How to Engage Your Target Audience with Facebook Advertising

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are very commonly seen when scrolling through your Facebook news feed. These are ads that companies pay for so they show up on the screens of their target audiences. They do exactly what their name says; advertise. They are just like any other advertisements, but these are limited to just Facebook.

How to Target on Facebook?

Many question how they should target their audience. There are many different methods that a business owner may use to create the audience they need. There’s location (by where a person resides), age (a certain age or a range), interests (anything they do that could be related to your business), and demographics (statistics) as the base methods. Then you can get into more detail with the behaviors of consumers, how they engage with the brand and their connections with/to the company. Knowing how to target an audience specifically is key to building that target audience for your company. Every brand is always looking for more consumers and getting more specific with how they target customers is the way to go.


Building a Successful Facebook Audience

Every company wants to know exactly who their audience is. By using Facebook Business Manager, you can create a specific type of audience with their Saved Audiences feature. You can create different audiences and save them there. You can also create an audience using emails or phone numbers of people whom you already know and would like to show the advertisements to. Once you’ve created your custom target audiences and saved them, you can start building your lookalike audiences.


Who to Target

New and upcoming business owners may not know who to target to create their perfect target audience. You target the people that are most likely going to click on the advertisement that you put out there. For example, you could target people who did not complete a purchase on your website. The other day I was online shopping and had a few things in my cart, but never actually bought them. The next day I had ads from that site all over my Facebook and other social media. They offered more deals and discounts and eventually I went back on that site and purchased what I wanted with a very good deal. Another option for target audiences are people who frequently visit the site or even engage with things like blogs, coupons, information, and other amenities from your website. You can make these different groups of people into separate, custom audiences that will help create your overall target audience.

Although at first, this may seem tedious and annoying, Facebook Advertisements do pay off in the end. It’s the little things that grab people’s attention. A business owner always wants to increase their audience, and any social media advertising will help. This will take a lot of time, effort, and patience, but in the end, you will see the results you want.