Choosing the Most Effective Keywords for SEO Blog Writing

Scrabble letters spelling out SEO (search engine optimization)

Living in the digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) has become an essential part of achieving visibility when attracting organic traffic, which millions of websites are competing for today. Keywords are one important component in boosting SEO blog, so picking the right ones and the frequency they are used can make it or break it. 

What is SEO and How is it Beneficial? 

SEO refers to the process of improving the appearance and positioning of a website in the results of a search engine. By strategically implementing SEO techniques, you increase the chances of your blog content being discovered by users searching for relevant information.

SEO can be beneficial for a multitude of reasons. First, they can aid in increasing the organic traffic to your website and because of the higher the positioning, more users will more likely click on it. Second, through SEO there is a higher amount of clicks compared to PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns. Additionally, SEO can lead to trust and credibility for users which can result in brand awareness and business growth. The benefits that come with SEO are long-lasting, which is why using the best keywords can be very important.

Knowing Your Target Audience 

The best place to start is with the target audience. Knowing who your target audience is crucial for effective keyword selection. If you know your ideal readers, you can tailor your content and keywords to match their interests and needs. To identify your target audience, consider the following factors: demographics, interests and preferences, and search behavior. 

Demographics: Characteristics of a population such as age, gender, location, language, and other relevant information.

Interests and preferences: Determine the topics and subjects that resonate with your target audience.

Search behavior: Research the keywords and phrases your audience uses when searching for information.

By learning about your target audience, you can create content that addresses their requirements and uses keywords that align with their search behavior.

Visual representation of developing a target market

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential step in selecting the most effective keywords for your SEO blog writing. It involves identifying relevant keywords and phrases that have high search volume and relatively low competition. Here are some methods to conduct keyword research:

Keyword research tools

There are many different keyword research tools available to further your search. Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Moz Keyword Explorer are just a few that you can utilize to discover popular keywords related to your topic. These tools provide data on search volume, competition, and keyword variations. Another way to research keywords is to use Google Autofill, which recommends common search phrases. Using this tool can give insight to what people are frequently looking up.

Google search bar displayed on a laptop
Analyze competitors

Study your competitors’ websites and blogs to gain insight into the keywords they are targeting. Look for common themes and popular keywords they use in their content. Try to find what keywords are not commonly used by them to avoid major competition. 

Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and have lower competition. Including long-tail keywords in your content can help you target a niche audience and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results. For example, instead of “SEO blogs” you could use “Best SEO blog practices for e-commerce websites” in order to narrow it down. 

While it is important to incorporate keywords into blogs, you should also be aware of not overstuffing. The main priority is to give your audience authentic and valuable content and use keywords and naturally as possible.

Choosing the most effective keywords for your blog requires a deep understanding of your target audience, thorough research, and careful analysis of competitors. By aligning your content with the interests and needs of your audience, and strategically implementing well-researched keywords, you can improve your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so continuously monitoring keyword performance and adjusting your strategy will help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Get in touch with Bright Age today to learn how we can help in the process of optimizing SEO.  

The Importance of a Paid and Organic Social Media Strategy

At the start social media was only organic, but it has shifted towards paid strategies. Using a paid and organic social media strategy is essential if your business wants to achieve success on social media. Both types of strategies offer unique benefits and can work together to create a comprehensive approach to social media marketing. Paid social media can be expensive but is effective. Organic social media is also effective but will not gain as much reach. Creating a hybrid strategy where you use both paid and organic social media strategies is the best approach. Though both strategies have various outcomes and benefits, one that they share is gaining new followers.

Paid social media advertising can help you reach a wider audience beyond your organic reach. It allows you to target specific demographics and interests, which can increase the visibility and reach of your social media content. Paid social media advertising can be an effective way to drive traffic to your website. You can create ads that link directly to your website, landing pages, or other online content, which can help increase your website traffic and sales. Paid advertising can help you reach beyond your target audience by leveraging lookalike audiences, demographic and interest targeting, and remarketing. By using these strategies, you can expand your reach and connect with new audiences who may be interested in your products or services.

