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10 Common Copywriting Mistakes

Copywriting for your business’s blog, email, or social media post is a tricky process that requires practice and openness to feedback. If you’re writing copy for your business, here are 10 common copywriting mistakes to avoid.

1. Forgetting Your Audience

Writing without an audience in mind makes your advertising less effective. You must understand what motivates and intrigues your audience, so you can write from their perspective instead of your own. A content marketing agency like Bright Age can help you define your audience and fine-tune your copy to make it relevant, eye-catching, and successful.

2. No Call-to-Action

Your social media copywriting should include a short call-to-action, such as subscribe or learn more, that directs viewers to your website or products. Without this, your copy becomes passive and may see a lower conversion rate. If there is a discount or reward to incentivize the call-to-action, include it in your copy to grab attention quickly.

Picture of telephone to visualize call-to-action in posts with a content marketing agency

3. Overwhelming Jargon

Don’t assume that everyday consumers understand the technical terms that are common for your company. Consumers don’t want to read long-winded paragraphs about the product’s design and details, as this kind of information overwhelms them and prompts them to skim your writing. Focus on quality over quantity by keeping your content simple and digestible.

4. Too Wordy

Simplifying your writing makes your copy more eye-catching. Eliminate unnecessary phrases such as It is important to know this because…and instead jump right into the explanation. Also cut out words that don’t add much value, such as very and really. Succinct writing is especially essential for social media copywriting to keep people engaged with your content. As a general rule of thumb, delete any words that don’t serve a clear purpose.

5. Too Choppy

Alternatively, many writers use short, choppy sentences that sound unnatural. While you should keep wording simple and succinct, you should also maintain a natural flow. Use commas to combine short sentences, and add transition phrases to guide readers through your blog or caption.

6. Typos Abound

Though spellcheck wards off many common spelling errors, you should proofread your finished copy at least once before posting it. Typos can be as simple as a missing comma or the wrong form of “there.” Still, they make your writing look sloppy and turn away readers from your brand. Send your work to your peers for a new set of eyes.

Content marketing agency picture of scrabble tiles to visualize typos

7. Lacking Keywords and Hashtags

Keywords and hashtags attract viewers to your social media post or blog. When you write a blog, choose a couple relevant phrases to incorporate into your article. A content marketing agency can help you integrate them into the URL, title, and alternative text to maximize SEO. Similarly, don’t be afraid to use hashtags in social media copywriting to reach additional viewers.

8. Trying Too Hard

Some companies try too hard to make their writing relatable and lose their authenticity. For instance, a brand reaching out to young people might go overboard on pop culture references and slang in order to seem trendy. A touch of relatability adds shine to your marketing strategy, but be careful not to come across as desperate. Additionally, try not to imitate successful competitors in an effort to remain relevant. Copying content from other companies will likely make your brand seem unoriginal.

9. Inconsistency

Strong brands keep their content consistent across platforms. While it is okay to slightly alter your technique based on the social media platform, your basic tone and content should remain the same. This will make your brand appear cohesive and reliable to your entire audience.

10. Mobile Unfriendly

In a time where mobile devices are a top way to consume information, be sure your website copy is optimized for mobile devices. Use a large font and keep paragraphs relatively short in order to make your words readable on a smart phone. Since people use their phones for quick, digestible information, make sure your headline is strong and your writing is not too long-winded.

Picture of girl on phone to show importance of mobile optimization with a content marketing agency

A content marketing agency like Bright Age can help you avoid these common mistakes by creating interesting, clean, and relevant copy. These copywriting tips are a simple way to enhance your marketing strategy and increase your sales!