How to Use AI-Generated Messages without Losing Personalization

AI-Generated Content Creation 

Artificial intelligence has grown exponentially, both privately and publicly, over the last couple of years.  ChatGPT’s  release to the public a little over a year ago has changed the game when it comes to AI-generated content, as it’s now accessible to anyone at any time.  While artificial intelligence can aid in producing meaningful content, it is important for businesses to prioritize personalization in order to retain a level of human connection and continue producing high-quality content.  

When it comes to adding value and ensuring cohesiveness within your brand, content creation is one of the most effective ways to engage audiences and build a community.  This is because its intention is to find a way to resonate with target audiences in a way that feels personalized to them specifically.

Content Creation

AI-generated content has become an extremely popular tool for businesses to use as it provides a way to create any type of media quickly and at a relatively low cost. This is especially seen when considering the improvements made in the last couple of years that allow AI to go in and use past behaviors and audience preferences to create its content. There are platforms out there, like Sprout Social, that aim to provide insights and analytics to allow businesses to make informed decisions regarding their own content creation. Although it serves as an essential tool, it’s important for creators to remember that there are some missing elements in AI-generated content that only a human can provide.  

Knowledgeable and reputable content creators are that way because they know how to add an extended element of trust and emotion to their content that doesn’t always come across when something is solely AI-generated content.  It is imperative that content creators review any and all AI-generated content in order to avoid losing personalization that they would have otherwise had had they created the content themselves.

Why AI Can’t do it all Alone 

Copywriting is another element that has been affected by AI since its existence. In order to have effective copywriting, the content written must be emotionally stimulating where the words written fit the style, purpose, and tone of voice of whatever it is you may be trying to convey.  


Utilizing content that is AI-generated as a tool to enhance copywriting can be beneficial, but solely relying on it without any human review is potentially damaging. Relationships are the key to successful businesses, and the only way for businesses to create these relationships is to ensure that their audience feels that trust and emotion come across throughout all content, which is why AI can’t do it alone.  

Building a Community Using AI to your Advantage

When the same message is sent out in large numbers where little personalization is necessary, AI can be used to speed up the process.  That being said, diligence when it comes to monitoring and responding to different clients or accounts are important to increase personal relationships outside of content that was AI-generated.

Community management is a top priority for most businesses. While AI-generated content serves as a great aid, there are ways to add personalization here without AI that are essential to a business’s success. This is an example of the kind of responsiveness that shows a company values its customers and their questions.  

WONKA instagram post
WONKA Instagram Comment and Reply

It is imperative that businesses find a way to leverage AI-generated content in a way that’s beneficial to them, without losing the sense of personalization and creativity that comes from human review. 

The Importance of Monitoring and Responding on Social Media

Social media revolves around engaging and interacting with your audience, where simply being present on social media platforms is no longer enough to stand out against other brands and creators. To build authentic relationships with your followers, establishing a community of individuals who feel heard, seen, cared about, and ultimately connected to your brand is essential. Therefore, when customers share inquiries, complaints, or compliments through comments on your posts, it is crucial to respond promptly to express appreciation for their business and demonstrate attentiveness, a reason for the existence of a community management agency, which can assist in your social engagement efforts.

According to The Sprout Social Index™ 2023, 51% of consumers surveyed say that the most memorable brands on social media are those that respond to customers, and 68% of customers follow brands on social media to stay informed about new products and services. This information highlights the importance of monitoring and responding to comments on social media for long-term brand success.

But, as we all know, the world of social media is full of bots, trolls, and irrelevant opinions/comments, so we must understand how to engage with audiences on diverse social platforms and, specifically, how to address different types of comments in unique situations. In this article, we will guide you in the different approaches to handling a range of social media comments and offer our tips on the most optimal ways to respond.

