Types of Businesses That Must Have a Social Media Presence

As we continue to move through the digital era, the world constantly brings us new and long-lasting technological advancements. It is crucial for many businesses to take advantage of what these new technologies have to offer. However, establishing a grounded social media strategy in 2020 and for the years to come may be challenging if you do not know where, how, or when to start. If you are a business struggling to find your presence in social media and networking online, it may be time to contact a social media management agency, like Bright Age, to help you navigate your way through the digital era. We have the knowledge, tools, and team you need to help expand your reach. Many types of businesses must have a social media presence, which is why we have highlighted some ideas of why a social media presence is important to better your understanding of how you may start to incorporate one into your brand.


The entertainment industry is incredibly intricate. As consumers, we consistently rely on the industry’s social media presence to update us on the news revolving around the world of celebrities, award-winning movies, the latest dramatic scene in our favorite show, and much more. Not only do we as consumers rely on the entertainment industry to update us, but social media is the easiest and most reliable way to get this information. Social media marketing makes it possible for your brand to be reached globally. For instance, 90% of Facebook’s daily active users come from outside of the U.S. This alone is a vital piece of information on why the entertainment industry should have a social media presence. Social media gives you the opportunity to expand your reach, incorporating many cultures into your brand. One client of Bright Age, Galaxy Theatres, has definitely seen the impact social media has on the entertainment industry. Bright Age manages all of their social media networks, continuously releasing fresh and exciting content for the fans to engage with.



In one way or another, we have all posted a picture-perfect photo of our food on social media. Although those photos are always fun to share with friends and family, many food businesses must have a social media presence in order for their company to thrive. The food industry does a lot of marketing throughout the world on social media. A great tip to increase engagement and promote your brand is posting fan photos. Tell your customers to use your hashtag so they can be featured on your Instagram. This boosts community management in a fun, simple way. Another tip is using social media to promote deals or rewards programs that are going on throughout the company. The food delivery service is very popular right now, so promoting take-out deals on social media is a great idea as well. As previously mentioned, consumers are constantly relying on social media as their main source for learning about topics of interest.


Retail stores vary from small clothing boutiques, to fine jewelry shops, to large department stores. It is one of the largest industries in the world. At times, it may be difficult to keep these businesses afloat, considering how competitive the industry is. That is why it is essential for these businesses to have a social media presence, which is where a social media management agency comes in to take care of all your social media needs. Much like food businesses, retail stores can post about promotions they have going on throughout the store. Who doesn’t like to see a BOGO deal going on at their favorite clothing store? Social media is a great tool for marketing any retail brand.


For healthcare companies, it may be difficult to promote your brand without using social media. With the technological advancements we have for networking, billboards, newspaper articles, and other traditional methods used for advertising, healthcare companies are consistently becoming more and more outdated, which is why social media management agencies assist in helping turn your brand into an online phenomenon. GoodRx, a client of Bright Age, is a healthcare company which has been thriving on social media with the help of our community management specialists. Whatever your message to the community may be, social media is a great way to get that message out there for the public to see.


Business to Business

Whether you are a phone answering service, a manufacturer selling to a wholesaler, a wholesaler selling to a retailer, a graphic designer, or a CPA, it is important that every type of B2B company has a social media presence. The most important reason for this is simply that customers need support. Just as B2C companies do much of their customer service through social media, so do B2B companies. Twitter is a great way to reach out to your customers to make announcements, solve issues with clients, or even to promote your brand. Out of 115 marketing specialists in B2B roles, a survey found that 79% rated social media as the most effective marketing outlet. Social media management agencies take these facts and ideas and generate creative platforms that represent your B2B brand in a transformational way.

Social media is filled with endless opportunities. Good community management depends on how your brand is perceived online. If a consumer has never physically seen your store or doesn’t know much about your brand, they will rely on your social media platforms for insight on who you are and what your brand is about, which is why it is important to have a social media presence. Contact Bright Age today to transform your brand.

The Importance of Social Media Community Management During a Crisis

The importance of social media community management during a crisis is extremely essential. Your community is your audience, and through social media, we have the immense opportunity to deliver content that is beneficial to your audience. However, if you find your brand lacking managerial attributes in a time of need, you may want to consider contacting a community management agency, such as Bright Age to get the support your brand needs during a crisis.

