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Taking Advantage of the Skip-Ad/Click-Through Generation

Skip ad in 5, 4, 3, 2… click. Reaching your target audience is already a challenging task as it is, but now brands are faced with the challenge of creating lasting impressions on platforms that allow their users to skip or swipe-through advertised content. Today, many platforms have adopted these skip-ad abilities in order to create a more suitable advertising experience for their users. Most notable of these platforms is YouTube, where 65 percent of viewers skip advertisements. In the same way, Instagram Stories allows its users to swipe through advertisements that are inserted between stories. Though it may seem a daunting concept, as an advertising agency we find that these ads entail many benefits when properly taken advantage of. For users, it’s control. And for your brand, it’s better insight to your audience.

No Hard Feelings: User-Control

In an increasingly portable world, it’s important for your brand to evolve with the changing habits of consumers. More than ever, people are interacting closely with

brands on digital platforms, and they seek to do so in a way that is convenient and quick—through social media advertising. As users cling to their ability to curate their feeds, it’s becoming more necessary for your brand to reach your target audience in an unobtrusive and organic manner. Overall, it’s better to have someone skip or swipe through your advertisement than to be frustrated with your brand. As an advertising agency, Bright Age believes advertisements should add value to your brand, not intrude on your audience.

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Measurability: Precision Targeting

59% of millennials opt for skipping out on advertisements, so how can this possibly ever benefit your brand’s marketing? It’s simple: A low inclination to skip means a higher inclination to buy. When running a social media campaign for your brand on platforms such as YouTube or Instagram, those who skip through your advertisements are not interested, while the options to skip or click through offer a user-friendly experience. Instagram Insights, for instance, gives specific metrics including reach, impressions, and video metrics that will ensure your next advertisement budget is better spent on those who are engaging with your brand.

Reaching Your Audience: Preventing Swipe-Throughs

With skip and click-through options, traditional marketing methods will not always cut it. Therefore, brands are facing the unique challenge of creating content that will quickly and effectively engage “skippers.”

Get Your Message Out Quickly

60% of Instagram stories are viewed with the sound on, so users swiping through are likely to hear your advertisement. On platforms with skip and click-through abilities, it is important for your brand to maximize the first few seconds of your advertisement. Successful social media campaigns, like Spotify’s and Airbnb’s, will include attention-grabbing components, such as music, large font, and reputable branding and design.

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Utilize an Advertising Agency

As consumer buying habits on social media platforms grow quickly, advertisers are increasing their budgets for social media campaigns on digital channels, such as YouTube and Instagram. To truly take advantage of the precision targeting that skippable advertisements make possible, utilize an advertising agency that will identify, target, and create social media campaigns ahead of the pace of current user habits. As an advertising agency, we know one thing is for sure– skip and click-through ads are not going anywhere soon, so let us help you navigate them.