How Social Media Is Changing the Marketing Industry

In years past, meaning the 90’s and before, Marketing has been split up distinctly into 3 main sectors:  advertising, marketing and public relations. However, with the integration of the internet and social media in businesses, these types of marketing have merged together. The world of product and service promotion has become smarter, faster, and cheaper adjacent with the experience of utilizing a social media marketing agency. Many online tools are available to try and help entrepreneurs and small businesses gain that competitive edge. But then again, how advantageous is it to base your marketing off of a do it yourself YouTube video everyone has access to? In a society where DIY sometimes seems like the cheapest way to get fairly solid results, leaving the success and growth of your business up to automated sites is about as smart as leaving your toddler stranded at Coachella.

Why Big Agencies May Not Be the Best Option

Big agencies are big for a reason; their success is told in history books and retold in modern TV shows like MadMen. But these days of famous advertising giants may be over and the upper hand might belong to smaller, specialized marketing companies.

Why Is This?

Unlike the skyscraper advertising agencies employed by large companies, smaller and newer agencies are specialized in exactly what will boost your sales cheap and fast: internet marketing. Digital Advertising agencies have the ability to create your online content quickly and implement it with actual conversions even quicker. Furthermore, these agencies are there to help you walk through the process, cater to your specific needs, and teach you about their forward-thinking strategies if you don’t happen to be a tech specialist. Big agencies can help optimize your social media accounts and find your niche market online, for a pretty hefty price tag. But smaller agencies are there to maintain every detail, including taking on your brand persona personally and communicating directly with your consumers online. In other words, smaller firms specialize in consumer communication. They realize that with each client’s unique identity as a business, there is a unique language that comes with it. They specialize in communicating with all types of clients, and with that we are quick learners at learning how to communicate with different types.

While traditional media and advertising are still very much alive, there are new methods beyond the dreaded 30-second video or banner ad that many agencies aren’t aware of. Cutting edge methods that narrow your target demographic more precisely do a better job of generating trust, and converting that trust into sales, quicker than it takes complete the purchase of a 15-second commercial spot, and at a fraction of the cost, too. Want more information on the de-segregation of product and service promotion? Contact us for a specialized digital marketing plan designed just for your company.

Author: Hannah Prater

Hannah-profile-bright-age-marketing-agencyHannah is currently studying Advertising and Multimedia design at Pepperdine University, with an undying fascination for the creative side of advertising. Her experience with social media has only multiplied since she downloaded Instagram the very month it came out in 2010. In response to Beyonce’s famed question “Who run the world?”, Hannah also rejoins “Girls” but only secondary to “Facebook”. You can connect with Hannah on Twitter @hanprater.

The New and Improved Snapchat 2.0

The New and Improved Snapchat 2.0

Our mobile marketing agency believes that Snapchat’s most recent update has changed the playing field of social media. The new social media marketing update now offers users more ways to interact with their friends including, stickers and photos, video and audio calls, and loads friends’ stories automatically.

Stickers and Photos

Snapchat’s new social media marketing goal is to create a more open channel for customers to communicate with friends. Snapchat’s 2.0 adds features that allow users to not only snap pictures and videos, but enables customers to send stickers and personal photos. With over 200 stickers to choose from, users can communicate more effectively and personably than what regular emoji’s offer. Also, users can send friends images from his or her photo album.

  • Over 200 stickers to help customize messages.
  •  Send photos to friends without having to switch to text messages or another photo sharing platform.
  • One click sends- be careful not to tap a sticker you may not wish to send.
  • Once the sticker is tapped, that sticker is sent to that friend.


Video and Voice Calls

Face timing? Just use Snapchat! With Snapchat 2.0 snap chatters can now video call friends. This video calling feature calls friends by using Wi-Fi or 4G/LTE. When a user receives a call through snap, they have three options, to ignore, to join or to watch. According to our mobile marketing agency, the ‘join’ option makes the phone call a two-way video, while the ‘watch’ option gives the receiver the ability to accept the call without enabling video.

  • Creating your own GIFs is personable and fun.
  • Don’t have to two-way video chat to accept a video call.
  • Drains data usage and/or Wi-Fi needed.
  • Ends calls immediately from a swipe.


