How Social Media Can Increase Customer Conversion and Retention

If your company is trying to increase the number of customers that are interacting with your business along with increasing customer loyalty, you might want to look into expanding your brand in the social media network. Social media is now an essential tool for helping companies increase customer conversion and retention, as it allows the business to create a continuing relationship wherever the customer goes. To help guide your company through methods that will increase conversion and retention on social media, you can hire a company for social media marketing, like Bright Age Digital Creative Agency.

How to Increase Conversion       

When thinking about how to increase your customer conversion with social media, you will want to focus on your social conversation strategy. Having a strategy in mind will help you dictate the rest of the design, including engaging captions. While thinking about your strategy, it is important that the page is user-friendly for mobile devices. Since a majority of people tend to be on their phones more often, than computers, businesses need to keep up with the constant changes of the consumers of today.

When thinking about increasing your conversions on social media, one helpful trick is having videos that catch the eyes of customers by showing off your product. EVA Air, for example, posts different types of videos on their Instagram page to intrigue their audience as they are scrolling through their feed. This video showcases how Eva Air is able to take a traveler to different major Asian cities from an airport connection in Taipei.

How a Company for Social Media Marketing Can Help

It can be tricky to figure out what portrays your brand in a clean and nice way to the eye of consumers. This is when you can hire a company for social media marketing, like Bright Age, to create seamless captions that engage your customers, keep your branding consistent, and interact with your growing online community.

Galaxy Theatres’ Instagram pages are an example of using these tips in order to try to increase conversion rates. They post fan photos of the people who share their experience on social media for each location, which builds more of a relationship with their audience and shows that Galaxy cares about their experience.

Galaxy also consistently focuses its posts on the movie experience, whether it’s movies that are coming soon to the theatres, contests they might be having, or advertisements on concessions they have to offer. By interacting and reaching out to mobile users, Galaxy is able to increase conversion rates.


How to Increase Retention

Some of the ways to increase customer retention are similar to increasing your conversion rates through social media. This is why it’s important to have a creative strategy in order to increase your customer retention. You need to make sure that all your social media advertising is kept consistent so your customers continue to come back. As stated above on the Galaxy Theatres Instagram page, there is a consistent strategy of showing the movie experience their customers receive.

Customer engagement is another similarity between conversion and retention.  Engaging with customers it helps you gain more loyal customers because it shows them that you actually care about your company, but also what the customer’s feelings are with your company. By interacting with them on social media, your company is able to have a relationship with each of your customers and can show them the values of the company. Each Galaxy Theatres location not only reposts the customers’ images, but they engage with a heartfelt comment on some of their customers’ posts as well.

Going through the process of increasing your customer conversion and retention can be time-consuming if you are doing this all by yourself, but you can hire a company for social media marketing, like Bright Age. They can work with you to create a unique creative strategy, help maintain customer conversion and retention, and continue to increase those numbers.

Why Online Reputation Management is Essential for Your Company

Customer service is a largely dismissed interaction that many companies forget about. Many companies automatically focus on sales or promoting their product, when using online platforms to build their brands. Although those aspects are helpful, your company needs customers. Being aware of your customers is the main component that will make or break your company. Allow a full-service social media agency to manage your socials, communicate with online communities and refer clients to necessary contacts. Social media agencies understand that social media affects daily life. It is our job to keep your online reputation high in quality and engagement.

Time Efficiency

Being efficient with time means to be on top of tasks and be prepared for the unexpected. To prevent negative customer experiences, having properly trained and reliable customer service representatives to monitor your company is essential. Which is why it’s essential to take on a quality agency. Using a full-service social media agency will be able to positively interact with your socials and engage customers through regular postings. Addressing any red flags in a timely manner is the best way to handle and resolve situations. These person


nel need to work quickly and effectively. A customer can quickly determine if they want to keep supporting your company just from the first few forms of communication back and forth.

Working on laptop full-service social media agency

Community Engagement


Customers are your #1 supporters! They have chosen your company to purchase from, receive insight, entertainment and learn different tools/skills from. Utilizing the advanced tools that a full-service social media agency offers will increase your company’s reputation management by directly targeting specified demographics. Customers keep your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and webpage running with impressions, likes, comments, etc. Make sure to hire a team of individuals who interact with customers daily, keeping customer experience high. When your company has happy and returning customers, online reputation positively increases through genuine and uplifting feedback.

Community Engagement full-service social media agency

Daily Interactions

The best thing about having an online presence, is the new additions every day. There will always be new customers or even maybe returning customers that might have not been on your socials in a while. Having your brand specific hashtag helps your online reputation by having an established way of connecting to your audience with an easy search. If your company has a physical location, using the location tag within posts helps find your customers and like/ comment/ follow them. When you’re interacting, do not focus on pushing a product on them, try connecting to customers individually and grow a strong, positive relationship. Simple comments similar to “Beautiful family!” “Amazing looking treat!” “I hope your week starts off great!”  These three comments are super simple but very impactful.

