform you are utilizing. Below are some characteristics of trends on various popular social media platforms.


Instagram is a great place to find trends because it stunts hashtags, reels, and meme-based trends that make a significant impact on audiences, primarily when discovered on the explore page. First, look at this brand that regularly takes advantage of the trending reels! You can also look here to see how brands can take advantage of trending hashtags on Instagram.


X trends differ from Instagram trends because they don’t require photo or video content! While you can post graphics, X incorporates hashtags, popular text formats, and trending prompts. Therefore, this is a great place to engage in timely trends quickly with your followers! You can read more about utilizing Twitter trending topics to your advantage here!  


TikTok is a hub for trending sounds, songs, and actions like dances or quick edits that users put into video content. TikTok is a place where video trends are widely shared, reproduced, and engaged with, so if you have strong film or audio content for your brand, this is a great place to start! 

There are also different kinds of trends outside of social media, that are beneficial for brands to pay attention to, such as industry-specific trends that apply directly to your brand’s line of work, or customer-specific trends, such as trending products or services. Here is an excellent example of an industry-specific trend in the film industry!  

How Can You Spot a Trend? 

Spotting a trend is not always a walk in the park, especially with the timely nature of what is trending. One good way to assess trending content is first to understand the platform that you are looking at. For example, TikTok trends are much easier to come by, as you can simply gauge this by looking at the “Trending” page for inspiration and the popular topics of the day. However, determining trends on Instagram or Twitter is more complex and up to you to interpret. On these platforms, look for widely used hashtags or common memes that often show up in your feed! It is also helpful to listen to your audience or speak to other influencers to gauge what people want to see; the graphic below highlights the most engaging types of content on social media to be aware of. Further, social listening for keywords can also be beneficial to gaining insight into what is trending at that specific time. Finally, it can be helpful for brands to outsource and hire a social media specialist for constant community management of trending topics! 

How Can Trends Benefit YOUR Brand? 

Learning how to utilize trends to your advantage can greatly boost your brand’s social media presence. Trends are a great way to get engaged with your audience and show them information in a way that is interesting and relevant to them and the social media environment that they are experiencing every day. Specifically, trends can be essential to interacting with a millennial audience, many of whom grew up using social media and experience the passing trends every day. You can click here to read further on how millennials are great audience members to get engaged with your brand, especially through using content that is trending for the demographic. 

All in all, trends allow brands to tap into the lives of their followers through the use of common material, which is ultimately essential to increasing engagements and interactions in the long-term. So, get started looking for trends on your brand’s social media platforms! You can even click here to see some Instagram-specific trends for the year 2022 to get you started! 

How Algorithms Affect your Social Media Engagement

Social media is a powerful tool that can help your brand reach higher engagement and awareness. But with the rise of posted social media content, your posts can get lost in the algorithms. To help you understand how social media algorithms affect your engagement here are some breakdowns of how algorithms on each platform affect your social media engagement. As well as a few posting tips to help your brand stand out against the social media algorithm.

What are Social Media Algorithms?

Algorithms help maintain order and assist in ranking content in search results for each user. They help sort the content on the user’s feed based on what they think the user might like. Social media algorithms are a way for each platform to prioritize content they think the user will like. Each social media platform has a unique algorithm that can be difficult to master if not understood properly. We are here to help your brand understand and work the algorithm to best suit your brand’s needs.

Social Media Algorithms - iMac

Types of Algorithms

There are different algorithms that focus on different pieces of your content for each platform. The main social media platforms are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Here is a look of each algorithm broken down for each platform.


Facebook is a platform that’s based on consumer engagement. With its main purpose in building stronger relationships with family, friends, and local businesses. It’s broken down into four categories: popularity, content style, relationships, and most recency. Focusing your content on community engagement and building up trust and respect with your consumer will help your brand reach a higher engagement rate. Actively engaging with your audience by replying to your consumer in the comments will help your brand’s engagement.


Instagram’s algorithm was based on chronically time posts. Now their algorithm is based on relationships with user’s, following and interests, posting time, and session time of the user. Carousel posts get three times more engagement than single posts. Instagram Reels are commonly boosted posts that help brand’s stand out in Instagram’s algorithm. Creating content that uses Instagram’s features like carousel images and Reels will help your brand stand out.