Auto-Advance Stories

Before the new update, Snapchat stories were watched specifically in the order one wished. If a user wished to see a specific story, the user would tap a that story, the video would play accordingly, and then return to the main stories menu. Now, once a story ends, the next story plays seamlessly. This new social media marketing strategy makes it faster to check up with all of your friends and engage more frequently. However, our mobile marketing agency has found that since videos play one after another, many users are getting confused with which friend they are watching.

  •  No need to click all of friends’ stories individually to load.
  • Drains data usage and/or Wi-Fi needed.
  •  Confusion from one friend’s story to another- The quick change from one friend’s story to another can be confusing. One second a friend is baking cookies, and the next second someone is jamming out at a rock concert. If you do not take notice the snap chatters name in the top left corner at the beginning of his or her story, you may not figure out which friend’s story you are actually watching.

Snapchat 2.0 proves that social media platforms are constantly evolving and improving. Since social media is frequently changing, it is important to remain informed in order to adjust marketing strategies. Bright Age Digital Creative Agency is always up to date with the changes in the social media industry and strives to help businesses target their customers in the most effective way possible.

AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

Why Restaurants Should Use Social Media Advertising

Reasons Why Restaurants Should Use Social Media Advertising

Continue reading for the reasons why most social media agencies believe that social media advertising is crucial for restaurants.

Directly Target Your Audience

Ever look up the best restaurants in your area? Order food online while at the office? Observe delicious photos or hashtags from foodies around the world? There are thousands of users surfing the web every day and social media advertising targets those who are looking for their next meal. With social media advertising technologies such as Facebook Custom Audiences or Lookalike audiences, businesses are able to retarget current customers, or create advertising audiences based on those who visit their website. By teaming up with a social media agency, restaurants can witness higher engagement with their target audience.

Turn Customers into Spokespeople

Now more than ever, people rush to social media platforms to share or communicate experiences throughout the day. Interacting with customers who share photos of your food or service nurtures the consumer-business relationship. Also, the more shares your advertisement receives, the longer life that ad has. Social media agencies believe that the extension of ad life allows for more outreach to friends of friends, aka potential customers. Additionally, the more buzz and mentions your company receives on social media platforms aids the Search Engine Optimization on Google, furthering increasing awareness and engagement among old and new clientele.

Boost News and Deals

Opening a new location? Offering a deal to those who Like your Facebook page? Social Media advertising is perfect for telling customers about the latest and greatest promotions. By creating a sense of urgency about certain upcoming events on social media, more consumers will visit your website or comment with questions on your social media platforms. All of this is great for strengthening your brand online and in-store. Additionally, you will be able to compare a variety of posts to see which Call To Action engages more customers. Is offering a deal causing positive chatter? Are customers excited about new menu items? All of these questions can be answered after reviewing a post’s analytics, which is usually performed by social media agencies.

Budget- Friendly

One of the best reasons why restaurants should use social media advertising is the pricing. With a variety of social media platforms, most ads are set up with a particular budget in mind, for example, spending $20/day. The pricing for social media advertisements tend to lean much cheaper and gain many more interactions than search engine advertisements. The main goal of social media advertising is not to only promote restaurant buzz, but to talk and develop deeper relationships with customers. To learn more about restaurant advertising on social media, contact us today!

AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

3 Tips That Will Transform Your Email Marketing

Below are some super tips for email marketing from our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles. Learn how to increase email marketing open rates and bring awareness of your content to potential consumers!

Capture the Audience

In order to motivate subscribers to click and engage with emails, know your audience and compose the subject line accordingly. The subject line should include certain keywords that create a sense of urgency that will ultimately increase read rate. However, be careful not to include clickbait words like “the secret of” or “shocking”. Remember that analysis is necessary and an ongoing process in email marketing, so pick one variable at a time with a specific sample size and test, test, test!

In regards to content, our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles suggests sticking to your brand. For example, luxury brands should focus on quality and prestige, instead of humorous messages or quirky references. While it is not bad to bring humor or a variety of emotions to emails, your company should remain consistent with its brand and mission statement in all posts and content, including email blasts. Also, test links for smooth readability before official deployment to subscribers, this includes mobile, tablet, desktop, and webmail. By verifying emails with HTML and avoiding Base64 coding, more people will be able to view emails more effectively and decrease landing in spam boxes.

