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How to Increase Your Social Media Reach

In 2021, using social media for business is crucial to helping you reach new customers and expand your audience. If you’re managing a business’s social media account and are hoping to watch it grow, it’s important to understand the concept of social media reach, how it can be tracked, and tactics to increase your reach. 

instagram social media reach

What is reach? 

Reach measures how far your business’s message has spread on social media. In short, reach is the amount of unique accounts that have seen a post or your account in a given period of time. When trying to understand your social media reach, it’s also helpful to look at different KPIs for reach such as impressions, follower count, and share of voice. These will help give you a more comprehensive understanding of how far your message has spread.

3 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Reach

When most people refer to reach, they’re talking about organic reach. This refers to the people that have seen your profile or post without the use of ads or other paid content. This type of reach is the most difficult to earn, but can be increased through a few best practices: 

  1. Optimize Your Content for the Platform You’re Posting on
    Tailoring your posts to each platform is worth the extra effort, but is a step that can be overlooked by businesses that post their content to multiple platforms. Here are some areas you should review with each post: 
  • Make sure that the dimensions of your content are optimized for each platform. This will prevent your photos from being cut off in your feed or when posting. For example, Instagram posts are best as a 1080 x 1080 square, while Twitter posts are best as a 1200 x 675 rectangle if sharing a single image. 
  • Be mindful using external links. While they can be useful on sites like Pinterest and Twitter to direct users to your website, Facebook has an algorithm that favors content that keeps users on Facebook. Additionally, platforms such as Instagram do not allow external links within posts, so it’s important to have a link in your bio for potential customers to access more information about your product or service. 
  • Tailor your captions to each platform you are posting to. You can change the length or tone of your caption depending on the nature and audience of each platform. 
Woodland Hills Magazine Instagram Social Media Reach
Woodland Hills Magazine Twitter Social Media Reach
  1. Encourage Engagement

Creating content that encourages engagement will build more interest for your posts and helps your business connect with its audience. This can be done through many ways, like creating conversation-starting captions, posting videos, and doing live streams. 

Having a more engaged following will help create a more positive word-of-mouth surrounding your business and in turn draw more people to your profile.

Starbucks Instagram Engagement Comments to Increase Social Media Reach
  1. Schedule and Time Your Posts

This can be done in advance using a social media management platform that best fits your needs. Maintaining consistency is crucial for growing your presence and following in social media. Posting consistently also helps the algorithm on your social media platform know that your account is active.

Another excellent thing about scheduling your posts in advance is that you are able to choose what time you push your content out to your audience. All social media platforms have a time during the day where they see the most engagement, which can be a good rule of thumb for when to post.

However, the best thing to do is to post when your audience is most active. Some social platforms have business features that allow you to access this information so you can find the best time to post and reach your followers. 

Fine-Tuning Your Social Media Strategy 

Finding a strategy that works in increasing your social media reach organically can be a tricky task. If your posts aren’t getting the results you want to see, investing in your business through ads can be a great way to increase your social media reach. You may consider getting the help of a social media agency that specializes in marketing and targeting ads to reach the right audience. 

At Bright Age, we’re experts at helping brands increase their reach so that the right people can find your brand. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business thrive!