Positive Comments

Positive comments can be anything from a simple “thank you” to an in-depth product or service review. Because consumers take the time to show you their appreciation, responding to these messages and reciprocating the gratitude is essential. When crafting your response to positive comments, be sure to use a sincere tone, thank the individual for their feedback, and personalize each message so each person feels directly spoken to, which can further their connection to your brand. For example, the ticket vendor BigStub uses an effective community management strategy to respond to comments promptly and enthusiastically. Below is an example of how BigStub addressed a positive comment on Facebook, but this practice can be seen across all of the brand’s social accounts. Ultimately, your response demonstrates to consumers that you value their business and feedback, fostering trust and a sense of community.

Neutral Comments

When it comes to neutral comments, it is often easy for them to go unnoticed, but responding to them is as important as addressing positive or negative feedback. The most significant advantage of responding to neutral comments is that it shows your audience you are available whenever they need you to be. Additionally, it allows you to engage in a casual conversation with your audience, which helps to personify your brand and further build consumer relationships that can foster brand loyalty. Check out the Instagram activities of Galaxy Theatres below, for instance. In this example, the brand responded to a neutral customer inquiry with a detailed, eager response that opened up the floor for further conversation. Thus, it would be silly to miss out on a similar opportunity to engage with your audience in a fun, relatively low-stakes manner. Consider working with a community management agency to guide your response strategy.

Negative Comments

As a brand, it’s crucial not only to listen to negative comments but also to respond to them appropriately. Negative comments can look like a range of issues surrounding the product or service, including customer care experiences. Before heading straight for the keyboard to defend your brand, remember to approach your response with delicacy, understanding, and empathy to avoid fueling an existing fire. A dissatisfied customer can leave the conversation feeling content and attended to by demonstrating respect for their opinion in your response. As for negative comments that take the form of offensive remarks and hate speech, it is essential to clarify your brand’s boundaries for this behavior and address it as unacceptable. You can take additional measures like blocking and reporting the social media account to the platform. Suppose your brand receives social media comments related to a crisis. In that case, you should have an established crisis communication plan to handle the situation best, and a community management agency can assist you with this. Overall, properly monitoring negative comments on social media helps you steer clear of any subsequent harm to your brand’s reputation, correctly identify serious or timely situations, and uphold strong brand values and a positive online community.

Analyzing All Comments

Many tests and tools exist to provide valuable brand insights derived from all of your social media comments. A social media sentiment analysis considers the emotions and opinions of those talking about your brand online, which is beneficial for identifying and addressing negative comments before they escalate. On top of that, conversation analytics uses AI and machine learning to find patterns and form reports derived from customer conversations. There are many social listening techniques worth exploring to keep your brand ahead of the conversation, and a community management agency can support you in gathering valuable insights from your data. 

A well-executed plan for engaging with social media comments helps you establish your brand, gain loyalty, and connect with the right audience. Improve your brand reputation and skillfully navigate potentially harmful situations by adopting the abovementioned strategies and practices.

Creating Brand Loyalty with Social Media

Today’s consumers seek more than just attractive deals; they want to support authentic and trustworthy brands. Consistent, exceptional customer care experiences are a key way to establish this trust, which brands can reap the benefits of. But how do you retain your hard-earned customer base over the long term? This article will explore how social media is a powerful tool for creating brand loyalty, along with a few examples of successful brand strategies to get you started.

What is Brand Loyalty?

First and foremost, brand loyalty refers to a customer’s commitment or attachment to a particular brand or company’s products or services. It goes beyond purchasing behavior; it involves a strong preference for a certain brand and a willingness to choose that brand over others with similar offerings repeatedly. In a crowded marketplace with countless products and services vying for attention, brand loyalty is key to securing your customers’ commitment. Below are brand loyalty strategies to consider implementing for greater reach!