Increase Subscriptions

By growing subscribers, you are able to raise awareness of your products or services. In order to successfully increase subscribers, consider adding an easy sign-up form on your business Facebook page. This will allow users to subscribe immediately, rather than having to personally visit your website. Most importantly our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles urges businesses to promote articles or deals on social media platforms, such as Twitter or Instagram. With more engagement, potential consumers are more likely to explore the company’s home page and opt in for emails. Finally, consider capturing email addresses from those who immediately visit your website by utilizing popup subscription forms.

Grow Inbox and Reduce Spam

If emails are unable to reach a majority of inboxes, the inbox display rate for other subscribers decreases, and the chance of appearing in a spam box increases. Not to mention, the chance of being blocked by Internet providers increases. In order to reduce the chance of entering as spam into emails accounts, monitor current subscribers and remove faulty emails, like, or phony accounts, like There are some data quality tools that will validate emails for you, such as Experian, Bulk Email Checker, or Kickbox. Another way to increase the number of valid email subscriptions is to offer easy options for users to update email address preferences. Want more advice on email marketing strategies? Contact us for a specialized email marketing plan designed just for your company.


AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

A Social Media Marketing Agency’s Strategy to Organic SEO

A Social Media Marketing Agency in Los Angeles’ Strategy to Organic SEO


First Page Importance

Why is ranking as one of the first three websites on Google essential? According to DigitalTrends, of the global search engine pie is occupied by Google and billions of searches are being processed per day. The most preferable spots a company wants to show up on Google is one the top three organic links or at least appearing on the first page. Click-through rates increase the higher a company lands on Google, which is why landing in the top three is essential. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is essential for businesses to raise awareness of their products, services, and brand image. By partnering up with a social media marketing agency in Los Angeles, SEO techniques are strategized and implemented, magnifying a business to its fullest potential.


Organic SEO tips and tricks

While companies can pay to appear first on Google’s paid advertisement spots, appearing on the first search page organically is the best way to generate traffic to its websites. The first approach to organic SEO is to take advantage of popular search keywords or phrases. By implementing these keywords into company websites, title tags, and meta description tags, Google recognizes the correlation between searches and website content, boosting a company’s website ranking. Another technique our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles practices are backlinking important companies, such as Google, to raise credibility of articles. Additionally, companies should check content and website links and ensure that everything clickable sends users to correct pages. This procedure will help Google crawlers navigate through a business’ website faster, allowing more traffic to hit the website, while decreasing bounce rates.


Be Truthful

Give your audience the content they are looking for. As a social media marketing agency, we know that fooling the search engine by misleading users to see a company’s content, even if it is irrelevant to them is bad news bears. This method is also known as “cloaking”, is frowned upon in the industry and will result in a ban from Google. Another no-no social media agencies in Los Angeles must recognize is the overuse of keywords, also known as “keyword stuffing”. Repetitively using phrases or keywords on a page actually decreases page rank, and could resulting in banning as well. One rule of thumb suggests using the keyword every 100 words or so.


Get Social

The best way to appear on the first page of Google organically is to incorporate social media platforms. Does your business have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn? How about a YouTube channel? By integrating social media platforms, there is more content available to users about your company. Not to mention, online engagement among consumers boosts search results, as individuals are interested or fascinated with what they are talking about. Contact our social media marketing agency in Los Angeles and let us strategize your organic SEO plan today!


AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

A Social Media Agency’s Guide to Curated Content

A Social Media Agency’s Guide to Curated Content

By teaming up with a social media agency, your company will know about the newest trends when it happens, such as the curated content feature on various social media platforms. So, what is curated content? Twitter Moments. Instagram Spotlights. Snapchat Stories. All of these features offered on social media platforms highlight events on a particular subject picked daily. These topics or themes might be influenced by trending topics, such as the Super bowl or the Oscars. Curated content gives followers the opportunity to discover new accounts and engage with a larger audience. This is important for companies or brands looking to expand awareness and increase engagement with their target audience.