Elite Dance is a business that uses paid social media strategies. Their goals were to increase engagement, getting people to like, comment, and share with their friends to drive more registrations for classes. These goals are attenable through paid advertising because producing paid content will make it easier to reach your target audience. Having paid advertisements show up on like accounts that follow and regularly interact with Elite Dance will help increase the traction to their website. Galaxy Theaters also uses paid social media strategies to drive website traffic. Paid advertising helps this company gain ticket sales. Advertisement for this brand will target consumers who are in the same area as the theaters. Companies like these that are looking to target certain audiences thrive using paid advertising on social media. Parex uses paid advertisements to build followers. You can build brand awareness with paid advertisements which will help your brand gain followers.

Organic social media content is essential for building relationships with your audience and increasing engagement. Organic social media strategies are less expensive than paid advertising. By focusing on creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and using relevant hashtags, you can increase your visibility and engagement without having to spend a lot of money.

Sharing informative, valuable, and entertaining content can help you foster a community of loyal followers who will engage with your brand. Hashtags are an important example of organic social media strategies; they can increase the visibility of a brands content. Digital marketing agencies can help you understand what hashtags are relevant and can help boost your content. Bright Age is a social media and digital creative agency, we can help create a combined paid and organic social media strategy for your businesses. We organically grow communities by engaging with local audiences.

The Golden Girls utilizes an organic social media strategy; there is a relationship between the brand and their audience. The brand creates social media content that is exactly what their target audience wants. This is the best tactic for a brand like The Golden Girls, because they have fans that follow their social media accounts. The fans want to feel like immersed in the content that is being posted on their social media. The Golden girls have a lot of fans and can gain followers just based off the nostalgic vibe that they already carry. Their consumers do not need to be targeted, because they already have a connection to the brand.

Both paid and organic social media strategies can help you build brand awareness. By sharing high-quality content and engaging with your audience, you can increase brand recognition and establish your brand as a trusted and authoritative voice in your industry. Both paid and organic social media strategies allow you to track and measure your results. You can use analytics tools to see which types of content are performing well, which audiences are engaging with your brand, and which campaigns are driving the most traffic and sales. A social media marketing agency will help your business create a diverse strategy using both paid and organic tactics.

Paid or organic content symbol. Turned wooden cubes, changed words ‘paid content’ to ‘organic content’. Beautiful orange background, copy space. Business, paid or organic content concept.

Paid and organic social media strategies are important if your business wants to succeed on social media. Instead of using type of social media strategy or the other think about how to combine them and make it work together. Having the strategies support one another will drive the best results. By combining both types of strategies, you can reach a wider audience, increase engagement, drive traffic to your website, build brand awareness, and measure your results.

Perfecting the Art of Creative Blogging

Blogging is an essential part of running a business. Many brands rely on blogs to increase website traffic, build a particular brand image, and to strengthen customer relationships. We all have different starting points when it comes to writing. To some people, writing is fun, easy, and among their strengths. To others, it may be a struggle and time-consuming headache. Wherever you are in your journey as a writer, we have a few tips to help sharpen your skills and improve your SEO blog article writing.

Getting Started

Staring at a dreaded blank document with the blinking cursor staring back at you is one of the worst ways to get creativity flowing. The stark white document is merely an unfriendly reminder of how much you have left to do. Instead, consider starting somewhere that sparks ideas and excitement about your target market.

Knowing Your Audience

Figure out what interests your target market using analytics on blogs you have previously posted. Consider which blogs performed particularly well. What were they about? How were they titled? What tone and style did you use? These are key indicators of how your next blog will perform.

If you have not written a blog yet, you can reference the analytics on your website. Consider what pages receive a heightened amount of traffic. This is a strong means of determining what attracts and engages your target audience.

