How SEO Can Improve Your Social Media Marketing

What is Social SEO? 

Social SEO, or Social Search Engine Optimization, involves enhancing your social media profiles and content to broaden your presence and reach in search results. This approach improves your content’s discoverability among individuals searching for businesses and services similar to yours. For example, let’s say your company offers cleaning services. When an individual searches for cleaning service business profiles on Instagram, a social SEO strategy will help you rank higher in the potential consumer’s search results. Many effective strategies differ across social media platforms to improve reach; this post highlights some best practices to remember when developing a social SEO strategy for your brand. 

The Benefits of Social SEO 

Initially, you may wonder: What are the benefits of SEO in your social media marketing strategy? While the exact correlation between SEO and social media remains an ongoing debate, there is indeed a relationship worth exploring in the context of increasing your brand’s exposure. Many professionals agree that social signals serve as an indirect SEO booster; by building a strong social presence, sharing valuable content, engaging with your audience, and encouraging social sharing, you can increase your brand’s discoverability in the context of web traffic and rankings. Further, social media profiles are often front-and-center among search engine results, demonstrating an ongoing relationship between SEO and social media. Facebook, in particular, represents a promising opportunity for SEO success as a hub for positive reviews and potential bookings. Many tools exist to analyze the connections between your social profiles and search engine optimization performance such as Google Analytics for social media, which can provide valuable insights into your social media strategies, your target audience, and search optimization alike. Additionally, an SEO Agency can serve as a resource and facilitate achieving your brand’s goals. Given these connections between SEO and social media, it is utterly essential for brands to optimize their social profiles, and below are a few ways to do so. 

Bio Optimization 

For optimizing your online presence, it is crucial to ensure comprehensive details are included on your social profiles, specifically in the bio. No matter the social media platform in question, include keywords in your bio that are relevant to your industry, also known as industry keywords, as these make your profile more searchable and help potential followers quickly understand your niche. Additionally, include branded keywords specific to your brand to reinforce your brand identity and stand out against competitors. Other bio optimization tactics include specifying your location to enhance local visibility, including links to your brand’s other channels to foster cross-channel engagement, and providing easily accessible contact information.

Integrate Keywords 

Including keywords on your brand’s social profile doesn’t stop at the bio – there are many ways to integrate them into your published posts. Relevant and target keywords should be used in captions, titles, descriptions, and hashtags. Additionally, keywords can be incorporated into relevant links by creating a custom link format with a URL shortener. For example, check out this Threads post by Woodland Hills Magazine, which utilizes a custom link format with relevant keywords. Further, when it comes to audio/video content, it is important to say your primary keyword(s) out loud to incorporate them into this form of content, which mainly applies to short-form video platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. Finally, an easy way to optimize your social posts is by incorporating keywords and key phrases in your photo and video file names, which can also aid in the file management process. Each of these tactics for integrating keywords into your social media content helps to improve your brand’s reach when customers take to a search engine.

Incorporate Website Links 

When it comes to boosting web traffic, including your own website links on social posts is an effective way to bring users over to your site. Additionally, you should directly share on-site content on your social media and encourage others to do the same. This can help to drive website traffic not only from your audience but also from the following of your audience members, thus expanding your reach. Further, incorporating internal links into your brand’s website content that direct users to your social media profile can drive traffic to your pages. For example, Galaxy Theatres includes many links within each of its blog posts, which are found on the brand’s website, that link directly to a relevant Galaxy Theatres social media post. Overall, links are a powerful tool for cross-channel promotion and expanding reach. Brands should take advantage of link tracking to see what is working and what is not, and an SEO agency can assist with this.

In summary, integrating SEO strategies into your social media marketing efforts can enhance your online presence, improve discoverability, and contribute to a more robust overall digital marketing strategy. At the end of the day, it’s about creating a cohesive online presence that aligns with search engine algorithms and user expectations.

How to Develop Target Audiences for Your Brand

Identifying a target audience is important for your business because it will help you refocus your efforts and resources on reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Understanding who your target audience is allows you to tailor your marketing messages, develop products and services that meet their specific needs, and create a brand image that resonates with them.

