
5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be On Pinterest

 Since its launch onto the Internet in 2010, Pinterest has become a major source in showcasing various ideas from individuals, making this one of the most go-to social media apps on the market. From sharing their favorite outfits to planning an event, this virtual pin board is a great platform for users to creatively share their interests to a wide audience. Although this is mainly used by individuals, companies have also joined in on the social media craze, providing information on their most prized products and services.

While other sites have a huge following with companies, many have quickly jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon. With how the Internet has become a vast commodity with a company’s success, it’s no surprise that many are using this site to improve their business.

If reaching a huge audience is not a great reason for joining the site, there are five other excellent reasons to show off their company on this site.

 A Different Way to Advertise

By joining, businesses will be able to provide a unique spin on advertising their brand to the public. By providing images of their merchandise, individuals will become familiar with a particular product and will be able to have that image in mind when they go to the company’s website or store to learn more information or to purchase.

 Sharing to Potential Customers

Since this site is all about pinning images, companies can provide great pictures for people to share. If a potential customers love a certain picture, they will make sure to include it onto their boards. This will lead to their followers to see the product and will click on the pin to learn more information. It’s all about sharing, which will provide great exposure.

Boosting Web Traffic

Connecting your Pinterest page to other social media sites will also bring a boost in web traffic. By adding your web site or blog onto the description will help individuals go onto your site to learn more about the product and to even purchase the product.

Adding Catchy Videos & Photography To Showcase Your Company

Adding videos or catchy photography can help showcase your company. Many individuals love to pin or favorite a particular video or phrase to share to others. By doing this, it can help branch into an audience that you might not been able to reach in previous campaigns.

Sharing a New Project

Since this site is geared towards creating projects, this is a great way for companies to launch their own projects for their audience to witness and share. Being able to see the beginning and finish of a certain product can help connect with your target audience. It’s all about interaction and by posting a new project or service, it will help audience see that the company appreciate their customers and would want them to be the first to know about new products or services.

While some companies may be familiar with promoting themselves on social media, others may not have a clue on what to do or where to start. That is when Bright Age steps in. Bright Age is a Los Angeles social media management company that specialize in managing social media accounts, web design, and search engine optimization. They are the Los Angeles social media management company that can provide these great services to start-up companies as well as companies who just need a face-lift with their current marketing plan.

5 Top Reasons Your Brand Should Be On Instagram

It is crucial for a company to start and maintain a social media presence. After all, these social media accounts allow your business to engage your target audience, while promoting your band to gain leads and convert customers. While some businesses are weary whether or not they should get an Instagram account in particular, you shouldn’t be. Your brand needs to be on this social media site for a variety of reasons. Check out 5 of them below:

1. It’s Simple

Unlike some other social media accounts, Instagram is a simple way for posting a stream of content. In the past, when businesses wanted to post pictures they had to crop the image in Photoshop on a desktop computer. This was very time consuming. With this particular social media site, though, it’s made specifically for instant smartphone photography. You can crop photos, add a filter and write some text in a matter of seconds. Now, you can even upload videos to the social media site, which is helping to replace even more media platforms.

2. Gives You a Chance to Use User Generated Content

Right now, it’s very popular and trendy for a business to incorporate user generated content into their content. Instead of always providing your own content, you can use images or videos that your customers have already put together. Out of all social media sites, Instagram is really great at letting you access this content and then posting it on your own account. You can even employ contests to have your audience send in content to you.

3. Ability to Develop Relationships With Your Customers

It has been shown over and over again that people will be more likely to click on a link with a person’s face next to it than one that doesn’t have this. This is just an example why a social media site like Instagram is vital to tell your story. Your brand should use this opportunity to post images of you, your staff, your stores, your customers or anything else that really depicts the personality of your company. These pictures will hold the interest of your customers more than any block of text could. That’s why this social media website will help you deepen customer engagement and really get to connect on a personal level with your target audience.

4. Connects with Individuals All Over the World

The customer base that a lot of companies have is based strictly on their marketing budget and the services they can afford through a Los Angeles social media management company. That’s why if you want to reach a wide audience that’s made up of people all over the globe, this social media site is the way to go. It can really help your business expand your reach. In fact, over 65 percent of users live in a country other than the United States. Plus, since it isn’t text-heavy and is mostly made up of pictures, this social media site can overcome any language barrier. Remember, pictures are universal.