Social media community management is all about how your brand engages with the community in an online space. In other words, it is how your brand seizes the day. Your community may be specialized to one location, but it is essential to reach new users through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and any other social media networks your company may use.

community management agency social media crisis - crowd

Whether it is a PR problem, a catastrophe in advertising that needs to be fixed, or even a natural disaster causing your company to take things remote, one of the most important things to consider in a crisis is making sure your social media is alive online. Many people tune into social media as their main source of news. It may be through a Tweet, or an Instagram or Snapchat story, getting your words of wisdom out there for your community to see is essential in maintaining your brand’s online personality. It is also important to prioritize what and who you are engaging with. Since 2014, customer complaints on social media have increased eight times, so make sure you are especially supportive to those who have a problem that your brand can help solve.

Monitoring what is relevant to your brand is one of the key aspects of community management. Keeping relevant discussions alive will ensure to the community that you care about them and how they feel about your brand. This will help you analyze how the public perceives your brand, and how you can enhance it. During a crisis, you want to be the brand that the public turns to for reliable, convenient information. While this may be overwhelming, especially in a time of a predicament, a community management agency will take care of social listening for your brand, which in return will eliminate stress.

It is true, that every comment you post on social media leaves a digital footprint. The more positivity you and the community create for your brand through networks, the stronger your brand will be. Handling community management during a crisis is extremely hard to do when you really must be careful what type of content you are engaging with through social media. Of course, it may seem like the easier option to have an automated bot system run your likes and comments system, but this will only do harm in the long run. That is why Bright Age is fully equipped with social media marketing specialists who only use their creativity to engage with the community online, no bots necessary.

A tip to help you when dealing with a hardship in an online space is to directly encourage happy customers. It is easy to engage with people who are happy about your brand. Inspire them to share your photo or post. This is a way you can use a branded hashtag.

community management agency social media crisis - monitoring

Lastly, it is important to set goals for your company if similar problems reoccur. Set roles for each person involved in your company and create a space where your community feels secure in knowing their questions will be answered, and their voice will be heard. Communicating internally is essential in crisis management, so making sure the team that holds your brand together is heard as well.

Crises can happen at any growing company, but what you learn from them is what is going to improve your brand. A reliable social media community management strategy is essential to have during these times of distress. Let Bright Age, a thriving community management agency, help in creating an engaging space for the public. Our specialized team of marketing professionals will be sure to help relieve the stress of any disaster you may encounter.

The Benefit of Using Twitter to Promote Your Brand

Twitter is an essential social media platform that has been continuously growing with over 326 million monthly active users. Adding Twitter to your social media management strategy could be the next step in enhancing your brand’s presence. Take this as an opportunity to work with a marketing agency like Bright Age to ensure your brand is reaching new audiences!

Twitter app on iPhone for social media management

The Benefits of Using Twitter

Having a Twitter presence allows brands to create a stronger connection with their followers through content creation and community engagement. Creating content that gives followers a chance to interact with Tweets is very beneficial. Some successful methods include asking questions or creating a poll, which give followers a chance to share their feedback. Twitter creates a seamless way to see followers’ comments, simply by going through the replies to the brand’s original Tweet and managing how the public is reacting. This is beneficial as you are able to see followers sharing their opinion of what was just released in real time, giving brands the opportunity to self-reflect and elevate their appearance.


By using Twitter, you are able to locate people who have similar interests to your brand, which leads to finding potential customers that you don’t already reach. Using hashtags has become the norm, since Tweets with hashtags get almost double the engagement than Tweets without hashtags. By utilizing hashtags, it creates a way for your brand to be exposed to new followers and reach a completely different audience. Creating a hashtag to promote a specific campaign allows your audience to Tweet using that same hashtag as well, creating a sense of inclusiveness within the campaign for followers to interact. When there is high-traffic conversation about a topic, the hashtag associated with the material becomes “trending”. Trending hashtags allow more visibility for your page, which creates a bigger audience. Different hashtags are trending each day, but the ones that get the most engagements are related to holidays like #InternationalWomensDay or contests being promoted by using #Giveaway. Using a hashtag that is simple yet relates to your brand encourages viewers to engage with the hashtag as well.

