How to Use Twitter Engagement to Grow Your Brand

Twitter is one of those social media platforms that many people overlook when it comes to it being a marketing agency and growing a business or brand. Many people assume Twitter is just for rants, memes, and political content. Although all of that is prominent on Twitter, there are so many ways that Twitter could be used as your own marketing agency to expand the audience of your business.

Engage With Your Audience On Another Platform

Although Twitter does not have as many users as Facebook or Instagram, there are over 336 million users to market your good/service to. There are many people who are more active on Twitter than on other social media platforms. Not promoting your brand on one of the world’s biggest, most-popular social media sites is a lost chance at gaining new audience members. People love Twitter because you can post anything on there, whether it be serious news or a picture of someone’s dog, and people will respond. It’s just another way to get your name out there on something other than your website, advertisements, Instagram, Facebook, or Yelp.

Reach Out To Your Audience Quickly And Efficiently


With Twitter’s low character count for tweets and their feed layout make it easy to get your word out there in a short and sweet way. Keep it simple and to the point. When scrolling through a social media app people do not want to see long paragraphs advertising a brand. They want to see something short and to the point. Twitter makes it possible to get your word out fast and simple, just like it should be.


Chat With Customers Directly

What Twitter does that is very unique is it allows people to directly reply to a tweet or comment and have it be separate from the original tweet. It becomes another conversation between you, the poster of the original tweet, and the person that comments or replies. Businesses are able to engage directly with their customers to answer any questions that may come up. Wendy’s does a great job at responding to their customers on their Twitter page, and they even add some comedy to their replies. By replying to customers directly it allows for you to talk one-on-one with a customer and having your replies be shown to everyone.

Build Your Reputation and SEO

Another great thing about using Twitter as another marketing agency is that it can build a brand’s reputation and boost its SEO. As mentioned earlier Twitter has over 300 million users and some of these users may not have other social media platforms. This is an easy way to gain a new audience, no matter the size. Many users also link website URLs to their tweets which can boost the SEO of that brand’s website. The more people linking your site, the more fans and the greater SEO you can have.



Live Chat With Customers/Fans

Customers are always asking questions and wondering how things get done in certain businesses. On Twitter there’s a feature called Live Chat that allows for a host and the participants to chat at a certain time on the topic of their choosing. This allows for questions being answered quickly in a certain time frame. Customers are able to ask any and as many questions as they want about the topic and they’re left with answers to all of their questions.

Twitter as another social media marketing agency can help grow a brand/business. It’s just another way to gain a greater audience and get your business’ name out there. Everyone loves Twitter, and you will too when you see the results it produces for your company.

How Social Media Monitoring Grows Sales and Brand Recognition

For any business it’s very important to carefully manage, monitor, and listen to their social media accounts. Social media monitoring and community management can give a company so much information that they can then use to improve their engagement, sales, and growth. Customers love to spend time on social media, so why not engage with them, listen to what they have to say, and then make further connections to grow sales and gain brand recognition.

Consumer Talk

Customers love to talk about, rate, leave reviews, and post about products and services on social media. Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are just a few to name. Social media listening, and monitoring, can help a producer know where their product is trending. They’ll know what platform it’s talked about most on, which hashtags are used, which search terms are most popular, where they’re located, what language was used, and even who their biggest competitors are. Yes, all of this can be drawn from constant watch over social media. All of this makes it easier to know what platform my good or service is being talked about on most and with that, will help me build a greater audience for what I’m trying to sell.


Thinking Ahead

Being ahead of the game, or at least ahead of the competitors, is what every company should constantly be thinking about. When looking at the data from social media, not only can you see what social media platform your product/service is most talked about on, but you can also see the growing trends. For example, your product could be very talked about on Facebook, but graphs and data charts show a growing trend on Instagram. Keeping up and constantly staying ahead is key to the growing success of any business, brand, and company.

Initiating and Ending

What initiates conversations about your product or service on social media and what ends it? With the possible data being collected, one could see whether certain key words, phrases, location tags, hashtags, events, and people initiate conversation or end it. For example, if I were to want to buy notebooks some key word initiators could be “ballpoint pen”, “school supplies”, or “office supplies”. Location tags could be local Office Depot, Staples, or any school/office supply store.  Some end words could maybe include a competitor brand, better pricing, different website, or anything else that strays you away. With all of this information, a business could easily create more effective social advertisements, find new influencers/ambassadors, and ultimately growing your sales.

Be Smart

With your new information and analytics, your business could do so much more to increase awareness, engagement, and growth. With the information regarding which locations are most active, your business/company/brand could set up conventions, pop up stores, or campaigns in those specific areas. Knowing what types of conversations people are having about your goods or services can assist a business in knowing how to improve their quality. It’s all about what your company can do to make your customers happy.

Social Media marketing, listening, and community management are all very important to the growth and consumers of a business. If consumers aren’t happy, the business will not grow as fast as it has the potential to. It is not easy to actively manage social media accounts, but if truly invested it could produce incredible results.


How To Effectively Use Hashtags on Facebook for Your Business

Although it’s more common on Instagram and Twitter, it is very important not to disregard Facebook Hashtags. Hashtags were introduced to Facebook in early 2015, but no details were touched on. Hashtags on Facebook are very open-ended, and here we’re going to help figure out the most effective uses of Facebook hashtagging.