5. Drive in Traffic to Your Business

As any Los Angeles social media management company would tell you, the end goal of any social media website is to drive in the amount of traffic that comes to your business. While you can’t share active hyperlinks in the comments and captions on your Instagram photos and videos, you can place an active link in your bio. Then, all you have to do is tell people to click on the link in your bio. When they do that, they’ll be directed right to the page you want on your website. You can change this link as much as you want, strategically driving in your target audience just how you’d like.

It’s clear that social media websites like this one are essential to the success of your brand. If you’re looking for a Los Angeles social media management company to help you tackle this area, come to Bright Age. Here at Bright Age, we are a business that specializes in social media management, web design and search engine optimization. Give us a call at Bright Age to get started.

Los Angeles Social Media Contests: A Complete Guide

If you are living in the city of Los Angeles and you want to grow your online presence or boost the reputation you have with your business online, there are plenty of ways to go about doing so with the implementation of social media. Putting social media to use is possible by hosting contests to attract new customers while keeping your current loyal followers coming back for more. Understanding the benefits of social media contests and how to get started will help you to ensure you experience success with any campaign you are launching for your brand or entire business. Working with Los Angeles digital marketing professionals is highly recommended when you are getting involved with Los Angeles social media contests for yourself.

What is a Social Media Contest?

A social media contest uses communities such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine and even LinkedIn to promote brands and individuals professionally to engage audiences, make sales and gain loyal followers over time. Using social media in Los Angeles to host a contest is ideal if you are promoting a new brand that you are building from the ground up or if you are trying to bring awareness to a brand and business that is already established and successful.

Creating Your  Own Social Media Contest

Once you are familiar with what a social media contest is and you want to get started, it is important to determine the audience and demographic you want to appeal to as well as the budget you have for the contest prizes you plan to give away.

You must then determine how you want to reach your audience and the message you want to convey. Creating visually-appealing graphics and materials is also highly recommended to get even more exposure when you begin to launch a social media contest campaign. Updating frequently and communicating openly with your online followers as much as possible with attract more individuals to become interested in your brand.

You can also work together with a Los Angeles digital marketing company that can provide professional services and teach you how to implement social media as effectively as possible, regardless of the type of audience you want to reach.

How to Seek Professional Assistance

You can find all of the professional help you need with social media in Los Angeles with Bright Age Digital Marketing Agency, a company that provides professionals who can help you gain insight into your company while promoting it properly through the use of social media itself. Working together with the Bright Age Digital Marketing Agency is a way to host Los Angeles social media contests without learning all about your demographic and the frequency you should update your followers on your own.

Knowing how to properly implement social media contests is an effective way to market and advertise anything from products and services to content you share on a blog. The more you get involved with social media contests you hold the easier it is to build an audience of individuals who are genuinely interested in your brand.

Best Practices for Social Media Marketing in Los Angeles

Discover some the best practices for social media marketing in Los Angeles. It is essential to define your target market and determine what engages them.

Target Market:

First things first! This may seem basic, but it is constantly glossed over. Know who your audience IS and who you WANT your audience to be. I can’t emphasize this enough. In a large urban area like Los Angeles people are constantly bombarded with marketing messages and the majority of those messages may not even apply to them. This has created a culture of people who tune out advertising. If you are trying to sell ice cubes to Eskimos, you are failing, not to mention, probably wasting time and money. Be very clear about who you are marketing to and why before you even begin creating a marketing campaign. If you are planning to do social media marketing in Los Angeles, get even more specific and consider hiring a Los Angeles Marketing Agency. This is the only way to create real relationships with real clients.

Engage your Target Market:

This applies to social media marketing in Los Angeles or any large urban city for that matter.

It is no longer effective or acceptable to simply advertise at or to people. You must engage with people on a different level. Everything is interactive these days and demands an “experience” rather than just a message. This is where social media marketing comes into play. Everyone knows that this is essential to any business that wants to succeed in todays market. Businesses need awareness to survive! The companies that are good at social media marketing are the companies that thrive. You have your work cut out for you! Here are a few suggestions:

-Minimally you need to have a website, Facebook page, Twitter account and LinkedIn profile.

-If what you offer will benefit from beautiful visual marketing and photos consider Tumblr and Pinterest accounts as well.

-Make sure all of your web based social marketing is consistently well integrated with photos, logos and brand recognition. Make sure all of those files that are uploaded are the proper sizes. There is nothing more unprofessional looking than logos that don’t fit in specified parameters.

-Use the above sites to engage your current clients and recruit potential new clients by 1. constantly generating fresh and engaging content that your audience will relate to and want to share with others and 2. giving them reasons to engage such as contests, coupons and surveys. These are things that create brand loyalty and familiarity. Check out sites like Woobox and Survey Monkey to see how you can integrate them into your social media marketing in Los Angeles.