Knowing who your target audience is can help you save time and money by focusing your efforts on marketing channels that are most effective for reaching that group of people. You will only have to reach out to people who would be interested in your business. They will be able to give you feedback about how they feel your products can improve. When you understand your target audience’s needs and preferences, you can create products and services that meet their specific requirements, which can improve their overall experience and satisfaction.

Using their feedback will be helpful when you upgrade products. Once they realize that the products are exactly what they want they will continue to buy from your brand. By catering to your target audience’s needs and preferences, you can build a loyal customer base that is more likely to continue to purchase from you and recommend your products or services to others. By tailoring your messaging to your target audience, you can create more effective marketing campaigns that resonate with them and increase the likelihood of conversion. Identifying your target audience is crucial for any business or organization that wants to be successful. It allows you to focus your efforts and resources on the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer, which can lead to increased customer loyalty, improved customer experience, and better marketing messaging.

Finding your target audience involves understanding who your ideal customer is and what their needs, wants, and preferences are. Conducting market research can provide valuable insights into your potential customers’ demographics, psychographics, behavior, and preferences. You can gather this information through surveys, focus groups, customer feedback, social media monitoring, and other research methods. This can be a longer process, so it is best to start right away.

Surveys and research will help you understand the psychographic and demographic information of your target audience. Analyze your existing customer base to identify common characteristics such as age, gender, income, location, interests, and behavior. This information can help you create buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. These people will be more likely to buy from you, so being able to identify what they prefer in products is crucial for success. Next it is important to look at your competitors and analyze their target audience. Identify what makes your product or service different from theirs and who is most likely to benefit from those differences.

Social media marketing agencies are helpful when discovering your brand’s target audience. Marketing agencies have the skills and resources to figure out what your target audience is. They will use data analytics tools to track and analyze your website traffic, social media engagement, and other metrics. This data can help you identify patterns and trends in your audience’s behavior and preferences.

Once you have identified your target audience, refine it by focusing on the most profitable segments. This may involve developing specific marketing messages and strategies to appeal to different customer segments. You can gain a better understanding of your target audience and create marketing messages and strategies that resonate with them. It is also important to remember to continually monitor and adjust your approach as your audience’s needs and preferences may change over time.

The Importance of a Paid and Organic Social Media Strategy

At the start social media was only organic, but it has shifted towards paid strategies. Using a paid and organic social media strategy is essential if your business wants to achieve success on social media. Both types of strategies offer unique benefits and can work together to create a comprehensive approach to social media marketing. Paid social media can be expensive but is effective. Organic social media is also effective but will not gain as much reach. Creating a hybrid strategy where you use both paid and organic social media strategies is the best approach. Though both strategies have various outcomes and benefits, one that they share is gaining new followers.

Paid social media advertising can help you reach a wider audience beyond your organic reach. It allows you to target specific demographics and interests, which can increase the visibility and reach of your social media content. Paid social media advertising can be an effective way to drive traffic to your website. You can create ads that link directly to your website, landing pages, or other online content, which can help increase your website traffic and sales. Paid advertising can help you reach beyond your target audience by leveraging lookalike audiences, demographic and interest targeting, and remarketing. By using these strategies, you can expand your reach and connect with new audiences who may be interested in your products or services.

Elite Dance is a business that uses paid social media strategies. Their goals were to increase engagement, getting people to like, comment, and share with their friends to drive more registrations for classes. These goals are attenable through paid advertising because producing paid content will make it easier to reach your target audience. Having paid advertisements show up on like accounts that follow and regularly interact with Elite Dance will help increase the traction to their website. Galaxy Theaters also uses paid social media strategies to drive website traffic. Paid advertising helps this company gain ticket sales. Advertisement for this brand will target consumers who are in the same area as the theaters. Companies like these that are looking to target certain audiences thrive using paid advertising on social media. Parex uses paid advertisements to build followers. You can build brand awareness with paid advertisements which will help your brand gain followers.

Organic social media content is essential for building relationships with your audience and increasing engagement. Organic social media strategies are less expensive than paid advertising. By focusing on creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and using relevant hashtags, you can increase your visibility and engagement without having to spend a lot of money.