When Twitter first came out, its algorithm was based on the day the content was posted. Now, its algorithm is based on the relevance of the content. This algorithm breaks down to: engagement with consumer, activity of brand, posting times, and type of media. Creating a posting schedule that optimizes your engagement will help your brand succeed on Twitter.


LinkedIn is a platform dedicated for networking with your peers. Its algorithm is based on community connection and engagement. To optimize LinkedIn’s algorithm, use a few hashtags, video content, and actively comment and reply on posts. Another tip is to use analytics to help understand what content works best for your brand.

Social Media Algorithms - Clock

Optimize your posting to maximize engagement

Timing is a huge factor in how much engagement your brand will get. Posting when your audience is most likely active will help your content be seen. This will help with maximizing impressions and increasing engagement. The best times to post on social media will vary from each platform so strategically planning with a social media team will help your brand reach a high engagement rate with each platform.

Bright Age is a creative agency that specializes in social media. Request a consultation today! To stay up to date with what we are doing follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

The Importance of Creating a Social Media Calendar

Social media has become an essential to the way that businesses and consumers interact, and has broadened the ways in which people connect and share experiences. Any successful modern business needs to maintain an organized and relevant online presence, and integrate multiple media platforms to reach as many people as they can. In order to do so, it is essential to create and maintain a lucrative “social media calendar.” A social media calendar allows marketing agencies and businesses to schedule all of their posts across platforms in one place, and plan ahead for specific marketing opportunities.

What is a Social Media Calendar?

A social media calendar is a well-organized outline of all of your upcoming social media posts, ordered by date and time. Your social media calendar can take the form of a post deck, a spreadsheet, a calendar or scheduling software, or any other type of dashboard, and will include the following details for each post:

The date and time it will go live, the platform it will be published on, and the creative elements, assets, links, and/or tags that will be included.

Why Your Business Needs a Social Media Schedule

While fleeting social trends are fun to join, keeping a planned social media calendar is essential for several reasons: it will help your business track analytics across an organized database, enable you to maximize your time by automating posts, and allow you to curate a cohesive theme and visual concept for your brand. But most importantly, it will allow you to ensure your business is hitting opportune marketing dates based on KPIs, or key performance indicators.

Tracking Analytics

A social media schedule is essential to tracking and analyzing social media activity over time. Here at Bright Age, we pride ourselves on conducting extensive market research by analyzing our clients’ performance over the course of each month in order to come up with the best possible social media marketing strategies. Our social media schedules make this process organized and seamless, and through keeping these schedules and working weeks in advance, we are able to make sure our clients’ online presences are constantly growing.

Maximizing Your Time

With a social media calendar, all of your posts are planned out ahead of time and will be published automatically, and in turn, you will be able to share content every day without logging into multiple platforms every day, on the hour. This also frees up time to interact with your community via comments and messages! Internet users regularly frequent many platforms, and a calendar allows you to make sure all of your pages are consistently updated in one place. Our Bright Age Clients’ social media pages are constantly being updated automatically––check out our Instagram pages for Galaxy Theatres and Woodland Hills Magazine to see what a scheduled Instagram feed can look like. All of these posts were planned ahead and automated with a social media schedule, so we get to spend more time telling our clients’ brand stories and less time logging in and out of social platforms.

Maintaining a Cohesive Theme

One of the most important components of social media marketing is making sure that your social media pages are aesthetically appealing and tell your brand’s story through visuals, which we have talked about more in-depth in this blog post. Having a social media theme that reflects the values of your brand is integral to your online presence, and by creating a calendar, you will be able to plan your posts to ensure that your feed is visually diverse, relevant, and consistent. For example, our Instagram page for our client “The Golden Girls”  is maintained with the help of a social media calendar which allows us to plan our content so each post offers followers something new and exciting even for an off-air television show.

Maintaining a social media calendar is the best practice for growth in this industry, and allows you and your business to curate an online presence that you can be proud of. Through organizing and automating your content, you will be able to maximize the benefits of social media marketing like a professional. To learn more about what Bright Age can do for you, head here.