Deliver Stellar Customer Care

Exceptional customer service demonstrates that a brand places its customers at the center of its operations. Customers who feel cared about and valued are likelier to be loyal, so brands should utilize social media as a tool for building and managing their community in a public-facing, authentic way. For instance, brands should monitor customer service inquiries on all social media accounts and respond promptly, regardless if the inquiry is positive or negative. Acknowledging feedback will not only enhance that particular customer’s experience but will also demonstrate to the entire online community that your brand takes their feelings seriously. Further, a customer care agency can be of use to ensure that no inquiry slips through the cracks. By engaging with customers on social media, brands can establish trust with a wide audience, leading to brand loyalty.

Utilize Word-of-Mouth

Digital word-of-mouth recommendations include praise on social media, user-generated content, and product or service reviews. The strong influence of word-of-mouth recommendations can be attributed to the perceived credibility and unbiased opinion that it offers to customers, in contrast with traditional advertising or promotional messages that often attempt to force a connection. With user-generated content (UGC), customers voluntarily share their experiences with a brand; leveraging the influence and credibility of satisfied customers to promote your brand is essential. Additionally, a negative review on social media can be advantageous when wholeheartedly addressed, which shows other consumers that you care. From posting customer reviews on your Instagram story, reposting a user’s praise, or commenting on a consumer’s post, there are many ways to engage in digital conversation.

Establish a Brand Voice

As mentioned earlier, brand loyalty can be attributed to a consumer’s emotional or personal attachment to a brand. Establishing this emotional connection comes with greater ease when the consumer feels like they are speaking to a real person behind the screen rather than a robotic, emotionless entity on behalf of a brand. So, finding your brand voice is a great way to give your brand a more personable and approachable feel. For example, if your brand exudes a light-hearted aura, sharing witty statements or memes on social media can demonstrate a consistent tone that aligns with your core values, which customers will recognize and respect. By humanizing your brand, emotional connections based on feelings of relatability and support can be established with customers, thus fostering a sense of trust and loyalty. Here are a few successful brand loyalty strategy examples to get you started.

The Golden Girls

The 1985 sitcom recently tapped into its audience’s emotional needs by creating a book titled “Quit Being an Idiot” that consists of all the best life lessons from the Golden Girls. The release was announced on Instagram; the brand leveraged this platform by presenting a unique offering directly to its existing fan base, demonstrating its effort to appeal to consumers’ interests and highlight the show’s most iconic moments in a tangible, exclusive format.

Galaxy Theatres

This movie theatre chain offers an in-app loyalty program exclusive to Galaxy Rewards Members. The membership includes unique offerings and discounts at no cost that appeal to the desires of movie-goers, such as a free candy at your next visit to Galaxy Theatres. Going beyond occasional discounts, this rewards program boosts loyalty by giving consumers an incentive to choose the brand over its competitors and a reason to stick around to earn more special offers.


The ticket vendor BigStub uses its social media platforms to foster an online community of like-minded users with interests such as live events, sports, music, and entertainment. BigStub’s consistent and conversational tone can be seen in the caption of every post, which often prompts its audience to participate in the conversation via the comments section. The approachable tone of BigStub helps to foster brand loyalty through emotional connections based on shared interests.

In conclusion, brands can cultivate brand loyalty by appealing to customers’ ever-changing interests and desires. In today’s world, there is a large emphasis on the trustworthiness and credibility of product and service providers. By strategically using social media or working with a customer care agency, brands can highlight these sought-after traits, strengthen customer relationships from purchase to loyalty, expand reach, and ensure long-term success in the digital age.

The Importance of Google Reviews for Your Brand

How do I Use Google Reviews to my Advantage?

Today, your internet presence for your brand matters. Google Reviews, for many, is an instant way to pick your next stop for dinner, a new hair salon, or check out the best local coffee shop. It may be obvious that these reviews may have an impact on how customers view your brand: with just a few clicks, a list of reviews on your business is at the hands of a potential customer.  But might you use Google Reviews to better your brand? Consider the following points to use Google Reviews to your advantage while you build your brand.

Increase Visibility and Credibility

People trust people: according to recent research, 93% of users have made buying decisions based on an online review. Seeing what other people think is incredibly important in customers’ decisions: Google Reviews are essential in gaining credibility.