Digital Marketing Analytics to reflect how to learn about your target audience when SEO blog article writing.

A strong blog tells you a lot about a business through the content and tone of the writing. Your voice will reflect how well you know your audience and allow them to relate to you as a brand. This can be difficult which is why many companies use a digital marketing agency for help writing blogs.

Picking a Topic

Use what you know about your audience to pick the perfect topic. Brainstorm by considering what your target market may already be searching for. For example, someone who loves going to the movies may be searching the internet to determine if it is safe to do so now. What has worked for Galaxy Theatres is the creation of a blog outlining the precautions movie goers should take to remain safe while enjoying a movie on the big screen.

You don’t have to own a movie theatre to utilize Galaxy’s strategy. No matter what industry you are in, you can use your blogging capabilities to share helpful information relevant to your audience and, in return, drive traffic to your site.

Image of Galaxy Theatre's blog as an example of how different businesses use SEO blog article writing.

Always keep in mind that proper SEO blog article writing drives traffic to your website. Select a topic in which you can seamlessly include relevant keywords to increase your search results organically. Your keywords should reflect what a customer may search on the internet when looking for the product or service you provide. Many businesses outsource SEO blog article writing to a digital marketing agency to guarantee strong results.

Avoid Writer’s Block

Once you have a topic, it is time to brainstorm the best way to portray the information. Determining which blog style works best for your topic and audience will help get the writing flowing and avoid writer’s block. Some blogs take a “How To” approach giving an in-depth explanation on a certain process or topic. Others utilize a “listing” format to share information in a quick, easy-to-read way. Blogs can also address a specific question or topic, much like the one you are reading now.


As you write, be sure to keep readability at the top of your mind. It is essential to consider the level at which you are writing in relation to who you are writing to. While you may have the skills to use impressive language, your target market may be more interested in a simple, easy to understand blog.

Keep it Interesting

There are a lot of ways you can ensure your blog is fun and creative. First, use descriptive language to keep your audience engaged. A blog about a movie theater could refer to the “warm scent of popcorn” and the “sweet taste of bubbly soda” to hold attention. Next, include images throughout the blog. This is a great way to better explain a topic, increase entertainment, or give the reader a break from reading. Also, consider seasonality. Readers love relevant topics, like reading something about Halloween during October. Finally, make sure your headline builds curiosity and encourages readers to click on it.

Digital Marketing Inspiration to encourage people to start SEO blog article writing.

With these tips and tricks, you’re more than ready to get blogging. But, if it still feels like too much, reach out to a digital marketing agency, like Bright Age, for help!

10 Common Copywriting Mistakes

Copywriting for your business’s blog, email, or social media post is a tricky process that requires practice and openness to feedback. If you’re writing copy for your business, here are 10 common copywriting mistakes to avoid.

1. Forgetting Your Audience

Writing without an audience in mind makes your advertising less effective. You must understand what motivates and intrigues your audience, so you can write from their perspective instead of your own. A content marketing agency like Bright Age can help you define your audience and fine-tune your copy to make it relevant, eye-catching, and successful.

2. No Call-to-Action

Your social media copywriting should include a short call-to-action, such as subscribe or learn more, that directs viewers to your website or products. Without this, your copy becomes passive and may see a lower conversion rate. If there is a discount or reward to incentivize the call-to-action, include it in your copy to grab attention quickly.

Picture of telephone to visualize call-to-action in posts with a content marketing agency

3. Overwhelming Jargon

Don’t assume that everyday consumers understand the technical terms that are common for your company. Consumers don’t want to read long-winded paragraphs about the product’s design and details, as this kind of information overwhelms them and prompts them to skim your writing. Focus on quality over quantity by keeping your content simple and digestible.