Twitter hashtag for International Womens Day showing social media management

Twitter Ads

Brands can pay for a promoted ad that shows up on users’ timelines as they are scrolling through their most recent or filtered content. By utilizing Twitter ads, it reaches your audience in a more direct way, as it could show up on any user’s feed, not just your target audience. Twitter ads increase traffic to your profile and website as new users are coming across your brand and are intrigued to learn more. Users are also able to interact with promoted Tweets as well, just like they do with organic content. For example, an airline may create an ad that promotes their brand, as well as include a hyperlink to their website and hashtags to ensure maximum exposure. This ad can be featured on anyone’s timeline, increasing their target audience.

social media management screenshot of British Airways to show example of twitter ad
How to Use Twitter Ads

In order to utilize Twitter ads, there are a few steps to go through in order to reach maximum exposure. First, choose your target audience. An ideal target audience should be based on interests, geography, gender, etc. that are somewhat similar to your normal following, but also differs to reach a new market. This will help maximize your Tweet’s range as it will appear on users’ timelines that wouldn’t come across your brand naturally. Next, draft a catchy caption to grab the attention of your audience so your account can receive more exposure. Lastly, set a budget and only pay when users follow your account, as well as retweet, like, or click on your promoted Tweet. Using Twitter ads puts you in complete control. There’s no minimum amount you have to spend, meaning you can start and stop it any time you would like. Total cost are measured in  cost per engagement or cost per 1,000 impression.


Twitter is a beneficial tool to utilize within your social media management strategy. Contact Bright Age today for assistance with enhancing your brand’s presence on Twitter!



How Social Media Management Varies Based on Consumer Behavior

The abilities we have as consumers has truly started from the bottom and risen to the top, especially in the past decade, due to social media. This is all based on the realm of social media community management. Consumer behavior, which has also shifted immensely, is essentially the actions taken prior to purchasing a product or service, the time that is spent on decision making, and the actions taken after purchasing the product or service, both short term and long term.

Consumer behavior varies drastically depending on many things; most importantly, the time it takes to make a decision. While we work closely with a wide variety of clients, each one is unique when it comes to social media community management. For example, the consumer behavior of someone bidding on an item with Profiles in History is quite different than that of someone completing an architecture project with EZ Plans. With Profiles in History, the bidding happens fast, due to the nature of an action, meaning it is more of an impulsive purchase. Although these decisions still take time and thought, the decision making would not take as long as if you were to create an architecture project with EZ Plans. This custom home architecture service would not only take a lot longer, but the consumer behavior would change throughout the process. This would then shift from impulsive behavior to “time consuming” behavior.



modern style iphone mockup of Instagram

Engaging and communicating with consumer behavior is why social media community management is ever evolving. This is why working with a digital marketing agency is essential for your brand or company. Another important topic to consider when thinking about consumer behavior in the digital age, and selling products and services through social media platforms, is traffic. In April 2017, Instagram hit over 700 million monthly active users, adding approximately 100 million users each year since the end of 2013. Toward the end of 2018, Instagram hit a total of one billion monthly users, which currently stands as its monthly active user rate. Not to mention, over half of these users are on Instagram daily. The way we enhance our consumer satisfaction through Instagram at Bright Age is by constantly engaging with our fans and followers via live interaction, and always making sure their questions are answered in the comment section or through direct messaging. This is a great way to build on the importance of social media community management.

busy intersection of people crossing the streetThroughout the past decade, we all know that social media has played a huge part in the lives of youth and young adults, but some of us may not know that this is the same for businesses. Almost 75% of businesses use Instagram, so it doesn’t come as a shock that 83% of the one billion monthly Instagram users say that they have discovered new products and services through Instagram.  This is exactly why when brands are thinking about incorporating social media platforms for digital marketing, the important question to ask is: will this add value to my community? The capabilities we have as consumers allow us to explore and interact with people throughout the world using social media platforms. Let Bright Age, a digital marketing agency specializing in communication management help you add value and navigate the consumer era.