Sharing informative, valuable, and entertaining content can help you foster a community of loyal followers who will engage with your brand. Hashtags are an important example of organic social media strategies; they can increase the visibility of a brands content. Digital marketing agencies can help you understand what hashtags are relevant and can help boost your content. Bright Age is a social media and digital creative agency, we can help create a combined paid and organic social media strategy for your businesses. We organically grow communities by engaging with local audiences.

The Golden Girls utilizes an organic social media strategy; there is a relationship between the brand and their audience. The brand creates social media content that is exactly what their target audience wants. This is the best tactic for a brand like The Golden Girls, because they have fans that follow their social media accounts. The fans want to feel like immersed in the content that is being posted on their social media. The Golden girls have a lot of fans and can gain followers just based off the nostalgic vibe that they already carry. Their consumers do not need to be targeted, because they already have a connection to the brand.

Both paid and organic social media strategies can help you build brand awareness. By sharing high-quality content and engaging with your audience, you can increase brand recognition and establish your brand as a trusted and authoritative voice in your industry. Both paid and organic social media strategies allow you to track and measure your results. You can use analytics tools to see which types of content are performing well, which audiences are engaging with your brand, and which campaigns are driving the most traffic and sales. A social media marketing agency will help your business create a diverse strategy using both paid and organic tactics.

Paid or organic content symbol. Turned wooden cubes, changed words ‘paid content’ to ‘organic content’. Beautiful orange background, copy space. Business, paid or organic content concept.

Paid and organic social media strategies are important if your business wants to succeed on social media. Instead of using type of social media strategy or the other think about how to combine them and make it work together. Having the strategies support one another will drive the best results. By combining both types of strategies, you can reach a wider audience, increase engagement, drive traffic to your website, build brand awareness, and measure your results.

The Benefits of a Consistent Social Media Strategy

Having a consistent social media strategy is beneficial to any brand that wants to have a strong

social media presence. When brands post frequently on social media it creates a sense of

consistency throughout the brand. A brand’s content will be consumed more if they have a

consistent social media strategy. Having a plan when creating a consistent social media strategy

is essential, and digital marketing agencies like Bright Age can help with this. The brand’s

identity is formed through consistency; to have a strong identity the brand needs to be consistent.

Knowing your intended audience for your business is important. Figuring this out before you

create a social media strategy can help it work better. Posts will perform better if they are

targeted toward a certain group of people. Marketing toward a certain audience will help your

business gain more traction. It is also essential to know your primary focus when creating a

consistent social media strategy. Digital marketing agencies like Bright Age are there to help

brands create consistent social media strategies. Bright Age can make finding your target

audience and intended focus easy.

Social media marketing agencies can help brands with posting consistently since it can be hard

for brands to gather enough content to post constantly. Coming up with a successful strategy is

the best way to be consistent. A social media specialist would be able to analyze analytics to

understand what is performing best on a page. Analyzing the highest and lowest videos is

important to understand what content to create moving forward. Putting money behind your

best-received videos will reach viewers for the best price.

Posting on multiple channels on the same day of the week is a good way to reach your target

audience. Content can be reused on different channels are long as it is efficient. This can be a

good way to stay efficient and concise because it means you must produce less content. This will

save the company time and money. Consistently posting on the same days each week will also

bring a strong brand presence. Posting every other day would be over half the days of the week,

making for a good, consistent posting schedule. Companies that do this are more likely to be

successful because they are getting more exposure.

Creating content and uploading it can be hard to follow through on when working in other areas

of a business. Therefore, hiring a digital media agency to do this work for you may be very

helpful. Your social media presence can be enhanced by working with digital creative agencies to

help push out your content. Brands will benefit brands by giving them more of a following and a

bigger audience; they will be able to focus on other things besides content. Social media, over

the past decade, became the most popular way to advertise for brands. If a brand is not able to

upload on social media consistently then it will have a hard time gaining popularity and views.

Even for well-known brands it is important to have a strong social media presence. Businesses

will be able to reach more people when they have a consistent social media strategy.

How to Get Your Account Instagram Verified

Getting verified on a social media platform is a crucial accomplishment as a creator or business. One may question what exactly the verified badge is and what benefit it brings. This can be answered through Instagram’s Help Center. The platform clearly defines the badge as a helpful indicator that an account of a public figure or brand is real. In other words, the verification badge is an official sign that the platform recognizes the account, and no other accounts can completely impersonate it because the original is easily identified.