4. Too Wordy

Simplifying your writing makes your copy more eye-catching. Eliminate unnecessary phrases such as It is important to know this because…and instead jump right into the explanation. Also cut out words that don’t add much value, such as very and really. Succinct writing is especially essential for social media copywriting to keep people engaged with your content. As a general rule of thumb, delete any words that don’t serve a clear purpose.

5. Too Choppy

Alternatively, many writers use short, choppy sentences that sound unnatural. While you should keep wording simple and succinct, you should also maintain a natural flow. Use commas to combine short sentences, and add transition phrases to guide readers through your blog or caption.

6. Typos Abound

Though spellcheck wards off many common spelling errors, you should proofread your finished copy at least once before posting it. Typos can be as simple as a missing comma or the wrong form of “there.” Still, they make your writing look sloppy and turn away readers from your brand. Send your work to your peers for a new set of eyes.

Content marketing agency picture of scrabble tiles to visualize typos

7. Lacking Keywords and Hashtags

Keywords and hashtags attract viewers to your social media post or blog. When you write a blog, choose a couple relevant phrases to incorporate into your article. A content marketing agency can help you integrate them into the URL, title, and alternative text to maximize SEO. Similarly, don’t be afraid to use hashtags in social media copywriting to reach additional viewers.

8. Trying Too Hard

Some companies try too hard to make their writing relatable and lose their authenticity. For instance, a brand reaching out to young people might go overboard on pop culture references and slang in order to seem trendy. A touch of relatability adds shine to your marketing strategy, but be careful not to come across as desperate. Additionally, try not to imitate successful competitors in an effort to remain relevant. Copying content from other companies will likely make your brand seem unoriginal.

9. Inconsistency

Strong brands keep their content consistent across platforms. While it is okay to slightly alter your technique based on the social media platform, your basic tone and content should remain the same. This will make your brand appear cohesive and reliable to your entire audience.

10. Mobile Unfriendly

In a time where mobile devices are a top way to consume information, be sure your website copy is optimized for mobile devices. Use a large font and keep paragraphs relatively short in order to make your words readable on a smart phone. Since people use their phones for quick, digestible information, make sure your headline is strong and your writing is not too long-winded.

Picture of girl on phone to show importance of mobile optimization with a content marketing agency

A content marketing agency like Bright Age can help you avoid these common mistakes by creating interesting, clean, and relevant copy. These copywriting tips are a simple way to enhance your marketing strategy and increase your sales!

How to Make your Writing Catchy

Whether you are writing an Instagram caption, a blog article, or a brand-new slogan for your company, your copy should capture your audience’s attention. B2C marketing (business-to-consumer) interacts directly with the customers, which requires eye-catching, digestible content for people browsing their phone or computer. This not only comes across in your company’s products and purpose, but the way you communicate it. Here are a few tips to make your company’s writing catchier.Photo of someone typing on a computer to show writing abilities and services of a content marketing agency

Tone and Word Choice

Your writing should implement an engaging tone that matches your business’s brand identity. For instance, if your brand is sophisticated, make sure that personality is consistent across social media and blog posts. Consider the desires and needs of your consumers, as well as what kind of language they use in everyday life. One way to establish a consistent writing tone is to think of fresh words that make your content more interesting. This is evident in Nike’s Instagram post about two runners in Thailand.

Screenshot of Nike Instagram post about two runners from Thailand to show example of good tone written by a content marketing agency

Rather than simply getting the message across, this post purposefully uses words such as superstars and crazy dream to create a dramatic tone that fits Nike’s fierce brand personality. Like Nike’s post, B2C marketing should appeal to the emotion of consumers by creating a unique tone. The post also uses a number of terms that specifically relate to Nike’s products, such as marathon, finish line, and run. Don’t be afraid to pull out a thesaurus if you are stuck and need some inspiration for new words. At the same time, be wary of going overboard and making your writing too technical. A content marketing agency like Bright Age can help you keep an interesting yet casual tone that attracts consumers to the words on-screen.