What’s New with Instagram and What Else to Expect

With the ever-competitive digital age, social media sites have high expectations to live up to, and that includes the regular implementation of new features to improve the user experience. Earlier this year at Facebook’s Developer Conference, exciting updates were announced to be coming to Instagram, and since then, we’ve seen a lot of these already implemented in the app. Familiarize yourself with a few of the newest features the platform has to offer, and what we can expect to be released in the near future.

What’s New

A brand-new camera for Instagram Stories gives users access to a feature called Create Mode. Create Mode allows you to share stories without videos or photos, and it includes templates such as polls, questions, and countdowns, and even lets you randomize ideas. For example, if you wanted to post a story with questions, you could press the randomize icon and receive questions such as “What’s one thing you wish people knew more about you?” that your story viewers can respond to. Brands working with a social media company may take advantage of this new feature to foster more interactions with followers and target audiences.

Another exciting addition to the camera is the new donation sticker, which allows people who view your story to donate to a nonprofit of your choice. According to Instagram, “all nonprofits are reviewed by Instagram and receive 100% of the money you raise.”

Instagram management screenshot of Adam Mosseri tweet about hidden Instagram likes update

A more surprising change comes in the form of hiding like counts, an integral feature of the platform. The purpose of this functionality is to create a less “pressurized” social media environment, where the focus is taken off of numbers and shifted onto more meaningful engagements. However, this feature is still being tested, and as far as how this will change the way brands handle Instagram management, the results are still unclear.

What Else to Expect

Beta testing has commenced for a new Instagram dark mode, which is now available for IOS 13 and Android 10 users. Similar to the dark mode on other apps, this feature simply turns the interface of Instagram from light to dark, allowing for an app experience that’s easier on the eyes.

Instagram management screenshot of new Instagram dark mode for IOS 13 Android 10 users

New and upcoming features to social media platforms, including Instagram, are continuously being uncovered by Hong Kong based hacker, Jane Wong. According to CNBC, Jane was the one who leaked Instagram’s tests to hide like counts twelve days before the platform officially announced it. Even Facebook employees follow her updates to snoop at what other teams are developing.

Jane recently uncovered a new Stories capability currently being tested internally, called “Clips.” Clips is meant to rival TikTok, allowing the user to time, overlay music, and control the speed of a video. This sort of “cloning,” as Jane calls it, is common in the world of social media—LinkedIn has “cloned” Facebook’s reactions, and Instagram “cloned” its stories from Snapchat’s stories, so Instagram trying to gain a competitive edge on TikTok should be no surprise.

Instagram management screenshot of new Instagram Clips testing in Stories mirroring TikTok

You may only be using Instagram scarcely, but to fully take advantage of all the features Instagram has to offer, collaborate with a social media company like Bright Age that stays up to date on new changes to social media. We can help coordinate an Instagram management strategy that will best suit the needs of your business.

How to Navigate the Instagram Algorithm

You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed. What’s that restaurant your friend is at? Click. Where are his shoes from? Click. A Hawaiian resort giveaway? Tag all your friends in the comments. Next thing you know, you’re seeing that restaurant, those shoes, and those travel pictures of Hawaii all over your discover page. Why are you seeing this? We’re breaking down the Instagram algorithm and how its demands for specific content, increased interactions, and a thorough understanding of your post analytics mean your brand might could benefit from an Instagram marketing agency.

With today’s Instagram algorithm, promoting your brand without proper performance analytics is like sailing out to sea without the proper tools to navigate your way towards your destination. The steps you take after posting on Instagram are just as—if not more—important than the actual content you put out. Why? Because Instagram is becoming increasingly personalized. With this, it can be an exhausting task to stay afloat the current algorithm in order to avoid sinking deeper into your target audience’s feed, especially if you have multiple accounts. More than ever, your brand needs to put out the right content, interact with your audience, and further examine your engagement analytics in order to effectively navigate your way through the ever-changing Instagram algorithm. As a social media agency in Los Angeles, we utilize Instagram’s method of maximizing the amount of time people spend on their platform to your brand’s advantage.



