How to Grow and Maintain Your Social Media Audience with Community Management

As a brand, growing your social media audience takes prioritizing and knowing who your target market is. Essentially, the goal is to have your content seen by the whole community. However, conducting a strong audience is challenging for any business. What is the secret to building a social media empire? The answer is authentic engagement.

Just as we do in person, we all want recognition and to have our questions answered on social media. A strategy of checking direct messages is not necessarily enough engagement to maintain a steady social media presence. Other ways to increase your presence include checking who your new followers are, seeing who is liking your photos, commenting on their photos if appropriate, and simply learning to navigate and communicate with what is relevant to your brand on all social media platforms.

community management social media marketing services

The use of social media marketing services makes this process a lot more manageable. This engagement strategy, if staying consistent, can really impact your brand awareness in a positive way. Another thing to note while engaging through social media is that everyone interprets certain things differently. You may intend to say something one way but the person you are communicating with may read it differently. This is just the way digital communication works, which is why it must always be cautious and strategic.



Engagement doesn’t always have to consist of your followers asking you questions. If you take the time to ask your followers questions, taking their wants and needs into consideration, this will help you prioritize and organize your social media platforms. One of the most important things to strive for when maintaining your social media audience is setting goals. This is a crucial step, not only at the beginning stages of your brand, but throughout your brand’s growth as well. At Bright Age, our social media marketing services will help you set and maintain those specific goals.


Networking is an important tool that is widely used in business, specifically to build connections with people throughout the world. We all know that brand loyalty is essential to businesses, but how exactly is it achieved? Strategically speaking, promotion is one of the most important things to assess with brand loyalty, especially on Instagram. Learning how to incorporate a promotion strategy will make your brand more acknowledgeable. The goal in achieving this is to gain repeat clients, which in return will help build brand loyalty. With Instagram, it is important to take advantage of the tools that the app offers. Create Mode is a significant tool that allows brands to post questions, polls, and other things that allow followers to actively engage with your posts. Many brands out there aren’t utilizing these features enough. Another great feature is Instagram Live. This makes it so that followers feel as if they are part of your brand, especially if you communicate with them through the live video. This is a way to significantly increase your engagement with your followers.


Considering the 73% of brands that post at least one photo or video per week on Instagram, only about half of them promote their Instagram through Facebook tabs. This takes time that these companies may not have. That is why the team of innovative marketers at Bright Age offer great social marketing services that will help grow and maintain your brand with community management using authentic engagement.