By validating the authenticity of a brand, other benefits can reel in. The blue icon allows a brand to stand out in their industry compared to blending in with the others. Additionally, it helps users know which account is the original and which ones are the impersonators or fake accounts, therefore, it automatically builds a level of trust between the audience and brand. The brand also gains more control over their online presence, allowing them to improve their brand’s reputation with the aid of their Instagram marketing agency, if they have one. However, to get this badge, a page must qualify for Instagram’s verification status by meeting the required criteria.

Basic Requirements/Qualifications

Instagram marketing agency image of check list blocks on blue background

Anyone can request for verification on Instagram, but as said, the account needs to meet the requirements to get approved for that status. An essential requirement that all accounts should already follow is conforming to Instagram’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Other requirements include: (1) the account must belong to a real person, business, brand or entity, (2) it must be public, (3) it must have a completed profile with a bio and photo, (4) the account must be active, (5) it must be unique in that only one account represents the business, and (6) it must be a publicly known or highly-searched person or business.

Applying for Verification Badge 

Once a brand is certain that they have completed all the requirements, the next step is simple: just log into Instagram and submit the request! This can be found through the Settings menu on Instagram. Once there, select “Account” and find the “Request Verification” option. It will automatically prompt the Request Verification form, so take the time to complete the required fields and submit it for Instagram to review the request. 

Remember that even though the account may be eligible for the verification status, it doesn’t mean it will automatically be given to the account. There is no guaranteed timespan for the results, therefore, take the time to increase your brand’s awareness. If denied, the account must unfortunately wait 30 days before reattempting to apply for the verification badge again. 

If, however, the verification status was given, always keep in mind that it can be taken away if the brand refuses to follow Instagram’s Terms of Uses and Community Guidelines in the future. This can also occur if the brand used false information on their verification request form. Therefore, stay active and continue to publish the unique and engaging content your targeted audience has been looking forward to see!

Tips for a Secure Verification

If a brand is not sure if they will get verified despite completing all the requirements, or if they have been denied, here are some extra tips that may secure that verification status. Other than completing the profile, be sure to continue and build your brand’s social profile by establishing that strong following on other platforms to increase that authenticity in your brand. You must also improve your brand’s searchability, because one of the requirements is to be well-known. So, be more active and get your brand’s name out there! Instagram admins look for regular activity, so increase that engagement by engaging with your audience and by posting often. 

Partner with an Instagram Marketing Agency

Lastly, hire an Instagram marketing agency to help! It is better to partner with a digital agency who has knowledge in nearly every subject including digital marketing, designing, advertising, and communicating. Just like our other tips, though it may not guarantee an Instagram verification, it will highly increase your chances. Request a consultation with Bright Age to get the help you need today!

Using Social Media Marketing To Increase Gen X Interaction

Focusing on marketing to an age group can be difficult when that group is between two of the largest current generations: Baby Boomers and Millennials. But a marketing agency can make it easier to market towards Generation X. This group of individuals is made of those who are making some of the biggest purchases and expenses of their lifetimes: home renovations, caring for families, and even newfound healthcare. Therefore, capitalizing on the interaction of Generation X through your company’s content creation is crucial to increase sales and connection. 

marketing agency Cowerkers at a Table

Targeting Generation X

No demographic wants to be ignored, which is the main fault when it comes to interacting with Generation X. They are a midpoint generation, often overlooked by businesses hoping to capitalize off of their counterparts in Baby Boomers and Millennials. Your company’s content creation needs to focus on this group with eye-catching and specific headlines, acknowledging their interests. Generation X is a group of motivated and highly individual people, therefore, the content aimed towards them needs to follow this same path in order to grab their attention. 

marketing agency man working at desk
A Hispanic man in his mid fifties sits at his dining room table and peers through his glasses while he holds a digital tablet and looks at his laptop computer. The table is strewn with his work as the morning sun streams in from outside and through the French door window panes in the background and envelopes the room with a bright glow.

One of Bright Age’s clients, Plastpro, highlights the importance of home building and renovations and is a perfect example of generating information that is targeted for self-starters such as Generation X. 

