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How to Improve Your Company’s Online Presence through Community Management

Online community management is something that is often confused with social media marketing, and although the two have significant overlaps, it’s important to note their differences. Community management comes after social media marketing, focusing on customer service and monitoring responses on social media content. Community management is vital if you want to present your company as likeable and reliable, and it is necessary if your goal is to not only retain fans, but also to gain potential customers, partners, and employees. Here are a few easy steps to improve your company’s online presence through the use of social media community management.

Actively Monitor Mentions

The breadth of your community isn’t often confined only to social channels, such as Facebook and Instagram, but also on external articles and blogs, and the discussions and comments on those platforms. It’s important to actively monitor mentions of your brand, especially in places you might easily miss, such as when users don’t directly tag your brand in their posts, when your brand name may be misspelled by users, or when customers are mentioning your brand by product instead of by name. Make a daily effort to keep up on monitoring mentions, so that you are able to identify conversations you can join or initiate with your audience.

Engage Thoughtfully

After monitoring your mentions, create a thorough plan for executing how to engage with your customers. In today’s atmosphere in regard to social media community management, community managers are expected to reply in a timely manner, with carefully crafted and thoughtful responses.

Social media community management screenshot of Sprouts Facebook page responding to customer positively

Take a moment to thank fans for positive comments. As for negative comments, keep your responses public to stay transparent and so that other customers who may have similar concerns can easily find an answer, except in cases where the conflict is personal. Providing a well thought out response to a negative review or comment rather than ignoring it, shows potential customers how much your company values feedback and open communication.

Reward Fans


While monitoring your company’s mentions, take note of users that are consistently engaging with your posts. You can use your observations to change your social media strategy and create certain campaigns targeted towards certain groups. Offer discounts or free samples, or organize a giveaway to reward loyal fans. Even simpler, acknowledge fans who enjoy your products or your services by incorporating user-generated content into your posts, turning brand enthusiasts into brand ambassadors. This will show existing and potential customers you truly care about what your fans have to say.


Community management is integral to a social media strategy for companies looking to increase their reach and improve their online reputation. However, the seemingly simple act of monitoring mentions can in itself be time-consuming and difficult, let alone crafting thoughtful responses to customers or organizing giveaways. Reach out to a digital marketing agency with thorough knowledge of social media community management, such as Bright Age, in order to coordinate a digital marketing campaign that will work best for your company.