-Use the direct advertising services of these social media marketing platforms – On Facebook, LinkedIn and Google target customers by placing CPC (cost per click) ads in the sightline of your specified audience. You can appeal to people in a certain zip code radius and even get as specific as industry, education level, job title and favorite bands! To have the most cost effective ad campaign, know your target market!

-Consider mobile commerce and how it applies to your industry. Mobile commerce is currently growing exponentially. Perhaps there is some targeted app development in your future?

-Build smart contact lists and offer a newsletter and a blog. Again, offer ways to interact through coupons, contests surveys, fresh content and information. People today are information addicts. You must target and then retarget your audience with emotion. Ask for their opinion. Generic marketing no longer works. Knowing who your target audience is will make developing your fresh content much easier.

-Keep track of your data! Which add campaigns worked and which tanked? In order to evolve and grow your strategy you must constantly evaluate the effectiveness of your social media marketing techniques.

Remember, people want more than information, they want experiences. How can you give your audience an experience? If this all sounds like another full time job, that is because it is! Hire a professional. Especially in a big city like Los Angeles, it is absolutely necessary to have a professional Los Angeles Marketing Agency on your side who knows your target market and will manage the social media impact and image of your company accordingly.

Tips For Effective Social Media Integration

Social media is one of the finest ways to promote your business. With the increasing popularity of social media it has become easy to get the best outcomes for your business. Some of the very popular platforms for connecting with people are Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc. which are definitely the best and useful to a great extent. There are lots of business owners who finally understand the benefits of social media and finding it a great tool to expand their business and ensure proper branding. A planned approach is very necessary or else you will not get expected results.

In order to utilize social media to the best level, here are a few tips and tricks that can prove useful for you.

  • Understand your audience – The most important part of planning your promotion is to get familiar with your audience. If you are promoting cosmetics then it is obvious that women will be more interested in such services. This means that your target audience is women and you need to focus on them. That is why it is necessary to get in touch with your people and promote your services accordingly.
  • Plan your goals – If you want to get top class results, it is essential that you have a goal in mind. Once you have planned for your goal, it becomes quite easy to reach the target. Make sure that your campaigns are fully prepared and to make them successful you have to put in lots of efforts. Try different techniques which not only serve the purpose but prove valuable for your business as well.
  • Take help from professionals – In order to get the best outcomes, you can also take the help of the professionals as they are familiar with the various techniques. They can guide you with the right approaches and the ways in which you can concentrate on better promotion techniques. Whether it is Facebook or Twitter, you can employ any of the mediums for the top notch results.
  • Determine your success – Just planning the marketing techniques is not enough but it is necessary to measure the amount of success obtained. It ensures that you are moving in the right direction and what kinds of changes that can be made to get more refined results. That is why it is considered a good option to measure the success at regular intervals.

So with the help of the planned approach, you will be able to utilize the interesting features of social media. If you are looking for social media marketing  in Los Angeles, please contact us.

Promote Your Brand on Twitter Using Hashtags

Twitter is one of the hottest social media marketing sites out there today, and when it comes to plain old social media strategy, well, there’s quite a bit that you can work through and use to expand your business and profile online. In fact, there are a few simple ways that you can use Twitter – and specifically, hashtags – to promote yourself and your business and brand in time online.

Here are just a few of the things and ideas that you can take away as solid social media strategy components when it comes to using Twitter hashtags properly:

First, what are hashtags?

Great question! Hashtags are those words on Twitter that are preceded by the pound (“#”) sign in every tweet. You can click on hashtags and search organically for things without having to type in or find manually any sort of information, and hashtags can quite often be a simple and straightforward way to categorize and use information.

Ideal for breaking news and other serious and speedy events, hashtags are also effectively used by communities looking to get the most out of their business brands, as they can help promote major issues and more when it comes to having users find information rapidly, and follow information easily.

Create your own and pump it out!

You can create your own hashtag that reflects your business, whether it’s about a specific product name, or something else. These hashtags can allow people to discuss your brand, your business, your products, or anything else on Twitter while providing a forum for people to see and understand how important and how effective your brand and products are.

Because hashtags are publicly searchable, too, it’s easy to promote yourself with them, as well as track others who use the hashtag to follow up on their experiences with your brand. Hashtags are an ideal way in this manner to start conversations with followers of your brand, and for that reason need to be an ideal and significant part of your social media marketing strategy across the board.