Google Reviews are prominently displayed on Google search results and Google Maps. When potential customers search for your business or relevant keywords, they are likely to see your average rating and the number of reviews. Positive reviews can instantly boost your credibility and attract more clicks. 

These Google Reviews also provide social proof that others have used and liked your products or services. People tend to trust the opinions of fellow consumers more than advertising or marketing messages.


Improve Local SEO

Google Reviews can play a significant role in local search engine optimization (SEO). The more, the better: more positive reviews can improve your local ranking online, making it more likely that your business will appear in local search results. This can be especially crucial for your business in attracting local customers. 

Even for larger brands with multiple locations, using Google Reviews to monitor specific locations may help in improving your brand reputation, as insights may vary by location. Take for example Galaxy Theatres’ reviews for their Austin versus Victorian location.


Gain Customer Insight

Reviews may offer valuable insights into your customers’ experiences, preferences, and potential areas to improve on. They can help you identify what you’re doing right and areas where you need help. This feedback can guide your business decisions and improve customer satisfaction. You’ll be able to gain insight on your business just by taking a quick look online.

Free Advertising

Lastly, positive reviews can act as free advertising for your business. Satisfied customers who leave a review are essentially endorsing your brand to their friends, but more importantly to a wider online community. This sort of marketing can have a significant impact on spreading the word about your business. 

Try Using a Management Software for Google Reviews

While these tips may be helpful in terms of gaining insight into your business, it can get difficult to organize and sort through each review, especially with businesses gaining hundreds or even thousands of reviews over time. Utilizing software like Sprout Social or Birdeye can help you to manage feedback more effectively.

Also consider checking out the services we offer at Bright Age. As a Google partner, our services will help better your business with a campaign designed just for you. From managing Google Ads to improving your SEO, we go further than Google Reviews to grow your brand.   

Google Reviews can be a crucial aspect of increasing your business’s online presence and brand reputation. They not only influence potential customers, but they also provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth and improvement. Therefore, it’s important to actively encourage and manage reviews as part of your overall brand strategy. Use this free tool to increase credibility and visibility, improve local SEO, gain customer insight, and free advertising. Using a software, or Bright Age services, to monitor your Google Reviews will make growing your business even simpler and more effective

Content Copyrights and Social Media Sharing

Content Copyrights and Social Media Sharing

In the digital age, creating and sharing content has become a ubiquitous part of our lives – from both a personal and professional perspective. Today, content creation and sharing across social media platforms is a part of the everyday for businesses. However, it’s important to understand content copyright laws to ensure you can respect other creators while producing creative and authentic content for your success. 


How does Content Copyright work?

Copyright laws vary by country – so keep that in mind while reading, as these regulations are exclusive to the US. However, across countries, social media platforms function off of User Generated Content (UGC). While you own the copywrite to the content you produce on social media, the platform you post this content on does oftentimes require you to grant them license to use and distribute it – meaning they can display it for others within the platform. 


However, it’s important to note that, in the US, there is a legal doctrine titled Fair Use. Fair use allows use of copyrighted material without permission for certain contexts. This includes education, criticism, news reporting, or educational purposes.

Lastly, while you and other users have ownership of the content you create – and therefore legal rights over that content depending on the platform’s licensing agreements – there are still some creators who choose to share their work under licenses like Creative Commons. This makes that content open to the public domain.


In order to ensure any content is not at risk of content copyright infringement, consider the following points before posting.

  1. Create Original Content 

Creating your own, completely original content is the easiest way to avoid copyright infringement across platforms. Even better, it encourages creativity and provides a way for you to build your brand uniquely – without producing repetitive content for your audience.

  1. Attribute Credit Properly

When using another user’s content, it’s important to give proper credit to the creator by mentioning them in your caption. In terms of UGC, oftentimes creators will describe how to give credit in their post. Or, simply sending them a direct message is a safe way to ask permission on how to provide credits. On some platforms, like Instagram, gaining permission from the creator can be handled securely through the app.