Recently, brands have been using one of Instagram’s newest features, IGTV, to supplement their content. With the current algorithm, all kinds of video,like time lapses and boomerangs, can be used to promote audience engagement in a creative way that is unique to your brand.


Instagram marketing agencyInstagram marketing agency

With all of this focus on content, the question is: Are hashtags out? No. In fact, Instagram now allows for its users to follow hashtags. As a result, including relevant, brand-specific hashtags on your posts not only enhances your searchability, but also expands your community by automatically showing up in interested users’ feeds.Instagram marketing agency


The Instagram algorithm pushes content to users that have existing relationships with your brand; therefore, building individualized connections with your audience is an important driving force in promoting your posts. Instagram influencers have caught onto this concept and often ask questions in their captions, chat in the comments, and like their followers’ posts to create these authentic relationships. Social media monitoring (keeping track of and responding to interactions in your community) and social media listening (analyzing trends in your industry and brand) are both highly necessary when developing future strategies, so taking advantage of an Instagram marketing agency with the right tools will quickly open up the Instagram algorithm atlas towards success for your brand.

Since the algorithm thrives off of attention, contests and giveaways that encourage audience interaction are one of the most effective ways for your brand to promote its posts on the platform. With an emphasis on exclusivity and market relatability, our social media agency in Los Angeles is experienced in using contests and giveaways as a fun way to bring awareness to your brand and increase audience involvement.Instagram marketing agencyInstagram marketing agency

Understanding Post Analytics: Utilizing an Instagram Marketing Agency

Post and done, right? Not with today’s Instagram algorithm. The key to success for your brand on a platform like Instagram is a thorough understanding of your individual post analytics and knowing what to do for your future posts. Creating content that resonates with your target audience heavily depends on a comprehensive and transparent interpretation of your brand’s analytics and reporting. As a social media agency in Los Angeles, we utilize social media monitoring and listening tools to track, present, and evaluate post analytics in order to optimize the success of your brand on platforms like Instagram.

We are also aware that navigating through the Instagram algorithm becomes a particularly overwhelming task when overseeing a broad range of accounts, but that doesn’t mean you need to narrow down your goals for success. An Instagram marketing agency equipped with the right tools and experience can efficiently manage multiple, related accounts with the ultimate goal of utilizing the algorithm to your brand’s best interest.

Ways to Create A Seamless Brand Identity Across All Social Media Platforms

One of the most important ways to effectively develop brand recognition for your business is to develop consistent content with the use of specific branding and design strategies across all social media platforms. Uniform cross-platform content further helps to display your business’ commitment to maintaining quality and consistency in the services it provides. Utilizing a creative team from a social media agency in Los Angeles is the most efficient path for your brand to achieve this sought-after, seamless presence across various social media platforms.

Effective Branding & Design: Why Consistency Works

First Impressions Count

Today, social media is the most pronounced and accessible way to bring awareness to your business’ services and values. Serious? Family-friendly? All-encompassing fun? There is power in first impressions, and a social media marketing strategy founded on a culture of consistency will establish a positive first impression that accurately communicates your business’ values.


Your target audience should be drawn to your business’ various social media platforms as a result of them having a familiar look. With this, it is increasingly important to develop a well-established, seamless look for your brand that will resonate with your target audience. That is, what content is your target audience attracted to? “You look at something and it reminds you of something else, so you decide to trust it, because it reminds you of something else that you trust.” – Juliette Cezzar, Professor of Communication Design


Stitching Together Your Social Media Platforms

Profile Pictures, Biographies, & Usernames

At the forefront of brand recognition and consistency are profile pictures, biographies, and usernames. Having these components of your social media accounts be identical—or in some variation of each other—will often serve as the most pronounced indicators of your brand for your target audience when it comes to navigating across platforms.

social media agency in los angeles



The most effective and reputable social media content is often displayed in a cohesive manner that communicates your business’ identity. Through color palettes and type font, your content on various social media platforms should reflect and complement each other. Notice the RX Bar and Justin’s Instagram and Pinterest grid style. Both brands display a sense of interconnectedness across their social media platforms while promoting their products.social media agency in los angelessocial media agency in los angeles



Taking Advantage of a Creative Team: Why?

