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How Social Media Advertising Can Grow Ticket Sales

One of the most effective ways to promote an upcoming event is through social media advertising. With the rise of social media over the last 15 years, it has become easier than ever to expand the reach of an advertisement and target it towards a specific audience, thus increasing the ad’s overall effectiveness and success in the long run. Many event promoters and large corporations have begun to capitalize on the wide reach and audience targeting tools that these platforms offer as a means of increasing their ticket sales. Utilizing a social media advertising agency to assist you in this process will help you achieve visible results and grow your ticket sales dramatically.


When advertising an event on social media, it is important to keep in mind that potential consumers already see dozens of ads a day when scrolling through their feed – yours needs to stand out. Incorporating a call to action is an easy yet surefire way to hook a user’s attention and peak their initial interest in your advertisement. Phrases such as “don’t miss out!” and “get your ticket now before it’s too late!” create a sense of urgency and scarcity, incentivizing users to want to take action quickly. According to recent studies, the average attention span is only eight seconds – successful ads capture the user’s attention, gauge their interest with information about the upcoming event, and cause them to think and act fast in regard to purchasing ticket – all within an eight-second window. Social media users don’t have time to read long stretches of copy – they’ll just scroll right past it. Using shorter phrases that successfully captivate your audience is a much more effective way to reach consumers and subsequently grow your ticket sales.

Additionally, the frequency at which these ads appear on a user’s timeline is key – a user is more likely to take action on an ad if they see it repeatedly during the time leading up to the event. As a result, many event promoters take the liberty to advertise an event multiple times in the days and weeks prior to build excitement among users. This is when user-generated content comes in handy as it saves time on content creation and highlights fan experiences as well.

social media advertising agency

Another advantage of advertising an event on social media is that it is now possible for users to purchase tickets within that social platform without exiting the app. This feature is accessible by clicking a link on the event promoter’s profile or by clicking on an ad within the user’s feed. You can even add the link to an Instagram Story, in which users can swipe up on their screen and the landing page for the purchasing site will appear. Allowing users to purchase tickets in this manner makes the ticket buying process convenient and efficient. Since over half of all online purchases are made from a mobile device, time management is crucial in navigating consumers from the ad to the relevant landing page. Subsequently, an invaluable investment for your company would be to work with a social media advertising agency to develop a successful mobile strategy to promote your event and ultimately see growth in ticket sales.

Utilizing social media is the most convenient, cost-effective, and efficient way to engage with your target audience and see growth in ticket sales for your events. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by such an important task, but outsourcing the work to a social media advertising agency is the most effective way to successfully advertise your events and ultimately achieve your desired results.