Generation X is looking for marketing that is going to give them information and educate them; they value in-depth tutorials and DIYs. Therefore is it crucial that your content conveys why your brand is the best option for them to utilize.

What Type of Content is Best?

Going into a project blind is not ideal for any customer, therefore Generation X values ‘How-To’ content more than any other age group. As self-starters and hardworking individuals, this generation frequently utilizes step-by-step content. Using directly marketed tutorials will increase interaction from Generation X.

Introducing prospective customers to a simple and easy plan or project is crucial to ensure their business with your company. EZ Plans demonstrates this by creating a direct bio on their Instagram page displaying a step-by-step description of their process, “We offer a fast, affordable, streamlined approach to architecture services”. While also using eye-catching colors and imagery, this increases interaction from those who are looking for a thoroughly explained and accurate project process. 

Helping these prospective clients visualize the projects and experiences they can create with your business is crucial to ensure success in their age group. Generation X is a group of hard-working and motivated individuals; therefore, your content must lighten their load and make their projects as simple as can be. 

marketing agency older woman on laptop

Creating Loyalty from Generation X

For many companies, it is extremely difficult to earn constant and unwavering loyalty from a group of customers. This is why engaging Generation X is so crucial to success. Generation X has been described as the most loyal generation when it comes to the brands they utilize. Being able to tap into this loyalty through your marketing agency is the perfect way to ensure long-standing and consistent customers and business.

Dedicating time and resources into the satisfaction of customers is a key aspect in grasping business from Generation X. Galaxy Theatres has partnered with Flashback Cinema in order to do just this. Making your audience feel seen and respected is key to ensure their loyalty to your company. Flashback Cinema at Galaxy Theatres provides moviegoers with the chance to watch some of their favorite classic films back on the big screen, targeting those in Generation X who come from the greatest era of film to date. In making this group feel seen and respected, they will want to continue on with your brand for years after the fact. 

Service and satisfaction are the most foolproof ways to guarantee loyalty from customers. Generation X is a group that is rarely targeted, therefore, utilizing a marketing agency and their strategies to gain their loyalty is key to consistent business in the future. 

At Bright Age marketing agency, we are determined to utilize these aspects of age-targeted marketing and content creation to ensure that business customers work cohesively for our clients. By utilizing these tips, your company can see vast improvements in Generation X interaction and sales.

Rebranding a Company for Social Media

When introducing a brand to social media, many companies may realize that their current branding does not fit the feel and needs of specific platforms. This creates a need for the company to begin rebranding itself. Of course, the easiest way to accomplish this task would be to hire a social media marketing agency. From there the company can discuss with the agency and find the best solution to their problem. Though a social media marketing agency would be able to solve the company’s rebranding problem, it is still important for the company to understand the steps that go into brand development and rebranding. That being said, here are 5 of the most important steps in rebranding a business. 

1. Examine Your Current Strategy  

Regardless of if it is defined or not, all companies have a social media strategy. Social media strategy does not mean that your company has an Instagram, Facebook, etc. Rather a social media strategy is your target audience and how you cater to them. Some good questions to ask yourself in this step are: 

  • Who is my target audience? 
  • What kind of content is our company posting and how frequently?
  • Does our current content reflect the current social climate, popular trends, and popular culture?
  • Why does our company need to rebrand? 

2. Research Your Competitors Platforms 

Standing out is an important step in rebranding, but how can you stand out if you don’t know what you’re standing out from. Take some time to look at your competitors’ accounts and learn their social media strategies. Pay close attention to their engagement, content, and company culture. Is there anything you would like to adopt for your own platform? 

3. Establish Your Goals 

Create meaningful goals that keep you on track. As you reach success within these goals, they will provide a sense of accomplishment in your brand development. When establishing your goals, think SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely).

4. Build on Your Fans’ Needs

Whether you have established social media platforms or not, an established company always has a fan base. When rebranding your company, look at your current fans and cater to what they want. Understand their wants and needs, then build your campaign off of them. 

5. Launching Your Social Media Rebrand 

This last step is all about your platform and how your company plans to use it. Before officially relaunching your social media rebrand, it’s time to step back and take a look at your brand development.

  • Create your brand message, what do you want your audience to know about you during this change? 
  • Update all your visuals to match your new company’s brand.
  • Change your content to fit the social media platform you are posting to. 