How to Increase Organic Social Media Engagement

Every digital marketing strategy today has a rooted concept known as “organic social media.” Organic social media is important for businesses and brands because it is the best way to communicate and connect with an audience. Organic growth cannot be achieved overnight. Instead, it must be nurtured over time to effectively engage and grow an audience. In some instances, businesses will often look for a content creation agency to gain the correct insight to increase their organic social media engagement. Here are some tips Bright Age has for you: 

1. Analyze and Measure Your Data

It is highly encouraged for businesses to monitor their content by using the social media analytic tools each platform provides. Instagram, for example, allows their professional profiles to view their insights. This includes an overview as well as an in-depth look at the content interactions, the accounts reached, and the profile activity. Businesses can also look into sites that are dedicated to reading social media analytics such as Hootsuite Social Advertising and Sprout Social

Content creation agency photo of Instagram insights on phone showing the accounts reached

By analyzing and measuring data, businesses can decipher which posts did well and which did not. Be sure to investigate and theorize possible reasons why the posts either succeeded or failed. Apply the final observations to create future posts and allow the results to come in. For instance, if a business finds that sharing more user-generated content increases organic engagement, they should continue to implement it into their social media posts. 

2. Connect with Your Audience’s Sense of Humor

Another result that could increase a business’ organic social media engagement is posting with the intent to connect with the audience’s sense of humor. Humor can undeniably bring people together. When used effectively, businesses see an increase in their likes and comments. It can also drive shares which in turn increases a brand’s awareness. That said, humor is a double-edged sword. While some may love the sense of humor the post presents, others may not understand the comedic aspect of it and may instead feel offended. Be careful when using humor, and try to create a relatable post everyone can enjoy.

3. Collaborate with Influencers

Working alongside the influencers that are in your business’ industry is currently one of the most effective ways to increase organic social media engagement. Influencers are known to have a strong relationship with their audience, therefore when their audience hears about you, they start to promote your brand which can start a ripple effect. This is a great benefit for businesses that want to gain trust from new audiences and need their name or product to be promoted.

@itsthescotts #ad his face at the end \ud83d\ude02 love usi ♬ original sound – The Scotts

In the TikTok video, the personal care company Billie, works with influencers Kristy and Desmond Scott to bring awareness to their product and their brand. With the Scotts’ sense of humor, they were able to promote the razor in a comedic yet positive way. Some of Scott’s audience in the comment section even confessed to actually buying the product before and loving it. This engagement in the comment section can also influence others to learn more about Billie and therefore increase Billie’s organic social media engagement as well. 

4. Create a User-Generated Content Strategy

You may think this conflicts with the previous point; however, if you balance the previous tips with your user-generated content strategy, it can lead to proper organic growth and improve the connection between your audience and your brand. User-generated content is like a review of your product or service from a customer. This strategy may include creating user-generated content campaigns and resharing content that has been shared by a previous customer.  

5. Work with a Content Creation Agency

There are many more strategies we want to share with you, but to conclude, our last tip is to work with a content creation agency. Though our articles are informative, it doesn’t compare to working along with an agency hand-in-hand. It will be a lot more helpful to gain the correct insight and guidance through your social media marketing journey. Request a consultation today!

The Importance of Design in Social Media Marketing

The aura of a design is significant for a company’s online presence as it is the first thing that captivates the user’s attention. If a user enjoys the design, it’s more likely that it will be shared, which can greatly impact a business. This can help you generate a positive first impression and boost brand recognition. The ideas that go into a design describes a company’s message, what it offers, and how it wants to interact with you. They express this in the most straightforward and concise manner possible, but in an engaging manner. While using design with a social media marketing agency may solve any business’s problems, it is also important to understand the concept of design for your business.

The Impact of Color

Let’s take a look at Parex USA, each design as shown above, is used to express their message. They convey a message that their manufacturing company can turn anything into a beautiful masterpiece. The design, color, and object shown to have their own significance that grasps what they wanted users to visualize. From raw materials to a stunning suite, they wanted to emphasize and illustrate specific aspects that can be easier to comprehend. Visual content has provided businesses the ability to express themselves in an aesthetic, creative, and inventive manner. As a result, artists have a chance to create work that can be shared across all platforms.

The Psychology Behind Visuals

We as humans form opinions in a blink of an eye. It’s fascinating to consider the psychology behind it. The way we view products and services online can help us determine what we want. As consumers in the modern age, we don’t often put much thought into advertisements. Sometimes, we would catch an ad that resonates with us, and oftentimes we don’t think twice about purchasing it. In the human brain, we have something called “visual perception.” Meaning that the brain examines what we see and detects the color, contrast, and movement if there is any. Your brain uses perception to understand the information and makes an interpretation based on the 5 senses. 

