How to Use Pinterest to Market Your Business

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Pinterest is one of the most visually appealing ways to get your business noticed online. Have you searched for a recipe and noticed some of the most enticing images led you to Pinterest? This is why this social platform is so great in growing your brand—it allows you to capture the attention of your audience in the most creative and aesthetically pleasing ways! Here at Bright Age, we understand how important brand image is. Because of Pinterest’s unique website design, businesses can pick and choose what images they want to display on their account to create an aesthetically pleasing theme. This helps businesses visually appeal to their consumer base while also providing information about the business. As a leading Pinterest marketing agency, we have a few tricks up our sleeve to help you navigate Pinterest to boost your business to success. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons why we love using this social platform!

Create a Business Account

Pinterest currently has 459 million monthly active users. This means there is a lot of potential for your brand to become recognized by creating a Pinterest business account. A business account differs from the typical Pinterest account because there are a few features regular users don’t have access to. Particularly, your business will gain access to Pinterest Insights which are all of the analytics behind your content. This information is crucial for a business in understanding what their consumers like to see. These analytics will provide you with information such as data about your Pinterest performance, traffic on your business account, and specific details such as the number of views your pins are receiving.

Pinterest marketing agency business account

Creating a Pinterest business account is the first step in successfully ensuring that you are on the right track to promoting your brand. The information that you gather from Pinterest Insights can help you determine the best content to post on your business account, ultimately helping your business increase engagement to drive more traffic to your profile.

Power of Advertisements

Once you have your Pinterest business account all set up and ready to go, check out the advertising opportunities that are now available to you. After you start running a few ads, users interested in similar industries or categories related to your business will start seeing your advertisements. This helps to increase your brand’s visibility and ultimately provides the potential for a larger consumer base.

Screenshot of Pinterest marketing agency account

Pinterest is one of the best places to market your business as over 85% of users have purchased items based on the brands they view on the social media platform. Running ads helps your business stand out on the platform, helping you reach a wide variety of users that could one day become loyal consumers of your brand.

Research Trends

One of the best ways to market your business on Pinterest is by making sure the content you are posting is what your consumers want to see. Pinterest makes this easy by including a list of categories related to what you typically search for on your account. For instance, if you have a clothing business, then most likely you will see a list of fashion-related categories when you go to type something into the search bar. You can then sift through these categories and see if there are any new and emerging trends to keep an eye out for. This will help you understand what people are currently interested in so you have a better idea of the content that will attract a wide audience.

Personal Pinterest marketing agency categories

As a Pinterest marketing agency, social media experts here at Bright Age are always keeping tabs on emerging trends. We understand how important it is to research current trends so we can have a better understanding of the content to post to our social media platforms. This helps us reach a wide audience and increase our visibility to ensure we are meeting our marketing goals. Overall, Pinterest offers great exposure from a marketing perspective. Businesses are given the opportunity to thrive on the aesthetically pleasing social media platform when using a business account by tracking analytics, running advertisements, and continuing to research emerging trends. Social media experts here at Bright Age understand that getting started on a Pinterest business account may seem a bit daunting, so feel free to contact us about managing your social media presence!