  1. Note Platform Guidelines

The copyright policies are maintained at a legal level and do not vary by platform. But, information related to copyright and intellectual property should be included in the platform’s terms of service and community guidelines. Keep this in mind when sharing or reposting content. How users may share content may differ according to the platform’s guidelines. 

  1. Keep Up to Date

But remember, it’s possible for copyright laws to change overtime and according to the platform you’re using. Be sure to stay in the know about changes in these policies. 


Navigating social media copyright laws may appear intimidating. However, simply gaining a basic understanding of these laws will help you to better your online presence. For both your consumers and your own success across platforms, keeping these points in mind will ensure best practice on social media, so you can be your most creative self while respecting the work of other content creators.

How to Integrate AI into a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Close up photo of a typewriter with text

In the landscape of social media marketing today, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to maintain a competitive edge. One such approach that has gained significant traction is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into social media marketing strategies. AI offers a wide range of benefits, from creating graphics and copywriting to optimizing scheduling. AI is the newest tool to improve efficiency and help aid social media managers. According to the Harris poll, 97% of leaders agree AI will allow companies to analyze data and insights more efficiently. Explore how to effectively incorporate AI into your social media marketing strategy.

Enhancing Graphics and Visual Content

Having compelling content is essential for social media. Incorporating AI-powered tools can significantly improve the quality, consistency, and appeal of visual content shared on social media platforms. Artificial Intelligence can analyze data from previous successful posts, user engagement patterns, and industry trends to generate visually engaging graphics and images. There are so many different AI tools you can use for creating graphics, a popular one being Canva. Some of the tools they offer are text-to-image ability and Magic Design which will create templates for images you can upload. 

AI-driven image recognition can also help businesses better understand their audience’s preferences by analyzing the types of visuals that garner the most interest and engagement. This data can be used to create more targeted and appealing visuals in future marketing campaigns. By using AI to create stunning visual content, social media marketers can capture the audience’s attention and increase engagement.

Empowering Copywriting and Content Creation

Crafting captivating and relevant social media copy is a vital aspect of any marketing strategy. AI-powered tools can aid social media marketers by suggesting compelling blog posts, generating content ideas, and even drafting social media posts. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and identify trending topics, customer preferences, and suitable language styles, streamlining the content creation process. 

One tool is, which can be used to write captions, product descriptions, or blog posts which can all be customized to fit the style and voice of your brand. While AI can suggest content ideas, the human touch is still necessary to ensure the content aligns with the brand’s tone, voice, and messaging. Social media marketers should use AI-generated content as a starting point and then personalize and tailor it to resonate better with their target audience.

A group of team members working collaboratively on a project

Optimizing Scheduling and Posting

The timing of social media posts plays a crucial role in reaching the target audience effectively. AI tools can analyze historical data and user behavior to identify the optimal times for posting content on different platforms. By scheduling posts during peak engagement periods, businesses can maximize the impact of their social media campaigns.

ClickUp is an AI tool which can assist in a variety of ways, ranging from campaign strategy to event planning. Moreover, AI-driven automation can help manage and streamline posting across various social media channels. Marketers can use AI to schedule posts in advance, ensuring a consistent presence on social platforms without manually handling every post.

Integrating artificial intelligence into your social media marketing strategy can undoubtedly enhance various aspects of your campaigns, from graphics and copywriting to scheduling. AI-powered tools can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide valuable insights to optimize your marketing efforts. However, it is crucial to remember that AI is a valuable aid to your team and not a replacement for human creativity and expertise. By combining the strengths of AI with human insights, businesses can create compelling social media marketing campaigns that engage and resonate with their audience effectively. Learn more about Bright Age and its services

Fostering an Engaging Company Culture at a Digital Marketing Agency

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, strong company culture is essential for success. As important as it is for a brand to foster a relationship with their audience, it is also pivotal to have a strong team as the foundation. Company culture can be described as shared goals, behaviors, practices and other attributes in the workplace. An inclusive workplace culture fosters a sense of belonging and promotes teamwork, engagement and employee retention. In this blog, we will explore various methods of promoting a positive environment at a digital marketing agency. 