The biggest step to rebranding your company is to stick with it. A rebrand won’t just happen overnight, but with continual work and small adjustments, a rebrand can be the exact solution to a company’s problem. If your company has decided to work on rebranding without the help of a social media marketing agency, it could be wise to look at bringing on a few new team members specifically designated to working on social media platforms. If this idea is not within your company’s budget, another possibility is to delegate responsibilities to specific people within your team. At Bright Age, we understand that rebranding can be overwhelming. If you’re interested in hiring an agency to assist your company in the process, we’re here to help. 

How Social Media Marketing Integrates with the Olympic Games

The 2020 Olympics have come around during an unprecedented time. And due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, these Olympic Games look different than previous ones. Masks, social distancing, and no spectators are among the safety protocols that were implemented to carry out a safe global event. So now more than ever it was important to find ways to connect Olympians in the Tokyo bubble to their families and fans. As a social media marketing agency, we have been taking note of campaigns used by the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and their sponsors to connect athletes and fans. In this blog post, we will break down the most notable strategies and their significance. 

Social Media’s Relevance to Tokyo 2020

For many years now social networks have increasingly become an important part of sports discourse, being that television is not the only way to follow sports. In fact, Christopher Carroll, the Director of Digital Marketing for the International Olympic Committee, stated that “These games are expected to be the most digitally engaged games ever.” This statement has proven to be true with the @olympic social platforms generating 3.7 billion engagements this year. 

Additionally, the Tokyo 2020 Games offered 20 official networks and platforms through which the public could follow their favorite events. This gave the numerous social media accounts covering the Olympics many ways to encourage fans to tune in.  

Tokyo 2020 Olympic rings to show strategies of social media marketing agency

Brand Marketing during The Olympics 

The Olympics are one of the most popular televised events in the world, giving Olympic sponsors a global stage to promote their products and services. This year’s games got brands working very creatively as the success of a social campaign is not dependent on an on-site audience. No fans in the stands mean businesses have to find ways to make spectators still feel included overseas. Additionally, such big audiences signify that brands must take great care in organizing their campaigns as they want to spread the right message in a positive and respectful way.   

When it comes to partnering with world-class athletes, brands select people who align with their values. Once selected, businesses use their social platforms to amplify athlete voices. For example, the activewear brand Athleta partnered with Allyson Felix and the Women’s Sports Foundation to start a one-of-a-kind grant program that covers childcare costs for athletes. The “She Fund”, as it’s called, empowers women to continue their sports careers while being able to take care of their families. 

Photo of Allyson Felix and daughter representing the She Fund to show strategies of social media marketing agency

Global audiences can be a delicate consumer base to market to. There are various cultural nuances that brands must pay attention to if they want to effectively connect with these audiences. Sprout Social comments that, “…it’s imperative that brands take a moment to evaluate how their content will be interpreted by a diverse audience.” Businesses don’t want to be accused of being culturally insensitive or ignorant, so they must take extra care in thoroughly researching and understanding the country and culture they are trying to advertise to. 

Olympian Vloggers   

Another social media strategy for the Olympics that came about organically was the emergence of Olympian vloggers. While many athletes began documenting their lives on the internet before this year’s games (Britain’s Tom Daley and USA’s Mykayla Skinner), there has been a new wave of Olympians giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at their life in Tokyo.

Erik Shoji (USA Men’s Volleyball), Ilona Maher (USA Women’s Rugby), and JaVale McGee (USA Men’s Basketball) have been some of the notable athletes showcasing their journeys. Taking to TikTok or YouTube these Olympians share everything from what their rooms looked like to the food served in the cafeteria. 

JaVale McGee Youtube Channel Screenshot to show strategies of social media marketing agency

These athlete vloggers have proven to be highly popular with many of their videos gaining millions of views and thousands of likes. Giving fans a direct look into the lives of an Olympian was another way to make spectators involved even though they physically couldn’t be there. 

Ilona Maher TikTok profile to show strategies of social media marketing agency
Ilona Maher TikTok videos to show strategies of social media marketing agency

These videos also allow the athletes’ personalities to shine through, as fans weren’t able to see Olympians outside their events or official interviews in previous games. 