Twitter Moments

Twitter features the newest and most current articles online from a variety of categories like, news, sports, entertainment, and fun. These articles are usually less than 24 hours old, and new information is uploaded as soon as it comes in. Twitter Moments are best for those needing quick updates of worldly or trending events. As a social media agency, we specialize in knowing the newest buzz and utilize this knowledge by creating engaging tweets, thus helping companies maximize the output of their social media posts.

Instagram Spotlights

This curated tool on Instagram showcases pictures or videos published by Instagram users relating to a theme. This theme is picked daily by the Instagram team, for instance, past themes featured odd couple animal videos or rad skateboarding videos. Instagram hopes to entertain rather than inform its users with its curated content segments. By platforming random curated content with the original creator’s account handle, onlookers can explore similar hashtags or the originator’s account on Instagram. Instagram Spotlights are best for those who need a mid-day pick me up, as the featured content is usually lighthearted and bright.

Snapchat Stories

Not only does Snapchat allow users to upload pictures and videos into their own personal story, but also gives subscribers the ability to watch featured snapchats across the world according to different categories. These categories range from events like Leap Year, to cities such as, Berlin or Los Angeles. These daily themes are updated throughout the day on Snapchat and give snapchatters insight into others’ lives. Snapchat stories are for those who want a front row seat in every experience. For example, snapchats of A-list celebrities at the Oscars flooded the ‘Oscars’ feed, showcasing actors and actresses strutting their stuff on the red carpet and mingling backstage with C3PO.

How to get featured

While being chosen for Twitter Moments, Instagram Spotlights, or Snapchat Stories may be difficult to pin point, our social media agency, BrightAge, suggests that there are some indicators for content that might be featured. For example, big events like the Oscars, or Election day are extremely likely to be featured on various social media platforms. So, to increase your chance of being chosen, produce high quality content that is entertaining, lighthearted, and relevant. Until then, enjoy the numerous curated content available daily on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat!

AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

Facebook Messenger Ads are Coming Soon to Businesses

As of this week, TechCrunch has confirmed that the leaked document regarding Facebook Messenger Ads is in fact true. While they have chosen to keep the identity of their inside source confidential, all details regarding changes to Messenger have been released, many of them have been confirmed.

So what exactly are Facebook Messenger Ads? Essentially, they are a way for companies to contact consumers directly. It’s an alternate solution to the 1-800 numbers we call here and again for customer service. Some respond to this chance with a concern for privacy, as it appears that Facebook gleans and distributes more and more of our information to Facebook advertising agencies as the days go on. However, it has been revealed that only those who have previously interacted with a companies’ public page will be receiving messages as a method of following up or coming to a solution for an expressed problem. In other words, messages will only be distributed when warranted. In a recent interview, Facebook ensures that their “aim with Messenger is to create a high quality, engaging experience for 800 million people around the world, and that includes ensuring people do not experience unwanted messages of any type.”

Another change coming is a link which consumers can use to directly message companies. This is where we see Facebook beginning to try and replace customer service numbers.  Opening links such as will now instantly enable a chat window with a business; this has been doubly confirmed in an interview with Facebook. They are calling it “Businesses on Messenger”.  If a company’s link yields a 90{3257b6ea9729d50d0ff0b2d66dfbc71319303295fd3654295ddeccd44865dc00} response rate within a 24-hour period over the course of a week, Facebook will enable the link to be searchable.  While the content of these messages remains uncertain, there are many opportunities. From personally delivering ad-content to announcing sales and promotional offers to informing consumers of price adjustments, the possibilities are endless. What’s important to remember is that it appears Facebook is approaching the launch of this new service cautiously, keeping customer service a huge priority. As a Facebook advertising agency, we have widely recognized Facebook as one of the most cost effective advertising methods that yields some of the best results. However, seeing as this service has the potential to be the most effective and immediate method for businesses to reach their audience ever, rates for “Business in Messenger” could potentially be extremely expensive.

What are your thoughts? Is this Facebook trying to enhance their seamless communication or is it just another subtle form of them giving away our private information for their own monetary gain? Is Facebook becoming more of an advertising platform than it is a social media platform? As a social media marketing agency we are constantly in the know about updates and want to know what social media users prefer.