Even great writers fall into wordiness that cheapens the quality of their content. The overall structure of your writing affects how consumers view your brand, which goes beyond tone and word choice. To make your writing as catchy as possible, cut out wordiness wherever possible. For instance, avoid lengthy and unnecessary phrases like It is very evident that…. Instead, dive right into the point without any introductory phrase. If you must, use a simpler phrase like This shows…. Since B2C marketing needs to grab attention quickly, your writing should get to the point without talking in long, confusing sentences.

Picture of coffee and journal to illustrate how a content marketing agency can help with wordiness and organization

Engage with the Audience

Certain language choices can help you engage more directly with your audience. For instance, active voice effectively urges consumers to take action, while also focusing on the subject and remaining concise. Also consider using the word you rather than my. Sprout Social quoted a study that found using your instead of my can generate 90% more clicks. This pronoun change creates a personal connection that engages the reader on a more emotional level.

Content Still Matters

No matter how catchy your writing style is, no one wants to read dull content. Search for a unique or unexpected angle to advertise your products. Interesting content looks different across certain platforms, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the style and expectations of a specific social media post, blog, or infographic.

In particular, social media content should look different depending on the platform. Twitter’s concise wording, for instance, will contrast with Instagram’s picture-based content. Consider asking questions on social media to encourage user interaction, as well as incorporating a call-to-action in each post that points towards your website or product. Blog articles are much longer, which leaves room for details. Include a gripping lead and be sure to remain focused throughout the article to avoid rambling. Try outlining your work beforehandto keep a clear direction for your article. Short copy – slogans, banner ads, or a call-to-action – needs to be as succinct as possible, while also capturing people’s attention. This Galaxy Theatres Instagram post is a great example of short copy over an infographic, complemented by a longer social media caption.

Galaxy Theatres Instagram screenshot of Valentine's Day post to show example of content marketing agency capabilities

Interesting copy is crucial for marketing success. Catchy writing focuses on creating a unique tone, minimizing wordiness, and creating relevant content. A content marketing agency like Bright Age can offer all the help you need to improve the quality of your writing and expand your viewership.

How to Organically Increase Engagement on Your Social Media Posts

While buying followers or running paid ads can result in more exposure for your company, it can begin to rack up a hefty sum of money.  In order to achieve organic growth across all social channels, it is important for digital marketing agencies, like Bright Age, to understand how to appeal to users and keep them engaged, while avoiding overspending. The overarching goal is to create better content in order to gain more quality followers, which will result in higher levels of engagement.  By following these four tips, you can organically grow your user base and create more engagement on your posts organically, without breaking the bank.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)digital marketing agencies

Every company wants their site to be one of the first you see when you perform a Google search. By using SEO marketing, you can drive traffic to your site, therefore increasing impressions, sales, exposure, or whatever your companies’ goal is. By using keywords and making sure your websites are SEO compatible, you can ensure that your pages will be seen by a great audience. Many digital marketing agencies, like Bright Age, offer assistance in SEO strategies.


If you are seeking greater interaction on your social platforms, you must encourage people to want to interact. There are many different tactics you can use that are all going to result in organic growth. You can share others’ posts that are relevant to your social channels in the hopes of them returning the favor. Join groups of people you think would be interested in your product or service. Respond to people who comment on your posts, even if it is just a simple “thank you!” Asks questions to your audience or even introduce a contest or giveaway. Tag important people in the field or a celebrity/influencer you think may be interested. Most importantly, digital marketing agencies recommended to USE HASHTAGS. Hashtags are the easiest way for someone to search for something they are interested in. Stay up to date on trending hashtags and participate in those conversations.

Promote Across All Accounts

Organic growth stems from within, so what better way to achieve that growth than self-promotion? If your company has more than one social platform (which it should!), you have the opportunity to share across all platforms. What you’re posting on Facebook should also be posted on your Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.  Make sure your social channels are linked to your website to encourage traffic. In addition to sharing content across all platforms, you can even send email newsletters that detail what is new in the company and new on your social networking channels, for those users who are not as active on social media. Sharing across all platforms is simple to do and will result in more exposure.