Your company should focus on the customer, the product and the community that is created based upon the mission of the company itself. Being time efficient will benefit you, not harm you. Make sure to be responsive and consider the emotions of the customer. Community management will build a positive online reputation for your company and engage customers who are interested in similar products. Daily interactions display to customers that your brand is not solely focused on the profit. Always remember that the customer experience comes first before anything else.

How to Engage Your Target Audience with Facebook Advertising

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are very commonly seen when scrolling through your Facebook news feed. These are ads that companies pay for so they show up on the screens of their target audiences. They do exactly what their name says; advertise. They are just like any other advertisements, but these are limited to just Facebook.

How to Target on Facebook?

Many question how they should target their audience. There are many different methods that a business owner may use to create the audience they need. There’s location (by where a person resides), age (a certain age or a range), interests (anything they do that could be related to your business), and demographics (statistics) as the base methods. Then you can get into more detail with the behaviors of consumers, how they engage with the brand and their connections with/to the company. Knowing how to target an audience specifically is key to building that target audience for your company. Every brand is always looking for more consumers and getting more specific with how they target customers is the way to go.


Building a Successful Facebook Audience

Every company wants to know exactly who their audience is. By using Facebook Business Manager, you can create a specific type of audience with their Saved Audiences feature. You can create different audiences and save them there. You can also create an audience using emails or phone numbers of people whom you already know and would like to show the advertisements to. Once you’ve created your custom target audiences and saved them, you can start building your lookalike audiences.


Who to Target

New and upcoming business owners may not know who to target to create their perfect target audience. You target the people that are most likely going to click on the advertisement that you put out there. For example, you could target people who did not complete a purchase on your website. The other day I was online shopping and had a few things in my cart, but never actually bought them. The next day I had ads from that site all over my Facebook and other social media. They offered more deals and discounts and eventually I went back on that site and purchased what I wanted with a very good deal. Another option for target audiences are people who frequently visit the site or even engage with things like blogs, coupons, information, and other amenities from your website. You can make these different groups of people into separate, custom audiences that will help create your overall target audience.

Although at first, this may seem tedious and annoying, Facebook Advertisements do pay off in the end. It’s the little things that grab people’s attention. A business owner always wants to increase their audience, and any social media advertising will help. This will take a lot of time, effort, and patience, but in the end, you will see the results you want.

How Social Media Monitoring Grows Sales and Brand Recognition

For any business it’s very important to carefully manage, monitor, and listen to their social media accounts. Social media monitoring and community management can give a company so much information that they can then use to improve their engagement, sales, and growth. Customers love to spend time on social media, so why not engage with them, listen to what they have to say, and then make further connections to grow sales and gain brand recognition.

Consumer Talk

Customers love to talk about, rate, leave reviews, and post about products and services on social media. Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are just a few to name. Social media listening, and monitoring, can help a producer know where their product is trending. They’ll know what platform it’s talked about most on, which hashtags are used, which search terms are most popular, where they’re located, what language was used, and even who their biggest competitors are. Yes, all of this can be drawn from constant watch over social media. All of this makes it easier to know what platform my good or service is being talked about on most and with that, will help me build a greater audience for what I’m trying to sell.


Thinking Ahead

Being ahead of the game, or at least ahead of the competitors, is what every company should constantly be thinking about. When looking at the data from social media, not only can you see what social media platform your product/service is most talked about on, but you can also see the growing trends. For example, your product could be very talked about on Facebook, but graphs and data charts show a growing trend on Instagram. Keeping up and constantly staying ahead is key to the growing success of any business, brand, and company.

Initiating and Ending

What initiates conversations about your product or service on social media and what ends it? With the possible data being collected, one could see whether certain key words, phrases, location tags, hashtags, events, and people initiate conversation or end it. For example, if I were to want to buy notebooks some key word initiators could be “ballpoint pen”, “school supplies”, or “office supplies”. Location tags could be local Office Depot, Staples, or any school/office supply store.  Some end words could maybe include a competitor brand, better pricing, different website, or anything else that strays you away. With all of this information, a business could easily create more effective social advertisements, find new influencers/ambassadors, and ultimately growing your sales.

Be Smart

With your new information and analytics, your business could do so much more to increase awareness, engagement, and growth. With the information regarding which locations are most active, your business/company/brand could set up conventions, pop up stores, or campaigns in those specific areas. Knowing what types of conversations people are having about your goods or services can assist a business in knowing how to improve their quality. It’s all about what your company can do to make your customers happy.

Social Media marketing, listening, and community management are all very important to the growth and consumers of a business. If consumers aren’t happy, the business will not grow as fast as it has the potential to. It is not easy to actively manage social media accounts, but if truly invested it could produce incredible results.