Author: Hannah Prater

Hannah-profile-bright-age-marketing-agencyHannah is currently studying Advertising and Multimedia design at Pepperdine University, with an undying fascination for the creative side of advertising. Her experience with social media has only multiplied since she downloaded Instagram the very month it came out in 2010. In response to Beyonce’s famed question “Who run the world?”, Hannah also rejoins “Girls” but only secondary to “Facebook”. You can connect with Hannah on Twitter @hanprater.


How to Create Engaging Content Across Social Media Platforms

How to Create Engaging Content Across Social Media Platforms

Ever notice why one Facebook post did better than another? Received a lot of retweets or favorites on Twitter one day, but not the next? Looking to expand a photo’s outreach on Instagram? Many people are signed up with a variety of social media accounts, but lack the knowledge of posting engaging social media content for each platform. However, social media marketing agencies, such as Bright Age, understand that each social media account works uniquely. By following our social media marketing agency’s guidelines below, you will notice friends and other users are more engaged in your social media content.


Times to post:

1-4pm Thursday and Friday

12-1pm Saturday and Sunday

3-4pm Wednesdays

Amount of hashtags:  0 minimum, 2 maximum

Post strategy:  Who is going to feel involved enough into your content to click article or video links? Create engaging social media content on Facebook by using powerful or charming words. Keep Facebook posts light, funny, and free from offensive content. Also, be more personal on Facebook. Have a goofy childhood photo? Had an awkward moment at the grocery store? Posts that readers can relate to tend to receive higher engagement rates. Additionally, remove links once the video or article is embedded in the post. The hyperlink adds clutter to the post and will distract readers from the caption. Social media marketing agencies strengthen social media content by taking advantage of link shortening applications such as, Bitly, to reduce lengthy URLs.


Desktop News Feed Mobile News Feed Right Column
Image Size 470 by 470 pixels 626 by 840 pixels 254 by 133 pixels
Text 500 characters 110 characters 90 characters



Times to post:  All day Monday – Thursday, Except 3-4pm

Amount of hashtags:  10 minimum, 30 maximum

Post strategy:  Does your Instagram account have a particular feel to all the images? Create and post bright and relevant images. Experiment with photos and videos by using different Instagram filters or image enhancing software, such as boosting the lighting or cropping out background clutter. When picking hashtags, keep them short and relevant. Take note of which phrases or words are being tagged in photos the most. Social media marketing agencies usually search potential hashtags on Instagram before choosing the most likeable ones. For example, if #donuts is used more than #donut, apply the hashtag donuts, or use both. Additionally, avoid posting links on Instagram, as they are not clickable on this social media platform.

Photo Posts Video Posts
Size 1080 by 1080 pixels No more than 30MB
Text 300 characters 300 characters



Times to post:  12-3pm Monday – Friday
5-6pm Wednesdays

Amount of hashtags:  1 minimum, 2 maximum

Post strategy:  Social media marketing agencies retweet and post news articles that are usually less than a week old. Posting the newest available content on Twitter is one of the best ways to partake in engaging social media. Additionally, look to the trending hashtags to see if you can contribute to the newest buzz. By utilizing trending hashtags, posts will be seen by a lot more users. This means that increasing chance of retweets, favorites, and followers. However, a social media marketing agency need to be careful when using hashtags, as some hashtags may be trending with a completely different topic than the meaning you have planned. Keep captions short and sweet, as well as any hyperlinks. Consider applying a link shortener to minimize character usage.

Desktop News Feed Mobile News Feed Right Column
Image Size 470 by 470 pixels 626 by 840 pixels 254 by 133 pixels
Text 500 characters 110 characters 90 characters

AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

How a Social Media Agency can Enhance Your Business

How a Social Media Agency can Enhance Your Business Marketing Objectives:

Many companies possess in-house marketing teams, while other companies may need an organization outside of the business to handle their marketing needs. In either situation, social media marketing agencies can enhance businesses and their marketing objectives. Our social media agency in Los Angeles, the Bright Age Digital Creative Agency, will enrich your business’ current marketing tactics or help develop and launch new innovative campaigns.


Not enough employees, No problem

By partnering up with a social media agency, your business can grow exponentially without having to hire and train new employees. This saves your company time and money, while also reducing the stress levels of current marketing directors. Social media agencies are there to help your business during times of understaffed holiday seasons or to take care of online marketing campaigns completely. Social media marketing teams are trained to further enhance current marketing campaigns by working along with the company’s current image. Whether the social media agency in Los Angeles you hire is short-term or long-term, the agency’s assistance will certainly magnify your business’ presence online.


