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How to Make your Writing Catchy

Whether you are writing an Instagram caption, a blog article, or a brand-new slogan for your company, your copy should capture your audience’s attention. B2C marketing (business-to-consumer) interacts directly with the customers, which requires eye-catching, digestible content for people browsing their phone or computer. This not only comes across in your company’s products and purpose, but the way you communicate it. Here are a few tips to make your company’s writing catchier.Photo of someone typing on a computer to show writing abilities and services of a content marketing agency

Tone and Word Choice

Your writing should implement an engaging tone that matches your business’s brand identity. For instance, if your brand is sophisticated, make sure that personality is consistent across social media and blog posts. Consider the desires and needs of your consumers, as well as what kind of language they use in everyday life. One way to establish a consistent writing tone is to think of fresh words that make your content more interesting. This is evident in Nike’s Instagram post about two runners in Thailand.

Screenshot of Nike Instagram post about two runners from Thailand to show example of good tone written by a content marketing agency

Rather than simply getting the message across, this post purposefully uses words such as superstars and crazy dream to create a dramatic tone that fits Nike’s fierce brand personality. Like Nike’s post, B2C marketing should appeal to the emotion of consumers by creating a unique tone. The post also uses a number of terms that specifically relate to Nike’s products, such as marathon, finish line, and run. Don’t be afraid to pull out a thesaurus if you are stuck and need some inspiration for new words. At the same time, be wary of going overboard and making your writing too technical. A content marketing agency like Bright Age can help you keep an interesting yet casual tone that attracts consumers to the words on-screen.


Even great writers fall into wordiness that cheapens the quality of their content. The overall structure of your writing affects how consumers view your brand, which goes beyond tone and word choice. To make your writing as catchy as possible, cut out wordiness wherever possible. For instance, avoid lengthy and unnecessary phrases like It is very evident that…. Instead, dive right into the point without any introductory phrase. If you must, use a simpler phrase like This shows…. Since B2C marketing needs to grab attention quickly, your writing should get to the point without talking in long, confusing sentences.

Picture of coffee and journal to illustrate how a content marketing agency can help with wordiness and organization

Engage with the Audience

Certain language choices can help you engage more directly with your audience. For instance, active voice effectively urges consumers to take action, while also focusing on the subject and remaining concise. Also consider using the word you rather than my. Sprout Social quoted a study that found using your instead of my can generate 90% more clicks. This pronoun change creates a personal connection that engages the reader on a more emotional level.

Content Still Matters

No matter how catchy your writing style is, no one wants to read dull content. Search for a unique or unexpected angle to advertise your products. Interesting content looks different across certain platforms, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the style and expectations of a specific social media post, blog, or infographic.

In particular, social media content should look different depending on the platform. Twitter’s concise wording, for instance, will contrast with Instagram’s picture-based content. Consider asking questions on social media to encourage user interaction, as well as incorporating a call-to-action in each post that points towards your website or product. Blog articles are much longer, which leaves room for details. Include a gripping lead and be sure to remain focused throughout the article to avoid rambling. Try outlining your work beforehandto keep a clear direction for your article. Short copy – slogans, banner ads, or a call-to-action – needs to be as succinct as possible, while also capturing people’s attention. This Galaxy Theatres Instagram post is a great example of short copy over an infographic, complemented by a longer social media caption.

Galaxy Theatres Instagram screenshot of Valentine's Day post to show example of content marketing agency capabilities

Interesting copy is crucial for marketing success. Catchy writing focuses on creating a unique tone, minimizing wordiness, and creating relevant content. A content marketing agency like Bright Age can offer all the help you need to improve the quality of your writing and expand your viewership.