The Next Big Thing in Art

Elite Dance uses color theory to illustrate how they should present their pictures on social media. This approach is popular for companies who are showcasing their products or services on social media. This approach is popular for companies who are showcasing their products or services on social media. They have a method of showcasing their visual content, some have a greater impact based on the composition of their image elements that syncs with our eyes. Colors have an emotional association with each individual, this alone can influence a consumer’s decision-making. Like the classic quote states, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.

The Effect Designs Can Have on Social Media

Social media marketing is one of the most powerful tools in a brand’s inventory for reaching out to their target audience. It is crucial for businesses to recognize and appreciate the value of visual design. This one concept alone can boost a company’s consumer awareness which can lead to increased engagement. Graphics are the vocal point in social media. Visual content, such as images, videos, infographics, or anything design-related, is more likely to be shared than text-only postings.Overall, millions of people utilize social media like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok. Visual content is the primary focus of services like Instagram and Snapchat. Despite the fact that Twitter focuses more on words, images are shared on a daily basis, whereas TikTok’s visual content consists of videos. One thing that all of these networks have in common is the design philosophy that makes them successful. Without it, social media would not have the same impact on businesses today. Here at Bright Age, we are experts on graphic design for social media marketing. If you want to maximize the potential of design, working with a social media marketing agency can help take the weight off of your shoulders. Contact us to learn more information on how you can use it for your business!

How to Tap into Nostalgia with Social Media Marketing

Whether it’s our favorite childhood games, the smell of grandma’s freshly baked cookies, or the TV shows your family would run to the couch to catch as it aired live –there’s something magical captured in memories of the past. And it seems like lately, there’s always something that grabs our attention due to its appeal to nostalgia. Our favorite childhood products and media continue to resurface and be reimagined, often garnering huge amounts of buzz surrounding their advertising.

There’s a reason why nostalgia in marketing performs so well. That instant feeling of wistfulness, charm, and excitement associated with these products that tap into our nostalgia is a powerful and distinct feeling. By tapping into your fond memories of the past, businesses are able to connect with their audience instantly and on a deeper level. 

Using nostalgia in your social media marketing is a smart tactic for businesses to use, and we’ll help break down how to integrate it into your social strategy!

Post a Throwback

Whether it’s a weekly #TBT or it’s your first time posting a throwback post, everyone loves a good trip down memory lane!

golden girls nostalgic instagram post for social media marketing

golden girls nostalgic instagram post for social media marketing

The Golden Girls is an excellent example of an account that posts throwbacks that its audience loves. By posting photos and quotes of iconic episodes, long-time fans of The Golden Girls can continue to connect and engage with the show. 

If you’re not sure what to post, going through old photos and sharing your growth as a business over time is a fun way to have your followers connect with your business and its journey. Plus, it’s a nice way to engage your audience and tap into their nostalgia if they’ve been a long-time follower of your account. 

xbox twitter post to integrate nostalgia into social media marketing

Integrate Nostalgia Into Your Product Offering and Social Media Marketing

Get creative in how you can tailor the nostalgia factor towards your current product or service. Creating a campaign that focuses on taking your customer down memory lane can be a great way to resonate with your audience. Additionally, advertising your campaign on social media allows for people who see it to interact and spread the excitement through sharing your post with others. Of course, before tackling this it’s important to build an understanding of your audience, listen to their input, and create experiences carefully tailored towards their interests. 

For example, Galaxy Theatres’ Flashback Cinema Program allows its audience to enjoy classic movies they love on the big screen. Movie-lovers are able to go out and re-experience watching their favorites in a special setting, complete with the added perks of the “movie theater experience” like snacks and drinks. The Flashback Cinema Program is also effective in keeping customers coming back to the theater and building customer loyalty.

Overall, integrating nostalgia into your product offering and social media advertising can be an effective tactic for your audience to connect with your business and build buzz around your brand. 

Taking Your Social To The Next Level

Tapping into nostalgia with your social media marketing is a great way to bring life into your modern campaign. Since social media was built with the function of connecting with others, it makes perfect sense to post content that helps us connect through shared cultural experiences. 

Of course, using nostalgia is only one potential tactic your business could use to diversify your content and connect with your audience. It may be helpful to consult the help of a digital marketing agency, whose experts in creating social strategies can help your business reach its unique goals. Contact us at Bright Age to find out how we can help your social media marketing connect with your audience and help your business thrive!