Overall, this year’s summer Olympics took a very creative turn in marketing to accommodate for COVID-19 protocols and serves as an example of how future large-scale events can market to their audiences in the midst of the pandemic. To that end, a social media marketing agency is constantly adapting its strategies to serve the ever-changing situation just as the Olympics did and will continue to provide the expertise needed to keep your business relevant during this time. Contact Bright Age today for more information. 

How to Diversify Your Social Media Content

Let’s face it. Nobody wants to see the same-old ad over and over again. So what sets successful social media marketing apart from the rest? And how do you promote your brand and account without your audience getting bored? The key is diversifying your content. We’ll help break it down for you.

Diversifying your content means posting a variety of different content that appeals to your audience. Think back to the past commercials you’ve watched. While some commercials sell solely the product and emphasize its features, the ones that stick have a combination of both selling the product and some sort of element to them that catches the watcher’s attention. That catch -whether it be relatable, entertaining, or educational- keeps you engaged. And at the end of the day, new commercials will continue to roll out and keep your attention. The same goes for content on any type of social media account. Posting different types of content keeps your page engaging and keeps your audience on their toes.

As a content creation agency, we understand the importance of diversifying your content in social media and have the expertise to help your business thrive.

Types of Content to Diversify your Feed

iphone social media apps for content creation agency

Show your product in the real world. Repost photos and videos of customers and those within your community using your product. This helps your audience understand what your product looks like in context, relate those experiences to their own lives, and align those experiences with their personal aspirations.

content creation agency showcases Golden Girls Instagram Product Post

Utilize video content. Using a mix of photos and videos is a great way to create a more dynamic feed. These can take the form of posts or social media stories.

Testimonials. Testimonials are a great element to add to your content because they tell a story, build trust in your audience, and give life to your brand. These can be anything from great experiences customers have had to witty comments that your brand has been mentioned in on Twitter.

Online Reviews for Content Creation Agency

Educate your audience. Rather than selling your product, let your product sell itself. Educate your audience on the features of your product. Through understanding your consumer persona, lifestyle, and interest, you can also educate them on topics that are relevant to your target audience’s lifestyle.

When in doubt, ask your audience what kind of content they want to see more of. This is not only an excellent way to understand what your audience wants (who better to know than your audience themself?), but it helps you interact with them and shows them that you are receptive to their feedback.

Curating the Right Content For Your Brand

Another element of social media content creation is finding the right content that fits your brand.  The content you curate is how you want your business to be perceived. It should align correctly with your brand and its purpose.

Creating the right content that performs well also depends on the platform and age group you are marketing to. For example, the types of content young consumers enjoy on social media can vary greatly depending on the social media platform. Understanding what type of content works best will allow your business to maximize the content being created.

One way to understand which content is right for your brand is by utilizing the help of a content creation agency that can analyze your social media metrics and use it to create a personalized strategy for your goals. Fifty-six percent of social media marketers use social data to better understand a brand’s target audience and create informed content.

Laptop Social Demographics for content creation agency

In reality, there are many elements to take into account when creating a successful social media strategy. Choosing the content that best fits your brand can be daunting. As a content creation agency, Bright Age recognizes that content is not one-size-fits-all, and every company is unique in its needs. The right strategy will help achieve the results you want to see.

Which Social Media Platform is Best for Your Business?

In this day and age, marketing on social media is not a question, it’s a must. With 3.5 billion people globally on some sort of social media platform, there is a guaranteed audience for your product or business online.


For many small businesses, the decision of whether or not to join a social media platform spawns from the idea of over saturation in the marketplace. However, the point of marketing online is being able to target your audience directly in order to break through those barriers and find your niche.

 Social media agency photo to show example of analytics of Instagram impressions


Social media is overwhelming, to say the least. From designing the proper content to understanding the changing algorithms, the difference between impressions and engagements, psychographics vs demographics, and even as simple as how to post a photo, there are so many functions and dynamics to understand in order to make the most out of your social media strategy.


If this is you and your business, don’t worry because you are not alone. As a social media agency, it is our job to help our clients and potential clients to bridge the gaps in what is a complex and in-depth world of social media and social media marketing.