Quality over Quantity

It is not about having the most followers, but having the best followers. One interactive follower is better than 10 unengaged, ghost followers. Those who interact with your accounts are the ones who are likely to buy your product, use your service, etc. Seek followers who have characteristics that fit with your brand because they are the one’s who will interact with your content. Organically gaining followers is more beneficial than buying followers because they may be fewer in number, but they will generate more buzz.

digital marketing agencies

7 Ways to Turn Social Media Followers into Customers

Followers tend to add up on all social media accounts, but how is it that you can turn those followers into actual customers? If products and services are offered the same, these products and services are just seen as commodities based on which one will give the customer the lowest price. If you follow these 7 tips to differentiate yourself from your competitors, you will turn those social media followers into customers.

Extend Value in Social Media Bio

7 Ways to Turn Social Media Followers into CustomersAcross all platforms of social media, your bio is what customers will first approach to learn more about your product or service. You will want to use this first look to your advantage by telling your prospective customers why they should like your page and what the benefits they will derive from purchasing your product or service. Be up front with them and write out your company’s values and objectives. It is recommended to offer a lead magnet, which you can learn how to use if you click on the following link.

Fill Your Posts with Value

It is not recommended to flood your followers with numerous posts daily, so you need to make sure that each post is valuable. You may want to brainstorm one idea that makes you different from your competitors and then keep all your posts in line with that one idea. This will ensure your followers understand your brand’s message, your brand’s value, and your brand overall. If they understand your brand and what it has to offer to them, this may increase your chances of your social media followers turning into customers.

Posts Need to be About the Customers

You are trying to sell your products to the customer, not yourself! Make sure that you are focusing on their needs and how your product and service will benefit them. Once again, focus on your target market and brainstorm what they will find most valuable from your product. Customers want to have the best deal possible and to spend their money wisely, so show that your product is the most valuable and beneficial option offered to them.

Engage with Followers

We have all heard customers love engagement and love to have their voices heard. Build a relationship with your followers by asking them questions over posts, through surveys, or direct messaging them if it is an appropriate method to answer their question. Followers are more likely to use a service or product if they have had some relationship and interaction with the brand, instead of feeling like they are just a sales target.

Being Controversial is Okay

When finding a new customer base, you only want to find the customers that are perfect for your product or service. It is okay to post things that are only attractive to the target followers you are trying to reach. Just keep in mind, you do not want to offend any other Instagram users either. Keep all posts friendly and appropriate. Here is a quick read on how to post about controversial topics online, while be responsible.

Be Authentic

Potential customers want to deal with businesses that are honest and lay it all out to them. Do not be afraid to be real with your customers, to talk to them, and to try to build relationships with them. Show them you truly care about every individual, and that you are willing to build relationships with them. It may take more time and effort, but it will really pay off in the long run. If you are not so sure as to how to build relationships with customers, read on here to see how.

Focus on Transformation, not Information7 Ways to Turn Social Media Followers into Customers

On the  note of transformation,  you want to show how your product or service will “transform” or change their life. Many companies make the mistake of just showing and telling about the product, but do not emphasize how it will help the customer. Emphasize to your followers the benefits of your product or service, and how it will be “life changing”. It may be exactly what certain customers are looking for, and if you are hitting the right target audience, you will see a larger amount of social media followers turn into customers.

A Social Media Marketing Agency’s Strategy to Organic SEO

A Social Media Marketing Agency in Los Angeles’ Strategy to Organic SEO


First Page Importance

Why is ranking as one of the first three websites on Google essential? According to DigitalTrends, of the global search engine pie is occupied by Google and billions of searches are being processed per day. The most preferable spots a company wants to show up on Google is one the top three organic links or at least appearing on the first page. Click-through rates increase the higher a company lands on Google, which is why landing in the top three is essential. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is essential for businesses to raise awareness of their products, services, and brand image. By partnering up with a social media marketing agency in Los Angeles, SEO techniques are strategized and implemented, magnifying a business to its fullest potential.