Jump on other hashtags and make it relevant

Instead of just creating your own hashtags, though, it is possible for you to jump on others’ hashtags, too. You need to be careful about this – if you use other more popular hashtags as part of your social media strategy, it’s important to see to it that they are relevant topics and in good taste for your brand – but piggybacking on another hashtag can allow you some popularity without having to slowly and methodically build a brand on your own over a much longer period of time.

Hashtags are one of the things that separates Twitter from a variety of other social media sites, including Facebook – and for that reason, is one of the reasons why Twitter is so effective when it comes to being used professional and in a worthwhile manner. Check out hashtags the next time you are on Twitter, and make them a part of your own social media strategy!

Discover The New Pinterest Analytics Platform

Pinterest has recently rolled out a brand new analytics platform – and it’s about time! Obviously, Pinterest was the social media darling in 2012, and while some of its valuations may have been a little bit overhyped at the time, it’s clearly a force to be reckoned with for individuals, bloggers, brands, and businesses looking to get into the creative and visual spaces and make an impact with their products.

The analytics platform, like all other analytics platforms, tracks sales and conversions in the sense that you can begin to understand what resonates, and which content drives traffic. But what do you need to know about the platform itself? And how can you use it to your advantage to drive more content, traffic, and discussion over your pin boards and your business in general?

Pinterest is an incredibly important part of strategies surrounding digital marketing in Los Angeles and elsewhere, and when it comes to social media marketing in general, there are a few things to be made aware of regarding this platform’s analytics space:

Accessing your Analytics

First and foremost, you must have a business account to get the analytics platform – which can be done by signing up for a business account in the first place, or converting a personal account into one on the site. From there, you can catch your unique data in their “Analytics” menu.

Analytics on Pinterest

The data itself is a literal gold mine, allowing you to track all sorts of numbers, including: what pieces of content are being pinned from your website, unique visitors coming to your site from content, which pins of you are being repinned, unique visitors who are repinning your pins, unique visitors you received to pins on a certain date, how many visitors have ever visited your website directly from Pinterest, how many times a visitor clicks on your website, and a longitudinal analysis of whether or not your statistics are increasing or decreasing over time.

Bright Age Pinterest Analytics

Fine tuning Pinterest information

The great thing about Pinterest’s analytics platform is that you can not only fine tune your data in terms of time period and other important information, but you can also export data into a CSV file to keep and use for your company needs as you please. It’s similar to Google Analytics in a way, in that you can find out exactly what sort of content is resonating and what is truly working on your platform, and with your customers, in order to truly get the most out of your Pinterest time and investment and ensure that you customers enjoy what they see, keep coming back for more, and keep growing your business socially.

Pinterest and Your Brand

When it comes to social media marketing, it’s more important now than ever before to not only be involved in the space, but be smart about why and how you are going to achieve results. For digital marketing in Los Angeles and other areas, there are few sources to turn to in order to help with this process – but Los Angeles social media experts do exist to get you the most out of a Pinterest account and ensure you receive top dollar analysis for your investment.

Facebook Marketing for your Businesss

There are quite a few things businesses need to be doing nowadays when it comes to marketing, promotion, and more, but one of the first things that they need to do is be aware of how they can use Facebook Marketing to improve your business outlook and financial health in the long run.

While a discussion of business and Facebook Marketing can get unnecessarily complicated over time, social media in Los Angeles and digital marketing in other major areas of the country makes it clear that any small or medium sized business needs to have a presence on Facebook if they hope to attract new fans and improve their business opportunities over time to ensure that they get the most out of their work and their reach.

Facebook Means You Can Broadcast to Many Different People

The more Fans you have and the better presence you have online, the larger of an area of people that you can broadcast your information towards online! If you’ve got thousands of Fans, those people can move your message along faster and share it on their own Facebook pages, than somewhere or someone who may only have 100 or 200 Fans to their name, and you can improve sales in turn.

Facebook Can Improve The Reputation Of Your Brand and Company

It doesn’t really matter what industry you happen to be in, reputation and branding, is really, really critical, right? When it comes to Facebook Fans, then, this is no different; in fact, in Facebook, the amount of Fans you have helps your brand and reputation over time as you work to develop a persona online.

For organizations that have a great deal of Facebook Fans, their brands are better off as opposed to organizations who have very few Facebook Fans or other issues. Build your reputation with more Facebook Fans, and watch your influence in this sphere grow!

Facebook and the Fans Make You Look Damn Good – And That Matters!

The more fans that you have at your disposal can help make you seem and look like an influencer, and a serious person who deserves to be trusted and listened to about any sort of topic. Fans help make your brand and organization legitimate, as you work and move ahead in getting to the bottom of your Facebook needs and strategies, and thousands of Fans can provide for you an amazing sense of accomplishment and a great option for growing your business and brand.