Highlighting Milestone Moments:

At Bright Age, we love to celebrate the special days. Whether it is a birthday or a “workaversary” (work anniversary), we love celebrating our team! We value each team member’s contribution and make it a point to acknowledge them and their hard work. We love posting birthdays and workaversaries on social media with photos and personalized messages, in between content creation for our clients. It not only brings a smile to the person’s face but also helps create a strong sense of community.

Additionally, we have implemented a Kudoboard to celebrate birthdays. This digital platform allows employees to foster their relationships with each other especially in a hybrid setting. From wishing them a great year or applauding their creativity, Kudoboards foster a culture of gratitude and encouragement, boosting morale and motivation.

Welcoming the Newbies:

Interns are an invaluable part of our agency, and we strive to provide them with a warm and inclusive experience. We value communication and encourage interns to ask as many questions as possible. One way we like to welcome our newcomers is through intern posts on our social media platforms. These posts introduce them, highlight their contributions to projects, and express our gratitude for their hard work.

Also, we love to welcome our interns with thoughtful welcome baskets. These baskets are filled with delicious snacks, office supplies, books and a handwritten note welcoming them to the team. This gesture goes a long way in making them feel valued and part of the team from the moment they start their first day.

Game Faces On:

In the era of remote work, maintaining a vibrant company culture can be challenging. To combat this, we have implemented regularly playing games at the end of Zoom meetings. One popular option is the Jeopardy! style game, where team members answer fun questions about themselves. This game sparks conversations, reveals shared interests, and deepens connections, even in a virtual setting. By injecting some fun and lightheartedness into our meetings, we ensure that our team members feel engaged and bonded.

Connected Outside of the Workplace:

In addition to day-to-day work, we believe in creating opportunities for team bonding and fostering a sense of unity. Our agency organizes various group events throughout the year, including an annual Christmas brunch and work trips. These events provide an avenue for team members to switch up the hybrid routine, interact, and build relationships beyond the confines of their offices at home. They help break down barriers, stimulate creativity, and invite collaboration.

At our digital marketing agency, we prioritize fostering a vibrant and inclusive company culture. From birthday posts and Kudoboards to intern welcome baskets and group events, we celebrate achievements, create a sense of belonging, and strengthen relationships. By embracing these practices, we create a positive work environment that fuels collaboration, innovation, and employee satisfaction. Learn more about Bright Age and the services we offer. 

Keeping Audiences Engaged in the Off-Season: Strategies for the Entertainment Industry

There are many great ways to promote a show before and during the season, but how do we keep audiences engaged after the season finale? The entertainment industry is incredible at captivating and engaging its audiences with exciting content, in all different forms. When a show is in the off-season, and there is less content flowing, it is crucial to find ways to maintain audience engagement. This can be through promoting other shows within the franchise, behind the scenes content, memes, fan-generated content or creating challenges. There are effective strategies to explore which the industry can employ to keep its audiences captivated and eagerly awaiting the next big thing. 

Promoting Other Shows in the Franchise:

To start, one powerful strategy to keep up engagement during the off-season is to promote other shows within the franchise. Cross-promotion aids in maintaining enthusiasm of fans and stirring up some conversation. Sharing other shows that don’t risk competition can expand audiences’ interest in the broader franchise. For example, in the off-season of The Bachelor, its socials will be posting about the spin-off show Bachelor in Paradise, to get fans excited about the new season. This approach not only maintains audience engagement but also gets them excited about other shows within the franchise. 