The big five social media platforms based on their monthly active users are: Facebook (2 billion), Instagram (1 billion), Twitter (330 million), Pinterest (320 million), and LinkedIn (250 million).


These five are the most user friendly, can be used across phones, tablets, and laptops and have the most diversity amongst users.


In order to determine which social media platform is best for your business, it’s important to first understand your target demographic through market research and compare them to the demographics of the users on each platform.


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Let’s Break It Down




You can post just about anything on Facebook from images to videos, text posts, and beyond. Facebook is the all-encompassing app that creates a seamless transition from Grandma posting photos of her dog to running a fully functioning business. 61% of Facebook’s active users are primarily made up of American women and men between the ages of 25-54 with only 9% of their users between the ages of 18-24. So, if your company’s target audience is under 24 years old it might be best to use your marketing strategies on another younger social media platform. However, if your market is a little older, you are in luck because out of that 61%, 44% check Facebook several times a day so a business could be booming!




Images and videos are the keys to growing your Instagram presence. It is a visual app but it also has one of the highest ROI’s when it comes to marketing. It is constantly evolving to create the best platform that caters to both its users and its businesses. It is the fun and fresh side of social media. With 59% of its users checking the app every single day, it is ideal for marketing. 75% of Instagram users are 18-24 and 52% of them are American women. 57% are between the ages of 25-29 and 47% are between the ages of 30-49. To reach your audience on Instagram, it is important to create a strategic plan to capitalize on its one billion users. 




Similarly to Instagram, Pinterest is home to images and videos. It is a haven for design, fashion, mood boards, graphic designers, wedding planners, and cooks. Its main use is to create boards for inspiration on various forms of art, design, and motivation. It is by far a female-dominated site. 42% of Pinterest users are women with 34% of them being between the ages of 18-29 and 28% between the ages of 30-49. The site has its net cast over a wide age range and creates the perfect platform to market to women across vast demographics.  




Immediacy is the name of the game when it comes to Twitter. Twitter caters to those who need to get a short message out fast. If you are dealing with the need for managing public relations responsibilities that are time-sensitive or if your business can mainly be established through text alone, Twitter is your platform. Unlike most of the other platforms, more men are on the site than women with 66% of Twitter’s users being men and 34% women. The age ranges on Twitter are also vast with users between the ages of 18-29 making up 38% of its users and 26% of users are between the ages of 30-49.




LinkedIn is the professional side of social media. You’re more likely to find mimosa pictures on Instagram and NASDAQ findings here. More people are seeing the importance of LinkedIn, but the chances of a high-end boutique finding much business in terms of marketing on the site are slim. Breaking it down by numbers, the percentages of older individuals is staggering. 72% of LinkedIn users are over the age of 30 and 90 million of their 250 million active monthly users are senior-level influencers.


These are the big five, they have proven ROI, they are efficient in insights and analytics and social media agencies love them! However, that’s not to say there aren’t tons of other social media platforms out there, some that might even have bigger audiences, but have yet to capitalize on the marketing capabilities. 

TikTok, formerly, has grown exponentially in the early months of 2020. With over 800 million active monthly users globally and an explosive number of downloads during the Coronavirus quarantine, 315 million, it surpassed 2 billion total downloads making it the app to beat. Its audience is very young, 69% of users are between the ages 13-24 with only 15% over the age of 35. TikTok still has a long way to go to become market-friendly, but when a hashtag for a campaign gets used properly by the right influencers, it can reach over 1 billion people.


Snapchat is another one of those off the cuff platforms. It has slowly been declining in interest over the years due to its lack of marketing capabilities since it is only a quick photo-sharing app. Photos and videos only last 24 hours and can’t be saved. Facebook and Instagram have capitalized on this concept making their own 24-hour stories which are way more viable since they can be tracked through analytics. Snapchat’s audience is similar to TikTok with 62% of its users between the ages of 13-17, but they only average 46 million monthly active users in the US.

Social media agency clean modern working desk


At the end of the day, social media will constantly be evolving and new platforms will always be emerging. The most important part of your business is to stay true to your brand and continue to develop trust and consistency with your audience. Social media agencies are one of the best ways to develop community management, increase engagement, design content, and maintain brand loyalty at the forefront of your business on social media.