Experience with a variety of industries

Social media marketing does not only include posting content onto various social media platforms, but also comprises of creating vibrant, enticing posts that engage with the consumer in real-time. Does your company know where your target audience goes online and when? Does your marketing staff know how to write posts that will move potential consumers to your main website? Social media agencies in Los Angeles specialize in a wide range of industries. For example, Bright Age has worked with businesses dealing with restaurants to children play spaces to helicopter gear! With experience in a mixture of different ventures, social media marketing teams know how to target and capture each audience appropriately.


Affordability with High Quality

Partnering up with a social media management that can create and publish engaging content, while also interacting with customers sounds expensive. But in reality, social media management services are quite affordable. Even if social media agencies only launch new social media pages or just strengthen old ones, your business will be able to compete sufficiently among other companies online. Social media agencies in Los Angeles will ultimately enhance your business and provide return on investment. Social media management teams want to satisfy their associates, as they receive more clients by referral or by companies returning for more services. Check out more about Bright Age and receive a free consultation today!

AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.

Top 3 Reasons to Work with a Social Media Marketing Agency

Top 3 Reasons to Work with a Social Media Marketing Agency:

When a business enters into the social media world, they must first learn how to use social media. This goes far beyond just signing onto social media and retweeting articles, but knowing how to create enticing original content, when to publish content at the right time, and who to show the alluring posts to. As the internet grows every day, so does the amount of content and ads seen by online users. Consistently keeping a strong social media presence engages clients and connects with company partners to the next level. Even if a company considers itself technically intelligent, hiring a social media company is key to success! Here are three reasons why to work with a social media agency in Los Angeles:

Who? What? When? Where? Why?…The Internet

Have you ever wondered what people are saying about a certain company? Needed to know the closest location of a restaurant chain? Having trouble with a product or service after work hours? The first thing you probably do is search online, whether it is Googling a company or Tweeting a business about a specific issue, the internet usually solves all of your questions…and quickly!

Social Media presence is essential to keeping current customers and gaining new ones. During times of crisis, people turn to the internet for help, and your business needs to be able to stand firm and engage with the audience. Businesses are increasing digitally, increasing communication from bi-monthly postcard mailings to weekly email newsletters. As these digital trends evolve, it is essential to partner up with a social media company that can take care of all the online communications. Social media marketing agencies in Los Angeles specialize in knowing about the most important social trends online.

Constantly Consistent

With the help of a social media marketing company, businesses can increase awareness among consumers and hone their brand. Social media management teams specialize in personalizing posts for specific target markets while keeping a company’s image. Combine this expertise with social media platform proficiency and you have hit the jackpot! Instead of personally making sure every post holds the voice of your company, social media marketing companies often keep master sheets with tips and keys to success when speaking to your clientele. This is essential when diving deeper with your consumers and maintaining a positive relationship with them.

Additionally to keeping posts and interactions with customers consistent, social media companies help businesses post onto platforms constantly. Each social media is unique. Whether the platform only allows a certain amount of characters or is used primarily for starting a conversation, social media agencies in Los Angeles recognize the differences and leverage on them.

Concentrate on your bottom line

CEOs already have a lot on their plates. Overviewing VPs in management, marketing, human resources, and accounting is overwhelming in itself, but now add in the digital marketing world. Sure companies can combine social media marketing in their direct marketing department, but do the social media accounts receive as much attention as they take in? Does the company’s email marketing strategy execute well? How about increasing the SEO of your company while decreasing their website’s bounce rate? If the answers to these questions are no or I’m not sure, hiring a social media company in Los Angeles might be for you. These specialized companies understand that a business is juggling multiple departments at once. With the help of a social media agency, businesses are free to spend time increasing efficiency in other departments.

AuthorSummer Malone

Summer is a social media marketing enthusiast with a passion for marketing analytics online, trending hashtags, and flux capacitors. Summer often feels sad for the TRex who is unable to connect to the internet. You can connect with Summer via Twitter @SummerMaloneMKT.