Original & Consistent Content

The key to consistency across your business’ social media platforms is a team that values consistency and specializes in multi-platform brand identity development. This is made possible by having an experienced skillset and using programs specific to cross-platform maintenance. It is equally important to have a collection of original content readily available for use on your business’ social media platforms. Bright Age Digital Creative Agency, a social media agency in Los Angeles, adheres to specific style guidelines to ensure maximum cohesiveness that will communicate your business’ identity. Access to premium, royalty-free images of the highest quality and the latest editing software is the foundation for the creation of the extensive amount of content your brand needs.

Market Trends

In the same way, it is important to have seamless transitions into new marketing strategies across all of your social media platforms. Bright Age Digital Creative Agency is devoted to market research when it comes to social network strategies. Having an involved team that is in-tune with the changing trends is one of the many important tools in maintaining a steady brand identity and presence across the numerous, ever-expanding platforms today.

Why Online Reputation Management is Essential for Your Company

Customer service is a largely dismissed interaction that many companies forget about. Many companies automatically focus on sales or promoting their product, when using online platforms to build their brands. Although those aspects are helpful, your company needs customers. Being aware of your customers is the main component that will make or break your company. Allow a full-service social media agency to manage your socials, communicate with online communities and refer clients to necessary contacts. Social media agencies understand that social media affects daily life. It is our job to keep your online reputation high in quality and engagement.

Time Efficiency

Being efficient with time means to be on top of tasks and be prepared for the unexpected. To prevent negative customer experiences, having properly trained and reliable customer service representatives to monitor your company is essential. Which is why it’s essential to take on a quality agency. Using a full-service social media agency will be able to positively interact with your socials and engage customers through regular postings. Addressing any red flags in a timely manner is the best way to handle and resolve situations. These person


nel need to work quickly and effectively. A customer can quickly determine if they want to keep supporting your company just from the first few forms of communication back and forth.

Working on laptop full-service social media agency

Community Engagement


Customers are your #1 supporters! They have chosen your company to purchase from, receive insight, entertainment and learn different tools/skills from. Utilizing the advanced tools that a full-service social media agency offers will increase your company’s reputation management by directly targeting specified demographics. Customers keep your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and webpage running with impressions, likes, comments, etc. Make sure to hire a team of individuals who interact with customers daily, keeping customer experience high. When your company has happy and returning customers, online reputation positively increases through genuine and uplifting feedback.

Community Engagement full-service social media agency

Daily Interactions

The best thing about having an online presence, is the new additions every day. There will always be new customers or even maybe returning customers that might have not been on your socials in a while. Having your brand specific hashtag helps your online reputation by having an established way of connecting to your audience with an easy search. If your company has a physical location, using the location tag within posts helps find your customers and like/ comment/ follow them. When you’re interacting, do not focus on pushing a product on them, try connecting to customers individually and grow a strong, positive relationship. Simple comments similar to “Beautiful family!” “Amazing looking treat!” “I hope your week starts off great!”  These three comments are super simple but very impactful.

Your company should focus on the customer, the product and the community that is created based upon the mission of the company itself. Being time efficient will benefit you, not harm you. Make sure to be responsive and consider the emotions of the customer. Community management will build a positive online reputation for your company and engage customers who are interested in similar products. Daily interactions display to customers that your brand is not solely focused on the profit. Always remember that the customer experience comes first before anything else.

How to Create an Aesthetically Pleasing Instagram to Boost Your Brand

Instagram is considered to be a blessing to most social media friendly businesses. It is straightforward, easy to use, and focuses on visuals. Due to its simplicity, some users might get lazy or careless in regards to their posts. Even though a user can easily post a photo whenever they wish does not necessarily mean they should.

Posts should be thought out, planned, and often structured, taking previous posts into consideration. Your Instagram feed is a reflection of your brand and should have a consistent aesthetic. By taking the time to learn how to create an aesthetically pleasing Instagram, businesses may not only create feeds that are pleasing to the eye, but that may be recognizable and grab followers’ attention. Content creation companies in Los Angeles are the pros when it comes to creating this perfect aesthetic, so here are a few tips from our own experts.