Bachelor social media promoting similar show
Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Sharing behind-the-scenes content is an effective strategy. Audiences love getting an inside look at their favorite shows and movies, and behind-the-scenes content fulfills this desire. Entertainment companies can share exclusive photos, videos, and interviews with cast and crew members to offer a glimpse into the creative process and the hard work that happens behind the scenes. By doing so, shows foster a deeper connection with their audience, retaining their excitement for upcoming projects. 

Memes and Trending Topics:

Utilizing memes and trending topics can be a fun and effective way to keep audiences engaged. Memes quickly became a fresh and fun style of content to post, now the entertainment industry can tap into their viral nature to generate buzz and foster discussions among fans. By sharing and creating content that relates to their shows or movies, companies can ride the wave of trending topics and memes, increasing visibility and extending the reach of the content beyond dedicated fans. 

Abbott Elementary meme on social media page
Fan-Generated Content and Influencer Collaborations:

Appreciating fan-generated content is a powerful strategy for retaining audience involvement. Entertainment companies can encourage fans to create and share their thoughts, or creative interpretations of their favorite characters and storylines. By showcasing and amplifying fan content through social media, companies strengthen the sense of community and fan involvement. Collaborating with popular content creators in the industry further enhances this engagement, creating exciting collaborations that generate buzz and allow the audience to eagerly anticipate future releases. 

Engaging Contests and Challenges:

Organizing giveaways and challenges is another way to boost audience engagement during the off-season. Hosting interactive contests such as trivia quizzes, hashtag challenges, or fan art competitions are all fun ways to keep up the anticipation. By offering prizes and recognizing participants, companies create a sense of excitement and community among fans. These ideas not only continue audience engagement, but also generate user-generated content that can be shared, further extending the reach and impact of the show. 

The off-season presents a distinct challenge for the entertainment industry to keep audiences engaged and excited. However, through strategic approaches like promoting other shows in the franchise, posting behind-the-scenes content, memes, fan-generated content, or creating engaging contests and challenges, entertainment companies can maintain a vibrant and enthusiastic audience even when the show is not on air. These strategies foster the sense of community, anticipation and enjoyment, ensuring that audiences eagerly await the next chapter of their favorite shows. 

How to Elevate Your Brand Message with Social Media Copywriting

Elevating your brand message is essential for having a successful brand; a great way to do this is with social media copywriting. Social media copywriting creates messages that are fit for social media posts. These messages are precise and concise to capture the attention of a brand’s target audience. 

Social media copywriting can be used for various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Followers will be more likely to engage when reading compelling content on a social media platform. If you want to make an impact with your brand message, then it is important to have good social media copywriting skills.

Some tips for elevating your brand message with social media copywriting:

A person holding a phone  Description automatically generated with medium confidence
  1. Powerful hook words are a great way to capture the attention of your target audience. Locking in your audience’s attention can make or break all of your other strategies. This needs to work to move forward with other strategies. You do not want to choose something that is too much, but something that is just good enough to stop their scroll. The first five or six words are important and need to be used correctly to suck them in. Some examples of words that can be used to capture attention are: free, new, exclusive, limited, proven, easy, and save. These words will capture the attention of your audience and have a memorable impact on them. 
  2. Being repetitive is key to make sure everyone who is seeing your brand’s content is seeing the same messages. Since there are so many platforms to post on these days, you might be followed by different people on every platform. Posting consistently on every social media platform is the best way to ensure your message is heard. Mix up the way that you are saying things occasionally so that it doesn’t seem super repetitive. Some algorithms are frustrating and hard to understand, so it is important to post multiple times to get your message across. Working with social media agencies, like Bright Age, can help brands understand the algorithm. Social media agencies have extensive knowledge on algorithms and other helpful things that will make your brand grow.
A person typing on a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidence
  1. Using language that you would use in everyday conversation makes your brand feel more authentic. This will give your presence on social media a personality that consumers can follow along with. When the language feels very robotic, audiences will not feel a genuine pull towards the brand. Using your genuine personality in your brand’s social media will help attract your brand’s target audience. Brands have more of a distinct identity when they have specific voices on their social media pages. It is easier to recognize a brand when they have a social media presence with a strong voice. 
  1. While it is good to use authentic language, it is also good to keep it simple on social media. People will be more likely to engage with your content if what you post is short and sweet. You want to be able to get to the point with what you are saying but make it concise. Social media is not the best place to include details, so it would be better to have a link with more information. Posts perform better when they are precise and concise. Making the wording simple and using the minimum number of words necessary to convey the intended meaning is the best say to get your message across.