What Works

Studies have been done to show what helps with engagement versus what hurts engagement numbers. When using hashtags in Facebook posts, it’s always important to note that, unlike Instagram or Twitter, more hashtags does not mean more engagement. Quality over quantity is key to using hashtags on Facebook. A post truly only needs one or two hashtags that are relevant to the post. For example, if a business were to post for National Dance Day, they could use the hashtags #NationalDanceDay and #dance, and that would be perfectly fine. Very long or too many hashtags can often be very distracting, so it’s in a business’ best interest to keep it simple.

Facebook As Another Marketing Platform

Many businesses, brands, and companies underestimate Facebook as a marketing platform. Facebook has over two billion active users on it, making it the best one to market on. With that many people on one platform, companies can gain a greater target audience. They can use photos, emojis, tags, locations, and hashtags to help with gaining more of an audience. Using Facebook, it’s 2 billion potential audience members, and its hashtags will ultimately help a business rather than hurt it.


Search Using Hashtags

Using hashtags to search for things on Facebook is another way to use them for your company’s benefit. Searching for something by its hashtag could help find different content and more users interested in that specific hashtag. The most effective way to search for a hashtag on Facebook, surprisingly, is not in the Facebook search bar, but through the Google search bar. Let’s say you want to search #dogs, searching will give you the most relevant posts towards your hashtag.

Other Helpful Hints

There are many other little tips and tricks to help you make the most of Facebook Hashtagging. Using websites such as Facebook Analytics for reports and analytics and for finding the most popular and beneficial hashtags could, even in the slightest bit, help with engagements and interactions. Scheduling and fine-tuning every single post will help your posts, and hashtags, look cleaner, more organized, and well thought out.

Facebook hashtags have always been around, and so many people overlook them. Using hashtags on Facebook could assist in taking a company’s profile to the next level regarding more consumers, engagement, and getting their name out there.



The Power of 24/7 Social Media Management for a National Brand

No matter the brand, business, or company, consumers are always going to have something to say. Whether good or bad there’s always something to be said and most of it is said through social media. Social media plays a huge role for many brands in the 21st century and is the reason that 24/7 Social Media Management is crucial to the success of any business. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Yelp, and LinkedIn are only a few social media platforms that many companies use to get their brand out there as well as communicate directly with their customers. Here are just some of the ways that 24/7 Social Media Management can improve a brand:


Understanding who your target audience is and how they use social media to directly interact with the brand is key. Knowing their language and what words people use to describe your brand can easily help with gaining more insight on how it can improve. If there is no negativity towards your brand, product, company, etc. then keep doing what you’re doing. If you see that your audience starts to respond negatively towards something related to your brand, this gives your company the opportunity to listen, see what went wrong, and fix it.

Understanding the Current Trends

With constant eyes on social media it makes it much easier for a company to know exactly what’s trending at certain times. Trends such as hashtags and locations tags are always changing and with 24/7 Social Media Management, a brand should always know exactly what to add to their posts to keep up with the times and their audience. 24/7 Social Media Surveillance can also help with the aesthetics of a brands social media profile. Seeing what others do and how other profiles are changing can inspire a brand, or their social media marketing agency, to do the same.

Knowing How to Appeal to Your Audience

Recognizing exactly how to approach your audience is a key factor in the success of a business and its social media platforms. Most consumers, when wanting to contact a company, go straight to social media because of the convenience. Many people do check their social media accounts more often than their email accounts, so having a company that is on top of their game is ideal for consumer happiness. A business needs to seem approachable. Customers never want rude replies if they have a question. They want to know that their questions will, one, be answered as quickly as possible and, two, be answered in the nicest way possible. Consumers want a company that’s reliable, easy to connect with, and very reputable.


Knowing how to interact with an audience useful but interacting with them is what’s truly important. People are always interacting with brands on social media, whether it be tagging them in posts, liking their posts, retweeting posts, or mentioning in comments or stories. Many businesses, such as Wendy’s and Target, are always replying to customer comments and people love that. I, for one, would

be very happy if I commented on my favorite brand’s post and got a reply. Not only does this help businesses gain consumers, but it helps keep them up-to-date on the products or services the business is offering. This also helps to see who the business’ top advocates (and maybe future brand ambassadors) are.

Social Media Customer Care

Social Media allows a business to take that extra step in helping an upset or angry customer. Social Media allows for quicker, more efficient replies to be made. Customer service and care are both critical in determining whether consumers are going to like the business or not. The businesses, and its employees, that are willing to do more for less are the ones that are going to get ahead when it comes to audience and customers. Consumers know when employees are trying to help them to the best of their abilities or when they just want to get the problem resolved fast and without care. Replying fast, being patient, and taking extra steps to solve unresolved issues are what can take a brand’s customer care to the next level, thus improving their reputation with consumer.

Many underestimate the power of a brand having constant social media surveillance. Social media brings a business closer to its customers and with that constant watch, a brand could get their name and reputation out there to attract a greater target audience. Using social media for more than just posting will improve not only a brand’s social media impressions, but also the relationship they build with their customers. Social media is extremely prevalent in our society, so why not use it to your company’s advantage?