Know Your Audience

In any business, it is important to know your customers and you should be targeting them at all times. This knowledge should also be transferred to your Instagram feed, creating a timeline that will appeal to them and keep them engaged. All social media channels should be used as a marketing tool to support businesses by giving the community a clear call to action.


It is beneficial to focus on a consistent theme. This is more than simply a subject matter but can also be seen as composition guidelines. A feed does not need to be restricted to promotions or products, it may also include photos that fit within the aesthetic as well.

Color Palette

A color scheme is what most people first think of in regards to a theme. It must be decided beforehand if you want to keep a consistent color throughout your feed or use a filter that gives every post the same effect. In a grid set up, it is much easier to see the ways in which lighting plays into this as well, being able to see which pictures would look good next to each other. Successful businesses are often consistent with these components, creating a distinguishable feed that will lead people to instantly recognize the brand.

Plan Ahead

Instagram is not about a single photo. It is very important to think about how each image will look beside each other on the grid, providing the ‘big picture’ of your business. Using apps such as Planoly is often smart so you can play around with the order, color scheme, and layout of the feed. It is important to remember you are always telling a story and that each photo contributes to it.

Taking all of this into consideration and capitalizing on tools such as stories, the ‘poll’ feature, the ‘swipe up’ option, or asking your audience questions, businesses can use this social media platform to its fullest extent. Content creation companies in Los Angeles will be able to further help boost your brand’s presence by implementing these tips and more to create an aesthetically pleasing Instagram.

How B2B Companies Can Capitalize on Social Media Marketing

Today, social media marketing is vital to all industries and businesses. It is just as necessary for B2B companies as it is for B2C companies. Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook all serve unique, individual purposes that will make your B2B company thrive. To ensure you get the most out of social media marketing, it is important to hire a social media agency in Los Angeles to satisfy all the requirements needed to make your business as successful as can be.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the perfect way to create awareness and give your business a personal voice. No matter what industry your B2B company is involved in, it should always have a social media presence. Social media marketing is essential to your B2B strategy because it is an effective way to create content that individually suits your clients’ needs. For example, if you are targeting businesses in various industries, you can create unique ads that are specifically targeted to each particular industry. Make sure to take advantage of Facebook’s thorough audience targeting platform! If you promote quality content and use the targeting tools at your disposal, you will get more followers and, eventually, customers. Social media also gives you the opportunity to partner with other B2B companies for a win-win collaboration. By showing support for these other institutions, you are showing that your company is easy, diverse, and enjoyable to work with. Using social media marketing will also lead to increased website traffic. Another social media marketing plus would be the ability to share about your corporate social responsibility. By showing that your business cares, people will respect it more and be more inclined to support your product or service. To ensure this is all done correctly, it is essential to hire our social media agency in Los Angeles.

social media agency in los angeles

How to Use Different Social Media Platforms

There are many social networking channels you can use to your advantage as a B2B company. As you might guess, LinkedIn is a very powerful social media site, especially for B2B companies. Many industry professionals use LinkedIn, so this platform will help your business connect with the higher-ups in any company of your choosing. Because LinkedIn is more corporate than social-oriented, it is the perfect platform to use if you are looking to build strong relationships with potential business consumers or partners. Another platform that is very useful to B2B companies is Twitter. Twitter will help make your business more personal. Since this site makes it easy to interact with followers, this leads to a higher number of interactions with your business. On Facebook, your B2B company has lots of budget-friendly options to choose from. You can simply create a company Facebook page, or you can pay a small price to promote your posts. Lastly, Instagram offers a way for your company to connect with its followers on an even deeper level. Through Instagram stories, for example, you can build excitement around a new product or service launch, with polls, Q&As, and more.social media agency in los angeles

Hire a Social Media Agency

There is so much useful information to unpack, so we understand if you may feel overwhelmed. But we’re here to help! Bright Age is a social media agency in Los Angeles, and we have experience in all areas of social media marketing. If you hire us, we will ensure that your B2B company will boom! Now that you have an idea of what your company needs to do through social media, give us a call and we’ll happily share our services with you!social media agency in los angeles