How To Effectively Use Hashtags on Facebook for Your Business

Although it’s more common on Instagram and Twitter, it is very important not to disregard Facebook Hashtags. Hashtags were introduced to Facebook in early 2015, but no details were touched on. Hashtags on Facebook are very open-ended, and here we’re going to help figure out the most effective uses of Facebook hashtagging.

What Works

Studies have been done to show what helps with engagement versus what hurts engagement numbers. When using hashtags in Facebook posts, it’s always important to note that, unlike Instagram or Twitter, more hashtags does not mean more engagement. Quality over quantity is key to using hashtags on Facebook. A post truly only needs one or two hashtags that are relevant to the post. For example, if a business were to post for National Dance Day, they could use the hashtags #NationalDanceDay and #dance, and that would be perfectly fine. Very long or too many hashtags can often be very distracting, so it’s in a business’ best interest to keep it simple.

Facebook As Another Marketing Platform

Many businesses, brands, and companies underestimate Facebook as a marketing platform. Facebook has over two billion active users on it, making it the best one to market on. With that many people on one platform, companies can gain a greater target audience. They can use photos, emojis, tags, locations, and hashtags to help with gaining more of an audience. Using Facebook, it’s 2 billion potential audience members, and its hashtags will ultimately help a business rather than hurt it.


Search Using Hashtags

Using hashtags to search for things on Facebook is another way to use them for your company’s benefit. Searching for something by its hashtag could help find different content and more users interested in that specific hashtag. The most effective way to search for a hashtag on Facebook, surprisingly, is not in the Facebook search bar, but through the Google search bar. Let’s say you want to search #dogs, searching will give you the most relevant posts towards your hashtag.

Other Helpful Hints

There are many other little tips and tricks to help you make the most of Facebook Hashtagging. Using websites such as Facebook Analytics for reports and analytics and for finding the most popular and beneficial hashtags could, even in the slightest bit, help with engagements and interactions. Scheduling and fine-tuning every single post will help your posts, and hashtags, look cleaner, more organized, and well thought out.

Facebook hashtags have always been around, and so many people overlook them. Using hashtags on Facebook could assist in taking a company’s profile to the next level regarding more consumers, engagement, and getting their name out there.