Copywriting is the best way to show off your brand’s authentic voice on social media. Copywriting makes brands come off as more genuine, your voice will be heard. When taking all the steps to do copywriting correctly it will make your brand message come across better and clearer. Bright Age is a helpful social media agency to make copywriting easier. We have many options for different copywriting services. On the Galaxy Theatres blog there is copywriting in use, this is a good example of all the tips above being used. A team of experts worked together to create a copywriting strategy for Galaxy Theater’s social media platforms; this has made the message of their brand clearer. Overall, using a social media copywriting strategy is important for a brand to appear pronounced on social media.

How Social Media Can Benefit HR

Social media allows for people to connect with people they did not meet in real life. People who are far away geographically can be connected via social media. Social media is a great tool for the human resources field; people become more connected through social media. It is a valuable tool for people in this profession, it helps businesses attract job candidates. Social media can also be a great place to engage with employees that are already a part of the company. Using social media as a tool is one way to promote inclusion in a company as well. It is a way to find employees that are from diverse backgrounds. Seeing what people are up to on social media can help people stay connected as well.

Recruitment can be done on social media, which is a large part of human relations. Social media can be a wonderful tool for sourcing job candidates. Human resources departments can use different forms of social media to recruit new employees to their company. One form of social media that is good for recruitment is LinkedIn. On LinkedIn you can recruit individuals to your company. LinkedIn is a great example of social media that is good for the human resources field. LinkedIn is built for people to connect in the business world, which is perfect for human resources. People use this to promote themselves or their company. Jobs are posted on LinkedIn all the time, and it is a common way most people will find their job. People look on social media to find jobs among other things. Social media makes the candidate pool wider than it would be without. Since you can reach people across the world on social media, there is a more divorce candidate pool for a lot of jobs. People will come from many different backgrounds; this leads to having a more diverse workplace. More ideas will come from a diverse group of employees, which will better your company. Being able to connect with people through social media is important even in a professional way. 

Relationships with employees can be preserved through social media. Your reputation as a brand is defined by the employee’s experience working there. They might showcase this on their social media. Human resources can utilize this to understand why employees might have a low success rate. On social media, employees can find a sense of community within a brand. Company news and employee recognition can be shared on social media. This will facilitate communication and collaboration within the company. Through social media, you can see how your experience differs from competitors. Learning about your competitors and how successful they are is important for being successful within your own company. Social media will help businesses understand their competitors better, it gives them access to the inside of their brand. 

On social media, you can showcase your brand and what you stand for. The human relationships part of your company can use social media to highlight the values of your brand. When people are searching for a place to work this is something they want to know about a company. Having it be easily accessible to anyone is a helpful aid in that process; this will help to attract talent and community easier. Highlighting employees and company events can be one way to do this. People searching for the company will be able to get a good feel for the company by browsing your social media profiles.

This all being said, having guidelines in place for using social media in human relations is important as well. Making sure that social media is used ethically and in a responsible manor is important. Furthermore, social media is still a very effective way to improve human relations within a company. It is beneficial for recruiting new individuals to a company. It can also be important so that your brand can understand competitors. Competitors can be closely compared on social media; it is easier than any other type of engagement with competitors. Individuals who are looking for a job will be able to understand what your company stands for by looking through your social media pages. Overall using social media in the human relations field is beneficial and your human relations team can use social media to enhance your company.