Facebook Marketing provides a stellar opportunity for businesses that are looking for something reliable but also worthwhile and incredibly effective in connecting fans and more. For that, then, it’s critical that you make it a point to work with Bright Age Digital Marketing other social media opportunities in Los Angeles to ensure that your digital marketing needs are taken care of and adequately represented in a professional way on Facebook to get the most out of your account and sales numbers in due time.

Digital Marketing Using Foursquare to Build Customer Loyalty

When it comes to digital marketing your business with social media tools and techniques, there are literally hundreds of things out there that you can do. But if you are like most people, you just don’t have the time to do every single one, and take advantage of every single site and account.

So how do you choose between them, and how do you make it a point to get the most out of your social media marketing in Los Angeles or elsewhere, without running out of time and money doing it? Here are just a few things you can do with one of the hottest new sites out there today – Foursquare – a location based site that allows users to “check in” to places and locations and develop through their social networks a more complete understanding of where they are.

Using Foursquare to market your business is ideal first and foremost because you can use it to attract people who are already nearby you and your location. If you are in Woodland Hills and digital marketing is something you need, for example, you can use Foursquare to attract people who have checked in already nearby your location.

These people see your location on Foursquare, and they can seamlessly read reviews and see what others have to say about your business based on their friends’ recent check-ins on the social media site. In turn, then, you get the most out of this experience because you can attract these customers in and in turn use them to promote your business for you.

Many small businesses have success marketing their organization through Foursquare and gaining customer loyalty when they work to incentivize Foursquare check-ins in the first place, too. That means, for you, to encourage people to check in to Foursquare when they are at your business by giving them a reason to do it.

If you, say, own a coffee shop – it could be a free small cup of coffee for every time they check in and review you well on Foursquare, or something similar. In turn, then, not only do you attract new business and encourage people to come after you and your company using digital marketing means and ways, you also encourage customers to evangelize your business for you, and promote it to their friends on their Foursquare feeds for the entire world to see and use.

Foursquare, then, becomes your platform to digitally market your brand and to attract new customers based off the happy reports and reviews of their friends, who are your current customers.

For people seeking Woodland Hills digital marketing help, or social media marketing in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, we can do a great deal, too, when it comes to getting the most for you out of your Foursquare presence. While it can be difficult to figure out, there is no excuse not to work with a professional digital marketing business to improve your company’s digital presence and sales numbers!

Creating a Powerful Infographic For Your Businesses Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Using Infographics

Infographics are here to stay, and as social media has become an unstoppable force for digital marketing, infographics will only be here for the long haul, get on board now, and learn how to use them to improve your brand and business today!

People love pictures. Increasingly, too, people on the Internet need pictures and images, instead of lots of words and text that just blend together and lose people over time. Infographics, then, have become wildly popular as far as tools that can teach and convert people using social media marketing techniques and massive potential within search engine optimization, digital marketing and elsewhere online.

We know that infographics are amazing, and that many people in the social media marketing world rave about them and the potential that they hold for brands, companies, businesses, and more. But what makes infographics so special, anyways? And what do you need to do when you create one to ensure that you truly get the most out of your infographic and improve your business in doing so?

Digestible Information

First and foremost, people just don’t have a lot of time online any more. For that reason, and perhaps that reason alone, it is critical that you are direct and digestible with all of your information online. Instead of long-winded blog posts, use an infographic to get your point across, and make it imminently digestible and more as you move forward knowing that you are going to provide a great service to people in a wide variety of ways and means.

Fascinating Graphics and Attractive Design

Infographics allow people to use fascinating graphics and attractive design on a daily basis. In doing so, you can easily catch people’s eyes, and improve their retention of the information you are promoting on your infographic itself. That’s huge for people who are looking to improve their reader base and even grow their customer lists over time – and infographics can help make that happen as they work to attract people and retain and impress them in time.

Shareable on Social Media

Infograhpics and other images like it are incredibly shareable on social media, and that’s a great thing! For search engine optimization and social media marketing, infographics can do wonders when it comes to not only improving your place in social and search sites, but also in getting the most out of your audience and getting them to react, read, and share things that you have created.

For people looking to use a Los Angeles digital marketing agency to create and improve your infographics, too, it’s imperative that you understand and enjoy the potential that we have in providing for you top-notch and high quality infographics that can truly help you turn the corner, profit, and more. In doing so, you can not only save money on advertising and marketing, but also better retain customers and more over the long haul in your business.