Organic SEO tips and tricks

While companies can pay to appear first on Google’s paid advertisement spots, appearing on the first search page organically is the best way to generate traffic to its websites. The first approach to organic SEO is to take advantage of popular search keywords or phrases. By implementing these keywords into company websites, title tags, and meta description tags, Google recognizes the correlation between searches and website content, boosting a company’s website ranking. Another technique our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles practices are backlinking important companies, such as Google, to raise credibility of articles. Additionally, companies should check content and website links and ensure that everything clickable sends users to correct pages. This procedure will help Google crawlers navigate through a business’ website faster, allowing more traffic to hit the website, while decreasing bounce rates.


Be Truthful

Give your audience the content they are looking for. As a social media marketing agency, we know that fooling the search engine by misleading users to see a company’s content, even if it is irrelevant to them is bad news bears. This method is also known as “cloaking”, is frowned upon in the industry and will result in a ban from Google. Another no-no social media agencies in Los Angeles must recognize is the overuse of keywords, also known as “keyword stuffing”. Repetitively using phrases or keywords on a page actually decreases page rank, and could resulting in banning as well. One rule of thumb suggests using the keyword every 100 words or so.


Get Social

The best way to appear on the first page of Google organically is to incorporate social media platforms. Does your business have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn? How about a YouTube channel? By integrating social media platforms, there is more content available to users about your company. Not to mention, online engagement among consumers boosts search results, as individuals are interested or fascinated with what they are talking about. Contact our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles and let us strategize your organic SEO plan today!


AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

Tips to Rock Your Blogger Outreach Strategy

A smart, effective blogger outreach campaign can transform your digital marketing strategy. When you are ready to rock your blog with fresh ideas and dynamic copy, reaching out to guest bloggers or linking to industry experts can help you turn a critical corner in successful blogging.

Below are a few tips to help ROCK your blogger outreach marketing strategy:

Experts can keep you ahead of the curve: Reaching out to professional bloggers through online sources such as Technorati or Huffington Post by commenting on their blogs or sending them emails praising recent posts can build rapport and smooth the way for a future business relationship. Through these channels, you can create your own stable of experts to help boost your blog’s message. I would also recommend using the Blogger Outreach Dashboard BlogDash.

Pingbacks can work wonders: Linking to another professional blog or website can attract the attention of a blogger or source you would like to work with. Take the time to read through blogs written by those who could effectively carry your own message. Link to the blog entries and see whether you can build a relationship through mutual support.

Use social media regularly as a resource: This can work in two ways. Clever tweets and Facebook posts promoting your blog can attract attention from your peers, as can direct messaging to people you would like to work with. You can build expert source lists through Twitter and Facebook from which to access professionals quickly when seeking a guest blog. Pinterest also is an emerging resource for valuable audience-building strategies through strong visuals.

Keep track of results: Blog sites typically give you simple snapshot profiles of how your blog is doing in terms of readership. It is important to monitor results to see how topics and timing affect your posts. For a little extra money, you can get more detailed analysis that may even drill down to who is reading your blog on a regular basis. You may discover that you can build essential audience profiles from this data.

Stay on task: Your iCal or Google Calendar needs to be updated regularly to show what you have scheduled to run with your network of bloggers. In this way, you can spot content holes when it comes to business promotions or see whether themes need to rescheduled or different topics covered on your site. Variety and consistency in terms of quality from your various bloggers will keep your audience plugged in to follow each update.

For more expert guidance, contact Bright Age, a Los Angeles digital marketing agency that can easily meet your social media promotional needs, freeing you to focus more on your overall business strategy. Call today to find out how we can bring new life to your existing blog’s performance and create a plan that works for your business.