How to Personalize Social Media Marketing for Your Tailored Audience

Although customer service has traditionally been associated with in-person encounters, such as the checkout line or the tire shop, it has now moved to the digital realm. Brands must now excel in online customer service, emphasizing punctuality with responses within the hour and crafting unique replies for each consumer query.

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Social media provides many opportunities to personalize advertised content to consumers. The key is to tap into this in a way that appeals to a specific audience. Ultimately, consumers will gravitate towards brands that demonstrate genuine connection and care for their needs and preferences. Addressing their unique needs through personalized engagement and content is the first step in achieving a genuine connection to your audience.

Customers want to be heard. Most consumers agree that brands are most memorable when attentive and responding to customers. However, not just any response will cut it. Consumers appreciate any extra measures brands take to enhance their experience. To deliver a truly exceptional customer experience, dig deeper to understand your audience’s needs and preferences. Get your customer insights and data ducks in a row. Leave room for testing new ideas and iterating. These are crucial steps toward nurturing your brand’s competitive edge and crafting a seamless, cohesive journey that delights your audience at every touchpoint.

As revealed in Salesforce’s in-depth State of the Connected Consumer study, 73% of consumers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations. Learning more about your target audience, such as what they like on social media, their interests, content preferences, who they follow, and what stage of the buying process they’re in, will all help create a personalized social media marketing strategy.

Starbucks is a leader in creating a personalized marketing strategy for its costumers. If someone continuously orders a caramel macchiato, there will be a personalized deal for them on their Starbucks app: “Order this drink 5 times by 7/1 and get your 6th one free.” To promote these personalized offers even further, Starbucks will share deals on their social channels and create targeted ad campaigns to entice repeat customers. This concept also has great delivery; users get notifications from their Starbucks app that mimic a text from a friend or a social media notification. Their Instagram is the same way: casual and conversational, giving it a personal feel.

personalized social media marketing - Starbacks

To reach younger generations, te use f relevant and trendy copywriting is extremely valuable. This doesn’t mean throwing in text acronyms like ‘LOL’ or ‘OMG.’ Leaning into specific and niche formats of trending jokes and bits can be used for personalized social media marketing. Liquid I.V. utilizes this popular formula often, one instagram post states, “We’re Liquid I.V. OF COURSE we’re going to make you pee every 30 minutes.” This sentence makes sense to all viewers, even if they do not get the joke. However, the post is ten times cleverer and more relevant to those who are “in the know” about this trend on TikTok. Regardless of the consumer’s knowledge, it still portrays a clear message of what their product does casually and humorously. However, for the younger viewers who get the joke, this post will leave them feeling more connected to the brand and more likely to think about it again the next time they see this format of a joke/meme on their feed.

Vital Protein targets a specific audience and age group quite literally. One Instagram post states, “If you’ve ever been personally victimized by another generation calling you out for wearing your ankle socks proudly, please raise your hand. Our millennial (and over) support group is officially open in the comments section below. #collagen #anklesocks #millennials #genz #millennial #genx.” This explicitly calls out a specific group of people, so they are guaranteed to relate and connect with the content and maybe even share it with a friend.

personalized social media marketing

Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram offer powerful tools for businesses to tailor ads based on factors like user interests and online behavior. Many people, especially the younger generation, are inclined to scroll on social media between daily tasks. A magazine may not always be accessible, but social media on their phone is. As we know, Instagram is used by many folks in various places, such as waiting rooms, bus stops, or kitchens, waiting for coffee to finish brewing. This provides an ample amount of time to reach target audiences. By crafting content that speaks directly to your niche audience and delivering it straight to their content feeds, you can build experiences that resonate and stick with each user. Bright Age social media tailors elements such as visuals and copywriting to appeal to our audience. All text is intentional and personalized to connect to our audience and make a lasting impact.

While text is crucial, visual appeal is arguably just as important. Social media and digital content must appear as something people are inclined to click. Well-organized, concise, attention-grabbing, and aesthetically pleasing. Bright Age employs very organized, accessible designs on our website and social media to ensure that clients and potential clients quickly find their needs. “Our services” is listed, followed by each service we offer with a clever symbol and a concise description. You can increase engagement and audience retention by better understanding how to personalize your content to your viewers.

By tailoring content to your viewers’ interests and preferences and keeping their experience on your site easy and pleasurable, you’re more likely to capture and maintain their attention. It can be difficult to establish how to appeal to a niche target audience, but partnering with a specialized social media agency such as BrightAge can enhance your brand’s ability to create targeted, personalized marketing campaigns for your specific audience demographic.